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(Offre en anglais) Oxfam recrute un Media & Communications Officer Retour vers les opportunités


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17 Septembre 2017 Il y a 7 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Oxfam’s vision is a just world without poverty: a world in which people can influence decisions that affect their lives, enjoy their rights, and assume their responsibilities as full citizens of a world in which all human beings are valued and treated equally.


Team purpose

This position has the overall responsibility to lead and coordinate the media and communication functions for Oxfam’s work on Egypt related to Oxfam’s branding, programming and advocacy work in the country.


Post Conditions

Type of contract: Fixed term contract

Contract Duration: One year (renewable depending on staff performance and project funding)

Working hours: Full time (40hours/week)

Location: Based in Tunis, Tunisia

Salary & Conditions: Local Contract; according to Oxfam Salary scale and HR policy and conditions in Tunisia

Starting date: As soon as possible.

Reporting to: Advocacy and Influencing Coordinator

Staff reporting to this position: n/a


Job Purpose – Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities

  • To develop, on the basis of the Oxfam international media strategy and knowledge of relevant local and international developments, and in consultation with other Oxfam affiliates, the Oxfam media policy, strategies and action plans for Egypt and specific media and communication products;
  • To advice Country Director and relevant staff on media and communication work, assist in drafting talking points and other materials to the media;
  • To proactively identify, meet, establish and cultivate relationships with key local and international media and other relevant external contacts, and compile and maintain contacts and general data bases;
  • To contribute to achieving quality, efficiency and impact of the Oxfam media and communication efforts in the Egypt, taking into consideration potential Oxfam brand risks;
  • To write press releases, statements, stories, and other media/communications material for public use;
  • To provide creative insight to identify and seize viable media angles and opportunities;
  • To review and verify facts in policy and media documents produced by Oxfam affiliates as needed;
  • In close coordination with the Programs team, to support the development of the necessary media and communication materials, talking points and other relevant communications material.
  • In close coordination with the Business Development and Funding Coordinator and Programs Leads, to contribute to the preparing of specific reports, impact stories, articles, photos and other visibility materials on Oxfam activities in Egypt;
  • To lead and coordinate the updating and management of content in both English and Arabic on the Oxfam Egypt Country profile on the website, as well as other social media accounts.
  • To facilitate the ability of Oxfam’s partners to work effectively with the media and communication, by organizing capacity building, strategy and information sharing sessions, as well as giving support when needed, in developing their communication plans and communication materials;
  • To ensure/contribute to the production of monthly newsletters to inform relevant Oxfam structures of all relevant aspects of Oxfam work in Egypt as well as briefings on the current context within which the Oxfam programme is working;
  • To ensure updated information and knowledge on the latest developments in the country related to the development context and provide periodical progress reports of the international and national Oxfam media and advocacy work and others as required;
  • To ensure/contribute to the production of accurate and timely reports of Oxfam Egypt; and to ensure various data, policy and media documents are archived appropriately.


This job description may be modified in accordance with the activities or the evolution of operational needs.


Oxfam is an equal opportunity organization

Critères d'éligibilité

  • University degree in a relevant field (media and communication, social sciences, political sciences)- Masters degree in relevant field is desirable;
  • A minimum of five years experience in a similarly demanding media or communications position, preferably in a related field;
  • Experience in drafting and executing media and communications strategies and materials to the press;
  • Flawless communication and writing skills and the ability to read/write/speak in English and Arabic;
  • Established experience in relation to working with local, regional and international media outlets, as well as representing an organization to external actors;
  • Strong understanding of the region, and Egypt in particular, and ability to analyze patterns and trends in relation to political and other developments in the country;
  • Strong communication and influencing skills, with proven ability to build relationships with a diverse range of local, national and global stakeholders;
  • Ability to work under pressure, prioritize, meet deadlines, and hold self and others to account;
  • A history of creativity-driven work that values taking initiative and collaborative action as well as the ability to work autonomously with appropriate supervision;
  • Knowledge of—and commitment to—international development and a strong understanding of Oxfam’s mission and vision;
  • Excellent critical thinking and analytical, writing and reporting skills;
  • Sound experience in capacity building and good facilitation skills;
  • Good experience and knowledge in monitoring and evaluation.

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 12 septembre 2017

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