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(Offre en anglais) The Pragma Corporation recrute un Administrative, Finance and Human resources assistant Retour vers les opportunités


23 Mars 2018 Il y a 7 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social

The Pragma Corporation is an international development firm headquartered in the Washington DC area. With more than a quarter century of development experience in 75 countries, involving more than 600 projects, we provide expert technical and management consulting services to such donor organizations as the United States Agency for International Development, the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank. Our areas of specialization include Small and Medium Enterprise Development; Accounting Reform, Training, and Examination; Regulatory Reform and Business Environment Improvement; Agribusiness Development; Capital and Financial Market Development; WTO Accession; Customs Reform and Cross-Border Trade; and Regional Trade Promotion.

Administrative tasks:

Undertake administrative duties such as:

  • Maintain electronic filing system, including scanning and filling.
  • Check requests and post documents on SharePoint
  • Monitor the logistic, expatriate’s accommodation and travels with direct coordination with the HO.
  • Coordinate with security manager on the safety and security measures before / after and during the business trips and maintain an automatic system of fuel and GPS tracking.
  • Optimization of the travel expenses and ensure the best use of the project’s vehicles and others (Extra drivers & cars renting for out of town trips, cabs as additional transport mean for the regional trips …)

HR tasks:

  • Maintain health insurance follow-up
  • Maintain staff sickness, absence and vacation records.
  • Assist and support the Office Director with HR records and data and offer an effective administrative support service, ensuring confidentiality at all times.
  • Provide regular HR reports as directed.

Finance & procurement tasks:

  • Procurement & optimization of procurement through the application of a purchase requisition system
  • Maintain the procurement process application and insure an optimization of the expenses even before the realization of the expense.
  • Maintain and survey of the estimated budget & realization of the major events expenses.
  • Maintain good communication for better deal with suppliers and work on the cost saving during the execution of the project.
  • To provide support to the Office Director in relation to the scheduling of forecast and actual disbursements of payments
  • Maintain the technical and finance follow up of the technical realization in accordance to the action plan technical and finance schedule
  • Undertake the efficient and accurate preparation of specified financial dashboard: input and maintenance of data
  • Maintain the petty cash typing and back up.
  • Maintain accurate information and data into the financial systems operated by the company in accordance with agreed procedures and regulations.
  • Coordinate with the accountant and the IT specialist on the realization of the project’s inventory.
  • Maintain other duties as assigned.

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Sofiene Manai


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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 15 mars 2018

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