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(Offre en anglais) Le Maghreb Economic Forum (MEF) lance un appel à candidatures pour le “Professional Fellows Progam” Retour vers les opportunités

Maghreb Economic Forum

Lance   Appel à candidatures, Appel à volontaires


01 Décembre 2018 Il y a 6 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Legacy International is a U.S. based, non-governmental organization that equips emerging leaders to transform their values and vision into sustainable success.  Learn more at www.legacyintl.org

The Professional Fellows Program: is sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and administered by Legacy International with assistance from partners in the United Stated and  the MENA region.

Apply to become a Professional Fellow in the Economic Empowerment Program and travel to the United States for 6 weeks inspring 2019!


Who Should Apply?

Fellows will come from a variety of professional backgrounds, including:
  • Entrepreneurs and social innovators
  • Small & medium business owners and managers who are investing in innovative socially conscious products and programs.
  • Individuals working in civil Society/NGOs dedicated to workforce training and development, increasing the role of marginalized populations in the economy, building financial literacy, training in technology and other efforts.
  • Individuals working at Universityincubators, accelerators, and job-readiness programs, or economic development.
  • Individuals working in government agencies/ministries, national policy offices, think tanks, and economic development.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need to pay for the program? What are the costs?

If you are selected as a finalist, Legacy International and the Department of State will cover all costs associated with your international travel, visa, and basic living costs in the US. There are no costs to Fellows.

Am I eligible to apply?

Please see eligibility requirements  and  the application at http://www.legacyintl.org/pfp. These are firm requirementsand no exceptions will be made.

Where will I live?

For the first week (7 nights) of the program you will stay with an American host family. Weeks 2-6 you will stay in furnished double-occupancy apartments and a hotel. Fellows share a room, two people per room.  In all cases housing is gender separate.

Where will the program take place?

All fellows will arrive and depart from Washington, D.C.   The first week of the program will take place in rural Virginia (4 hours south of Washington, D.C.).  In the second week of the program you will return to Washington, D.C. for the month-long fellowship and Professional Fellows Congress.

When will the program take place?

Spring program dates are 20 Aprilto 1 June 2019.

More answers to Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our website: http://www.legacyintl.org/pfp/program-info/faqs/

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Currently employed
  • 25-40 years old
  • A current citizen and resident of: Morocco or Tunisia
  • Speak fluent English
  • Demonstrate initiative, openness and flexibility
  • Have at least two years’work experience in your field
  • Have strong leadership skills and commitment to community
  • Be able to convene 25 or more colleagues for post-trip briefings, presentations, and project work

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Appel à candidatures Appel à volontaires Publié sur Jamaity le 30 October 2018

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