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(Offre en Anglais) iBuild Africa lance un appel à candidature pour le projet “Peace Not Pieces” Retour vers les opportunités


15 Mars 2017 Il y a 8 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Droits des genres et 1 autre(s) domaines

Peace Not Pieces – TUNISIA

Do you want to give a try to meditation and start a true change from within? Are you a young change maker who strives to address global issues in a creative and mindful way?


Presentation of iBuild Africa:

iBuild Africa is a youth-led equal-gendered movement that works to unite African young potentials to take action on the continent’s challenges.
We are using the power of internet and social media to build a network of young African leaders who are making informed decisions to challenge the stereotypes, break the cycle of violence,and contribute to the development of their communities.


Project context:

We live in a time where conquering and keeping sustainable peace appears to be a challenge that is hard to achieve. Constant conflicts occur at different scales in the continent, and the whole world, which inevitably obstructs attempts to establish peace processes.

Although living in peace is a common and widespread interest, it seems that we are increasingly unable to do so.
With a partnership between iBuild Africa, IREX, and World Peace Initiative, ‘Peace Not Pieces’ is a mini bootcamp that will gather youth from all backgrounds and social classes to get to know what is PIPO (Peace In Peace Out) and what are the mindful practices that can help them succeed life, mentally and physically. By developing personal skills, participants will learn to be less reactive to emotions, stress and challenging external environments and instead become proactive towards real and meaningful world change.

PNP’s aim is to unfold the vision of achieving World Peace through discovering and developing our inner peace. It will create a vibrant forum for dialogue on the role of youth in enhancing peace in Africa.

The event will take place in StartupHaus, Tunis from the 24th to the 25th of March 2017. Participants will be in charge of their own accommodation and transportation expenses.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Everyone is encouraged to apply.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 6 mars 2017

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