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Nour El Hayet lance un appel de candidature pour une mission d’Evaluation de Fin de Projet Concernant le Projet de Développement de la Jeunesse YDP عودة إلى الفرص

Association Nour el Hayet

يطلق   دعوة للترشّح

انتهاء الصلاحية

25 فيفري 2019 Il y a 6 years

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General Overview:

Project name :  Youth Development Project YDP

Implementer :  Nour El Hayet Association (NAH)- Tunisia  

Donor :   – Vision Hope International (VHI) – Germany   

                   -Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) – Germany

Project duration:  September 1st, 2016 – April 30th , 2019

Geographic scope : Great Tunis – Tunisia

Project  Objective(s) :Contribution to improving the social and economic situation of   disadvantaged people in Greater Tunis, Tunisia by promoting an inclusive society for disadvantaged young people.

Project Presentation :

The YDP project is an initiative of the local Tunisian association Nour al Hayet in partnership with the German INGO Vision Hope International (VHI) with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in Germany (BMZ). The goal of the project is to improve the social and economic situation of 820 disadvantaged youth (15-20 years) in the 4 governorates of the Great Tunis  by training them on the main life and employment skills they need to succeed their social life and to integrate the labor market. The YDP trainings were implemented in partnership with several Community Based Organizations (CBOs) mainly the local Youth Centers and using the experiential learning approach. The 820 marginalized youth were encouraged to draft and implement 164 civil society events that allowed them to practice the skills learnt and to positively integrate their local communities. 21 youth entrepreneurs were selected, coached and granted for creating income generating activities and/or to get a job/internship. A series of capacity building trainings for NAH and the main partner CBOs were also implemented.  250 Peer training sessions were accomplished by the empowered youth for the benefit of 1000 peers aged 13-18 years dealing with the main life skills they have learnt.

The YDP program has the following specific objectives and results :

  • Specific Objectives:
  1. Increased capacity of NAH and of at least of 5 local NGOs / CBOs
  2. 820 young people from poor background have improved access to the labor market
  3. 820 young people from poor background are better integrated into society Great Tunis


  • Results


  1. 20 youth coaches act as multipliers in NAH and the participating CBOs
  2. 30 educators use experimental learning approaches
  3. The life skills and the employability of 820 young people have improved
  4. 820 youth demonstrate civic society engagement following the training
  5. Increased income: 25 young adults have a business model established or are employed


The evaluation mission will assess Youth Development Project (YDP) that have been implemented from September 1st, 2016 to April 30th , 2019 by Nour El Hayet Association in Tunisia.      The primary purpose of the End of Project Evaluation is to assess the performance of the YDP Project among all stakeholders involved by the project. Also, the End of Project Evaluation aims at identifying and documenting lessons learnt, good practices and innovative ways that contributed to the attainment of the project objectives. The evaluation is expected to present objective assessment to enable informed management decision making on similar projects in the future. By identifying what has worked and what has not; it will layout areas of problems encountered; and recommend follow up actions. The evaluation provides an opportunity for the project management team to examine the project’s performance more closely, learn community views on sustainability, and familiarize partners and key stakeholders with the evaluation outcomes.

The required End of Project Evaluation Mission will be conducted by an  External Consultant during the period between March 4th and April 12th , 2019 with a total 28 working days.

Documents such as logical framework and achievements reports will be available during the evaluation.



  1. Relevance – To what extent did the project interventions meet the needs of the project beneficiaries? Was the project designed taking into account economic, social and cultural context in the project target areas?  
  2. Effectiveness – To what extent did the project achieve its target objectives? Have the YDP trainings contributed to the expected results or objectives? To what extent participating youth benefit from the project? Have the interventions affected the local CBOs positively? Have the created income generating activities changed the youth entrepreneurs social and economic conditions?  

This includes the quality and effectiveness of the methodologies, approaches and techniques used to achieve program outcomes.

