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(Offre en Anglais) UNHCR lance un appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour un projet en Psychosocial support Retour vers les opportunités


12 Mai 2017 Il y a 8 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Médenine et 2 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Droits de l’Homme et 2 autre(s) domaines

As part of UNHCR Policy on selection and retention of partners for project partnership agreements, UNHCR Tunisia is publishing a Call for expression of interest to select partners for the following project:


Project title and Identification: Psychosocial support

Project Location: Tunis, Zarzis, Medenine, Sfax

Brief Background of the Project: UNHCR will provide a psychosocial support component in the project that will also be linked to livelihoods initiative. Psychosocial support will work towards treating causes that are preventing PoC from becoming self-reliant, and healthier. And towards removing them from a culture of dependence. The partner will work with PoC either on a case-by-case basis or through focus groups.

Goal/Objective, Expected Outcome and Main Activities: Psychosocial activities will be as follows: 1) counseling with a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist, 2) visits to adequate centers, and 3) small group sessions if needed.

Intended Population of Concern: Refugees (Syrian and non-Syrian population)

Project Period [estimated start and end dates of project]: 1st June 2017 – 31st December 2017

Submission Deadline: 12 May 2017

Date Decision Results to be Communicated to Applicants: 26 May 2017

Selection Criteria

Criteria Description: Sector expertise and experience – the required specific skills, sector specialists, knowledge and human resources. Assigned Weighting: 40%

Criteria Description: Project management – ability to deliver project objectives, accountability mechanisms and sound financial management, taking into account the audit results of the previous UNHCR-funded projects, past performance and the external audit of partners’ financial statements, where applicable. Assigned Weighting: 20%

Criteria Description: Local experience and presence – ongoing programme in the area of operation; local knowledge; engaging refugees and other persons of concern; trust from local communities; local presence; partner policy on community relations; complaint mechanisms for persons of concern; self-organized groups of persons of concern; and other factors that would facilitate access to and better understanding of the persons of concern and that would reduce administrative difficulties. Assigned Weighting: 15%

Criteria Description: Contribution of resources – evidenced and documented contribution of resources to the Project in cash or in-kind (e.g. human resources, supplies and/or equipment) by the partner that are presently available (or potentially mobilized by the partner) in order to supplement UNHCR resources. Assigned Weighting: 5%

Criteria Description: Cost effectiveness – level of direct costs and administrative costs imposed on the Project in relation to project deliverables. Assigned Weighting: 15%

Criteria Description: Experience working with UNHCR – global and/or local partnerships including knowledge of UNHCR policies, practices and programmes, including an understanding of and ability to work within UNHCR’s funding limitations and associated inherent risks. Partners that have three consecutive qualified audit opinions for UNHCR-funded projects may not be considered. Assigned Weighting: 5%

Other: as required by the UNHCR Office for any specific project

Here attached the Call for expression of interest-Project Psychosocial support

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Mazin Abushanab

UNHCR Tunis Office - 20, rue des lacs Mazouries, les Berges du lac1

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