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(Offre en anglais) Young Leaders Entrepreneurs recrute Communication and Marketing Intern Retour vers les opportunités

Young Leaders Entrepreneurs

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22 Septembre 2016 Il y a 8 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

About the Young Leaders Entrepreneurs organization:

This association aims to empower youth in the field of leadership and entrepreneurship in dismissed regions forgotten in the process of development by previous policies . We work on arranging panels , summits, and events that integrate youth in the democracy transition focusing on making them familiar with the concepts of citizenship and how to master the art of communication in a democratic atmosphere. The other major goal is to motivate the most gifted powerful young leaders in Tunisia to reinforce their skills and potentials through intensive workshops and exhibitions in science ,business, and ventures. we work as well within the vision of “fair welfare “ that tends to create a better standard of life based on offering well-targeted projects that try not only to ameliorate the situations and life conditions of many needy people but also to make them learn how to rely on themselves and rebuild their lives and social conditions by supporting their initiatives.through ABCD and citizenship-driven-community theories .We support Women ,minorities,and vulnerabilities thanks to a variety of mentorship programs ,boot camps ,hackathons and summer schools.

Assist with development of creative concepts and marketing strategies for promoting the work of Young Leaders Entrepreneurs Design graphics, translate, create concepts into print, online, and other collateral materials.

Develop content for promotional materials including direct mail pieces, print and electronic newsletters, website and social media stories, media releases, and other materials as needed.

Assist with copyediting for the various promotional materials defined above.

Job Description

Young Leaders Entrepreneurs is seeking a Marketing & Communications Intern to assist in the development of a promotional program for its running projects. The projects are designed to promote entrepreneurship ,job hunting, and countering violent extremism. The projects will be launched on September 15th and continue through the end of 2016-2017. The intern will report directly to the President and also work closely with a project team that includes other staff, board members, and other volunteers. Duration: The bulk of work will be completed between October 2016 and August 2017. Opportunity to extend. Hours: 10 to 20 hours per week. Typically 2 to 3 days per week. Schedule negotiable. Compensation: Internship position is compensated.


  • Build your portfolio of work and establish employment reference from a well-known NGO
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Be part of one of a diverse work team
  • Help meet an important community need.
  • Graphic Design and Video Making skills


Critères d'éligibilité

  • Excellent written communication skills English-French-Arabic
  • Strong creativity Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
  • Strong attention to details

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Offre de stage Publié sur Jamaity le 20 septembre 2016

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