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(Offre en anglais) Première Urgence Internationale lance un appel à candidature pour un Administrative and Financial Coordinator Libya based in Tunis Retour vers les opportunités


31 Mai 2017 Il y a 8 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Aide humanitaire


Preliminary Job Information


Country & Base of posting: LIBYA BASED IN TUNIS (TUNISIA)


Duration of Mission: 3 Months


General Information on the Mission


Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization.

Our teams are committed to supporting civilians’ victims of marginalization and exclusion, or hit by natural disasters, wars and economic collapses, by answering their fundamental needs. Our aim is to provide emergency relief to uprooted people in order to help them recover their dignity and regain self-sufficiency. The association leads in average 190 projects by year in the following sectors of intervention: food security, health, nutrition, construction and rehabilitation of infrastructures, water, sanitation, hygiene and economic recovery. PUI is providing assistance to around 5 million people in 20 countries – in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Eastern Europe and France.

Crisis context

Libya’s political transition has been disrupted by armed non-state groups and threatened by the indecision and infighting of interim leaders. After an armed uprising ended the 40-plus year rule of Muammar al Qadhafi in late 2011, interim authorities proved unable to form a stable government, address pressing security issues, reshape the country’s public finances, or create a viable framework for post-conflict justice and reconciliation.

In 2016, continued political instability and ongoing armed conflict in Libya has led to deteriorating living conditions and reduced access to essential services for a significant part of the country. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) remain one of the most vulnerable population groups as they seek out temporary shelter and scarce livelihood opportunities in urban centres, many without access to basic services.

The power vacuum that gave way to the rise of armed groups in Libya, and the ongoing violence has caused thousands more Libyans to flee their homes in search of protection and assistance. In February 2016, while the political situation in Libya remains tumultuous, new patterns of displacement are occurring, with a growing trend of return reported in the East.

Over 735 000 people in Libya have been forcibly displaced, almost doubling the number reported in 2015. Humanitarian organizations face serious difficulties to reach communities and vulnerable IDP families affected by the ongoing violence in the country.

Health and protection needs of the affected population stand out in terms of scope, scale and severity. This is the result of major shortages of essential medicines and a debilitated primary healthcare system, which have led to an increase in serious illnesses and disease. The conflict has restricted access to basic services, led to forced displacement and impacted people’s safety and security. The displaced are the most vulnerable due to limited coping capacity and loss of assets, particularly displaced women, children, the elderly and those with low economic means. Refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants are also considered some of the most vulnerable, due to their exposed risk to discrimination and exploitation based on their status. According to OCHA, the most severe needs in terms of geographic areas are those of affected people in the east and south of the country.

The worsening economic situation and political crises have exacerbated the vulnerability of the people in Libya, where the main source of household income remains salaries from the state. In the preliminary findings of the MSNA conducted by UN agencies, 71 per cent of households reported that their incomes have either remained the same or decreased. Given the protracted nature of the current crisis, the primary objective is to improve resilience of affected communities. This entails building capacity at national and local levels to generate the evidence base needed to monitor the impacts of crisis, to plan key interventions as needed to address humanitarian and early recovery priorities, and to support the recovery of local economies and rehabilitation of critical damaged infrastructures and public services.

The Libya Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) is based on a number of needs assessments conducted in 2016, including the UN interagency Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA), sector needs and gap analysis based on information from ongoing humanitarian operations in Libya and available secondary sources. In areas where conflict and insecurity impeded access to affected people, there are some significant gaps in information in terms of the scale and scope of humanitarian needs. There are also information gaps for some of the sectors, especially where national information collection and reporting systems are weak, such as for protection. (OCHA)

Due to the security context, the majority of the humanitarian intervention in Libya are being managed remotely from Tunis.

PUI’s strategy/position in the country

In light with the humanitarian situation described above, Premiere Urgence Internationale is preparing a first intervention in Libya, focusing in Benghazi area, in partnership with a local NGO, Libyan Psychological Association (LAPS), on health activities. This intervention should also include a partnership with LibAid, a Libyan organization in charge on the humanitarian intervention. This project would be the first intervention of PUI in the country and would ensure the opening of PUI mission in Libya.

Following several exploratory mission and results of an MHPSS assessment conducted by LAPS, PUI is launching a health intervention in Benghazi which aims to improve access to quality healthcare for population affected by the ongoing conflict in Benghazi and its surroundings. The main objective is the reduction of morbidity and mortality among conflict affected populations in Libya.

