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(Offre en anglais ) ONU Femmes lance un appel à proposition concernant l’enquête internationale IMAGES (International Men and Gender Equality Survey) Retour vers les opportunités


04 Novembre 2019 Il y a 5 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Droits de l’Homme et 2 autre(s) domaines


UN Women is looking to partner with one or more research groups in Tunisia to conduct an IMAGES MENA household survey and companion qualitative research. The International Men and Gender Equality Survey, Middle East and North Africa (IMAGES MENA), is a ground-breaking collaboration between SIDA, UN Women, Promundo and local research partners to understand how men are responding to gender equality and how men can be engaged in empowering women. Consisting of a household survey and companion qualitative research, IMAGES MENA has been conducted with more than 12,000 men and women in five countries across the Arab region (Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait, Morocco and Palestine). In collaboration with Promundo, UN Women plans to implement IMAGES MENA in Tunisia. UNWOMEN invites qualified parties to submit Technical and Financial Proposals to provide services associated with the UN WOMEN requirement for Responsible Party (Non-Governmental Organization, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and Academic Organizations). The selected partner will be tasked with helping to adapt, and pilot, the IMAGES MENA questionnaire in-country, as well as conducting the household survey with a minimum of 1,200 men and 1,200 women in nationally representative samples of the population. Depending on the competencies of the quantitative research partner, the same group or a second research entity will be contracted to conduct qualitative research (focus groups and individual interviews) to elaborate upon and further elucidate key issues related to gender roles and rights raised in the household questionnaire.


  • UNWOMEN invites qualified parties to submit Technical and Financial Proposals to provide services associated with the UN WOMEN requirement for Responsible Party (NonGovernmental Organization, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and Academic Organizations).
  • A description of the services required is described in CFP Section 4 -Terms of Reference.
  • UNWOMEN may, at its discretion, cancel the services in part or in whole.
  • Proponents may withdraw the proposal after submission, provided that written notice of withdrawal is received by UN WOMEN prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of proposals. No proposal may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of proposal. No proposal may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of proposals and the expiration of the period of proposal validity.
  • All proposals shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period of 90 calendar days after the date specified for receipt of proposals. A proposal valid for a shorter period may be rejected. In exceptional circumstances, UNWOMEN may solicit the proponent’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing.
  •  Effective with the release of this CFP, all communications must be directed only to UNWOMEN Tunisia, by email at roas.cfp@unwomen.org. Proponents must not communicate with any other personnel of UNWOMEN regarding this CFP.

for further details  please visit : link

Critères d'éligibilité

  • sufficient experience, the financial strength and stability
  • the demonstrable technical knowledge
  • the evident capacity to satisfy UNWOMEN requirements and superior customer references for supplying the services envisioned in this CFP will qualify for further consideration
  • Confirm that the services being requested are part of the key services that the proponent has been performing as an organization. This must be supported by a list of at least two customer references for which similar service is currently or has been provided by the proponent
  • . Confirm proponent is duly registered or has the legal basis/mandate as an organization
  • Confirm proponent as an organization has been in operation for at least five (5) years
  • Confirm proponent has a permanent office within the location area.
  • Proponent must agree to a site visit at a customer location in the location or area with a similar scope of work as the one described in this CFP.
  • Confirm that proponent has not been the subject of a finding of fraud or any other relevant misconduct following an investigation conducted by UN Women or another United Nations entity. The Proponent must indicate if it is currently under investigation for fraud or any other relevant misconduct by UN Women or another United Nations entity and provide details of any such investigation
  • Confirm that proponent has not been placed on any relevant sanctions list including as a minimum the Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List(s)

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 18 octobre 2019

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