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(offre en Anglais) AMIDEAST is sponsoring a 48-hour English conversation course Retour vers les opportunités


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22 Septembre 2017 Il y a 7 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Echanges culturels et 4 autre(s) domaines

Are you involved in governance or democracy-building in Tunisia today?Would improving your English language skills help you in your work?

Are you interested in improving your English speaking, reading, and debate skills through discussions on issues of democracy and governance with fellow Tunisians in these fields?

The U.S. Embassy in Tunis is sponsoring a 48-hour English conversation course for journalists, civil servants, elected officials, and civil society leaders at AMIDEAST Tunis starting in October 2017. This free conversation course will help government and civil society leaders to improve their professional and persuasive English skills through informed discussions about American government, politics, economics, society, and other topics that will help them build the high-level English vocabulary and advanced grammar structures they need in their work on similar topics here in Tunisia.

AMIDEAST will hold a special English conversation course for 12 individuals, a mix between journalists.The class will meet twice a week for 3 months .


All journalists, government officials, and civil society leaders are encouraged to apply!


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Annie Stetler

Program Operations Coordinator

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Offre de formation Publié sur Jamaity le 11 septembre 2017

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