The project aims at providing an emergency response to the accurate needs for primary health care services in Eastern region of Libya.

Targeted as a priority for the humanitarian community by the latest HRP designed in October, the health system has completely collapsed in Libya. This project aims at :

  • improve access to primary health care through mobile health care clinics, including mental health and psychosocial support interventions, information and guidance on local services, including referral where necessary,
  • support to improve personal health care behaviors for existing displaced populations by reinforcement of community prevention, information and communication
  • Improve emergency response to new large scale displacement by supporting the creation and the strengthening of an early warning system to develop coordination and cooperation with local actors and relevant authorities to ensure a timely comprehensive response in case of population displacement.

This intervention has been designed thanks to the conduction of a workshop with both LibAid and LAPS that has been organized in Tunis from 13th to 14th of October 2016.

Due to the security situation, as most of the intervention, this program should be managed remotely from Tunis with potential visit in Libya depending on security clearance. Following the evolution of the context, the remote management could be reduced. Due to this context, a priority should be given to the recruitment and the training of the national staff who would implement the project in the field.

Configuration of the mission

BUDGET FORECAST 2017: 750 000€






ACTIVITY SECTORS: Health and Psychosocial support

EXPATRIATE TEAM ON-SITE: Head of mission, Medical coordinator, Log coordinator and admin / fin coordinator.


Job Description

Overall objective

The Administrative and Financial Coordinator is accountable for the sound financial, accounting and budgetary management of the mission as well as the management of human resources and the administrative and legal records.

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Financial, budgetary and accounting management: He/She is responsible for all aspects relating to finance, including budgetary and accounting elements, as well as the mission cash flow.
  • Management of human resources: He/She is responsible for the administrative management of the local and international teams, for the definition/updating of procedures and HR management tools in accordance with labor regulations in the intervention country and the HR policies of PUI, and for the monitoring of risks linked to HR questions.
  • Administrative and legal management: He/She supervises administrative records and guarantees that the status and functioning of the mission are in legal accordance with the requirements of the intervention country.
  • Representation: He/She represents the association in its relations with partners, authorities and different local players for the financial, administrative, legal and human resources areas of the mission.
  • Coordination: He/She centralizes and diffuses information within the mission and to headquarters for all financial, administrative, legal and human resources aspects of the mission, and consolidates the internal and external reporting for these domains.

Specific objectives and linked activities


  1. Financial
    • He/She elaborates and updates monitoring charts to ensure the financial equilibrium of the mission and prevent risks. He/She analyses financial information, and shares his/her conclusions with the coordination team, the base managers and the appropriate technical managers, as well as with the audit manager at headquarters.
    • He/She ensures the implementation and correct use of financial, accounting and budgetary procedures and management tools throughout the mission. He/She is responsible for briefing new expatriates and local employees on these rules and organizes ad hoc training when necessary.
    • He/She ensures, amongst other things, that expenditure procedures are respected and implements an internal control system. He/She also participates in the validation of procurement files.
    • He/She is responsible for financial audits on the mission and supervises the transmission to headquarters of the necessary documents and information within the framework of headquarters’ audits.
  2. Budgetary
    • He/She pilots the development of the mission budgetary framework for the year, and monitors/revises it at regular intervals, such as defined with the audit manager at headquarters.
    • He/She formulates project budgets within the framework of operations proposals (including budgetary narrative), respecting the procedures for each donor, in coordination with the coordination team and the appropriate field managers. He/She ensures therefore the cost coverage strictly linked to the proposed programs, but also to the fair distribution of mission operating costs throughout each project.
    • He/She prepares each month the budgetary monitoring for each project, which he/she communicates to the appropriate players in the mission and headquarters within 15 days following the end of the month, and analyses with them any discrepancies between forecast and actual figures.
    • He/She carries out budgetary projections at regular intervals in order to ensure the optimization of budgetary resources while respecting the eligibility and flexibility rules of each donor. He/She proposes where necessary budgetary adjustments, which could necessitate requests for contractual amendments. He/She takes into account the contractual timing required for presenting an amendment and ensures that all the documents are transmitted in due time to headquarters.
    • He/She ensures, throughout each project, that funds are correctly attributed, respecting the contractual framework in terms of eligibility rules (date, nature and procurement procedures) and reporting intervals.
    • He/She produces external financial reports for the donors that he/she transmits to the Head of Mission for transmission to headquarters with all the documents constituting the contractual report.
  3. Accounting
    • He/She supervises the accounting assignment of transactions, ensures that expenditure is correctly assigned and carries out the monthly accounting closure having carried out all the necessary controls. He/She then transmits the monthly accounts to headquarters in an electronic version as well as the paper accounting returns within 8 days following the end of the month.
    • He/She is responsible for the correct archiving of accounting documents according to the rules established by headquarters.
  4. Cash Flow
    • He/She establishes the provisional cash flow with the teams and transmits to headquarters requests for transfers. He/She ensures that the amount of cash flow for the mission is sufficient for the requirements in the field over the period, taking into account possible donor payments carried out locally in these transfer requests to headquarters.
    • He/She is responsible for the bank accounts and funds for which he/she regularly controls the balances, and he/she organizes fund movements to the mission permanently mindful of the security of the transferred and stocked funds.