  1. Efficiency Have project resources (inputs) resulted in expected results? What could have been done differently so that the project can be more efficient? Have program management, financial, technical, logistical systems been set up and functioning?

This includes reviewing program processes and management as they are equally important to achieving results. How efficient is the management system?

4.Sustainability: To what extent the YDP trainings have contributed to enhance the youth social inclusion?                What is the likelihood that the benefits of the project will endure over time after the completion of the project?            It  is  expected that the evaluation will provide lessons Learnt, success stories, areas of improvements   and                   recommendations for similar programs.



The final evaluation will use a participatory approach by which the Consultant will work closely with NAH project staff, partners, and stakeholders. In addition to survey results, it will use qualitative methods involving key informant interviews, focus group discussions and site visits. The Consultant will ensure that relevant partners and stakeholders actively participate to ensure high quality, credibility and effectiveness of the exercise.

In line with this statement of work, the Consultant will take the primary responsibility for the design of the evaluation methodology. This will comprise the process of determining appropriate sampling methodology, sample size as well site selection, development of the evaluation tool(s), and scheduling detailed time table for information collection, analysis and reporting.

Collection methods must include a combination of primary sources from interviewing beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders, general observations, and gathering information from secondary sources including the YDP’s monitoring and reporting system. In the preparation of the final report, the Consultant is expected to provide the reader with accurate sources of its information and conclusions.  All evaluation statements must be backed by existing data and information. When this is not the case, the Consultant is required to state its rationale for its observations and conclusions. If some of the questions do not apply, the Consultant must explain the reason(s).




After approval of the submitted Technical and Methodological proposal and Proposed Fees, the selected Consultant will be invited to attend a meeting of one day with the YDP staff by March the 1st   in order to have more details about the YDP project and the purpose of the evaluation mission.

Within 3 working days, the Consultant should submit an Evaluation Design which will become an annex to the Evaluation report.

The Evaluation Design  will include:

(1) A detailed Evaluation Design Plan that links the evaluation questions in the TOR to data sources and data analysis methods.

(2) Draft questionnaires and other data collection instruments or their main features;

(3) The list of potential interviewees and sites to be visited and proposed selection criteria and/or sampling plan (must include calculations and a justification of sample size, plans as to how the sampling frame will be developed, and the sampling methodology);

(4) Known limitations to the evaluation design;

(5) The list of further collaborators if needed, delineated by roles and responsibilities; and

Once the Consultant receives the approval on the Evaluation Design from the YDP Project Manager, he is expected to start Data Collection and Data Analysis with close collaboration with the YDP staff who will be responsible in the coordination with the different stakeholders and the preparative of the logistical needs.

The Draft Evaluation Report should be submitted to the YDP Project Manager in English language. The report will address each of the questions identified in the TOR and any other issues the Consultant considers having a bearing on the objectives of the evaluation. Any such issues can be included in the report only after consultation with YDP Project Manager.

Once the initial Draft Evaluation Report is submitted, VHI will send comments and feedback to the Consultant after five days of receiving the draft report. The Consultant will be asked to take no more than three business days to respond/incorporate the final comments from VHI and submit the Final Evaluation Report before the 12th of April 2019 as a deadline.

All project data and records (detailed work plan, evaluation interview tools for FGD and Key informant interviews, draft final evaluation report, final evaluation report) will be submitted to NAH in full in English language and should be in electronic form in easily readable format, organized and documented for use by those not fully familiar with the intervention or evaluation.

All deliverable documents and reports should be in English language.


The Consultant should start its work by March the 4th  , 2019.

The final Evaluation report should be submitted to YDP Project Manager by April 12th   as a deadline.

شروط الترشّح

  • A strong education with a university or master’s degree in law or management or in other relevant fields;
  • A good evaluation experience including evaluation design, management and implementation;
  • A good experience in development programs;
  • An experience in gender equality and women’s empowerment is highly recommended;
  • Arabic and English language fluency is recommended.

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