  1. HR Policy
    • He/She produces and proposes possible updates to the HR policy in terms of rules, procedures and tools, relating to recruitment, remuneration, administrative management, disciplinary aspects and the management of individual career paths within the organization.
    • He/she guarantees the application of this policy, once validated by the Head of Mission and Headquarters, and consequently monitors that the rules and procedures are known, understood and applied by all team leaders, and that the team leaders have all the tools required for their application.
    • In particular, he/she participates in the production and/or updating of the internal rules of procedure and is responsible for their correct application.
  2. Administrative management, management of career paths
    • He/She participates in the validation of recruitment requests, contractual amendments (whatever the object: function, remuneration, hours, end date…), disciplinary sanctions and dismissal decisions.
    • He/She supervises the organization of recruitments (offer, candidates, and interviews) for his teams and can be called upon to participate for other departments.
    • He/She ensures the constitution of administrative files for the personnel, and monitors that employee documents are in accordance with working for PUI in the country.
    • He/She establishes personnel work contracts.
    • He/She defines the procedures and produces necessary integration supports for new employees.
    • He/She elaborates the remuneration grids (fixed and variable elements), defines the complementary advantage packages (compulsory or not: medical cover, per diem, insurance, travel expenses…) and ensures their implementation, once validated by the Head of Mission and Headquarters.
    • He/She supervises pay operations.
    • He/She monitors absences and particularly vacations.
    • He/She monitors the smooth running of the evaluation process for all the employees of the mission.
    • He/She identifies training needs and participates in making them materially possible.
    • He/She organizes and manages sanitary and medical repatriations in case of work related accidents with the field medical coordinator (if necessary) and the headquarters medical manager.
    • He/She responds to requests from team leaders, advises them and accompanies them where necessary.
  3. Organization of work
    • He/She participates in the elaboration of staffing organization charts, is attentive to the coherence of team composition, in terms of task sharing and responsibilities, definition of hierarchical and functional links, job titles.
    • He/She elaborates the job classification grid, updating it when necessary, and monitors its strict application in the field.
    • He/She participates in the elaboration of job descriptions and validates them according to the classification grid.
    • He/She participates in the definition of Human Resources requirements within the framework of the drafting of project proposals and possible amendments.
  4. HR risk management
    • He/She monitors salary costs, carries out financial projections, anticipates and alerts if necessary.
    • He/She ensures that the HR rules and procedures are in accordance with current employment legislation, ensures social monitoring and carries out updates where necessary.
    • He/She is responsible for defining and implementing appropriate work conditions, in particular concerning health and safety rules.
    • He/She anticipates and prevents social conflicts and participates in crisis management where necessary. Conflict prevention may require the organization of a personnel representation system, if inexistent.
    • He/She is attentive to the risk of abuses of authority (between local employees or from expatriates towards local employees, in whatever form) and reports all inappropriate behavior to the Head of Mission.
    • He/She is responsible for managing the files for all the personnel (on staff or not), the updating of data and their physical and electronic archiving.


  • He/She ensures the constitution of administrative files for international personnel, their registration with local authorities and embassies, and monitors that expatriate documents are in accordance with working for PUI in the country.
  • He/She organizes and manages sanitary and medical repatriations with the field medical coordinator (if necessary) and the headquarters medical manager.
  • He/She supervises the organization of mission arrivals and departures (bookings, travel documents, transit, vacation requests, return sheet…) in coordination with the Head of Mission and headquarters.
  • He/She carries out the briefing for all expatriates arriving to the mission within his/her skill areas.
  • He/She participates in the definition of the monthly per diem amount and manages and/or delegates the per diem allocation and eventually salary advances in collaboration with headquarters.


  • In close collaboration with the logistic coordinator especially in charge of this component in Libya, He/She ensures the registration of PUI in the country and with the different State departments in Tunisia (Tax office, Immigration Authorities, National Insurance society, Planning Ministry…) respecting current administrative procedures, legal and fiscal requirements, and follow-up on the process in Libya.
  • He/She organizes the legal protection for the mission, in particular by identifying one or more local partners capable of providing the necessary advice (lawyer for example).
  • He/She participates in the drafting of contractual documents for the mission (with the authorities, NGO partners, suppliers, insurers, vehicle and rented property owners…) and ensures their monitoring.
  • He/She participates in the administrative and legal monitoring of projects, in particular the implementation of the supply chain.


  • He/She ensures an efficient circulation of information to field, capital and headquarters teams.
  • He/She drafts or participates in the drafting of internal activity reports for everything dealing with financial, budgetary, accounting, HR, administrative and legal management for the mission.
  • He/She ensures the administrative coordination at mission level by regular visits to the bases, controls, monitoring, training, etc…
  • Internally, he/she is the representative for PUI with the Personnel representative instances, either legally compulsory or not. He/She is also the representative for PUI for all the personnel for any question relating to Human Resources; as such, he/she ensures the communication of any decision or change in rules or procedures to the local teams and ensures that the necessary explanations are provided so that the appropriation is facilitated.
  • Externally, he/she represents PUI with the legal, fiscal and administrative authorities (Work inspectors, Tax office, collection organizations…). He/She develops and maintains relationships with partner entities, in particular within the NGO forum for coordination for everything dealing with administration, donors and human resources.


  • He/She supervises all the admin team, directly or not. He/She drafts and validates job descriptions and carries out or delegates performance appreciation interviews. He/She animates work meetings, arbitrates possible conflicts, and defines priorities and activity timings.
  • He/She participates in the recruitment of members of the admin team in close collaboration with the Deputy Head of Mission
  • He/She ensures and/or supervises continuous development training for procedures and tools of PUI for local and international members of the admin team, at the capital and on the bases.
  • He/She supports the Base Managers in their admin activities, in a functional and non-hierarchical relationship.
  • He/She elaborates the admin department action plan according to the objectives defined in the annual mission program.

Focus on 3 priority activities relating to the context of the mission

  • Opening of a new mission : as this intervention will be the first one for PUI in Libya, a major priority will be the implementation of admin / fin framework and procedures on the mission, and the developpement of a HR policy and framework
  • Cash management : due to the sensitive question of cash / liquidity in Libya and the on-going financial embargo, a specific attention should be given to the cash management and the security of the team, in close collaboration with the logistic coordinator and under the overall supervision of the head of mission
  • Training of the staff : due to the remote management, specific attention will be given to training of national staff on technics and procedures.

Team management

Number of people to manage and their position (expatriate/local staff)

  • Direct management: 1 national staff (admin / fin officer)
  • Indirect management: 0

Required Profile

Required knowledge and skills – DESIRABLE

  • Training in Project Management and Human Resources Management
  • Professional experience in Humanitarian and International fields
  • Knowledge of institutional donor procedures (OFDA, ECHO, AAP, UN agencies…)
  • Arabic language
  • Software “Saga”.

Required Personal Characteristics (fitting into the team, suitability for the job and assignment)

  • Good stress management
  • Resistance to pressure
  • Analytical capability
  • Organized and methodical
  • Reliable
  • Strong sense of responsibilities
  • Strong listening and empathy skills
  • Ability to adapt, manage priorities and be pragmatic
  • Diplomatic and with a sense of negotiation
  • Good communication skills
  • Honesty and rigor



EMPLOYED with a Fixed-Term Contract

Salary package

MONTHLY GROSS INCOME: from 2 200 up to 2 530 Euros depending on the experience in International Solidarity + 50 Euros per semester seniority with PUI

Costs covered

  • COST COVERED: Round-trip transportation to and from home / mission, visas, vaccines…
  • INSURANCE: including medical coverage and complementary healthcare, 24/24 assistance and repatriation
  • HOUSING: in collective accommodation
  • DAILY LIVING EXPENSES: (« Per diem »)
  • BREAK POLICY: 5 working days at 3 and 9 months
  • PAID LEAVE POLICY: 5 weeks of paid leaves per year + return ticket every 6 months.


Here the call: 20170127_LBY_JD_Admin-Co

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Financial/accounting management & Project management
  • Technical Professional experiences
  • French and English are required
  • Knowledge of the software Pack Office (Excel compulsory)

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 13 avril 2017

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