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National Research Expert for MedTOWN Project -TCSE Retour vers les opportunités


31 Mai 2022 Il y a 2 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

Call of tender – National Research Expert for MedTOWN Project 

“Co-producing social policies with Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors to fight poverty, inequality and social exclusion” 



TCSE launches a call for tenders to recruit a researcher expert for the Demonstrative Action of MedTOWN policy project : “Co-producing social policies with Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors to fight poverty, inequality and social exclusion”

The call of tenders deadline: 22nd May 2022

More information here: https://bit.ly/39ZuhwH

Research Field Expert for the Demonstrative Action (DA) in Tunisia

The Research Field Expert for the DA will be responsible for the action research in Tunisia. Will have to work in close collaboration with the supranational research team of the Project, the team of TCSE, Tier1 and the Local Trainer on co-production initiatives and the legal framework. Will be responsible for providing technical support for the DA in Tunisia, the collection and analysis of data and the development of policy recommendations at local and national level. Will identify and will be in contact with the involved local stakeholders, national research community and the beneficiaries in order to get their feedback and improve the impacts of the DA. Will participate in virtual coordination meetings every 2 weeks with the supranational research experts’ team for the monitoring and the follow up of activities and will present the results of the DA in the dedicated space of the platform of the MedTOWN Community of Practice. Will be directed by the team of supranational research experts and coordinated by the team of TCSE.

In particular, the contractor should provide the following services:

A.Preliminary analysis of the Demonstrative Action (DA) Scheme in Tunisia

The expert will assist TCSE in finalising the DA scheme in Tunisia and will prepare a preliminary analysis that will contain at least the following data: analysis and description of the co-production aspect of the DA, milestones – person´s journey and the vision of the expected change, mapping of key stakeholders that should be involved and key performance indicators to evaluate the outcome of any change. The aim of this report is to serve as a baseline for comparison between the different phases of implementation. The report should be in English.

B. First phase of data collection, analysis of findings and policy recommendations for the DA in Tunisia

The expert should collect carefully the data for the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the DA following the guidelines of the Research Expert on M&E and the Legal Expert, then provide an analysis of the first findings after 6 months from the start-up of the implementation of each Demonstrative Action accompanied by policy recommendations for the improvement of the co-production scheme and its operational framework. In addition, the expert will participate in mapping of the Legal Framework on SSE, public procurements and use of electronic / complementary currencies according to the guidelines of the collection of data from the Senior Legal Expert

In order to collect the data, the expert may have to translate the monitoring tools (questionnaire, structured dialogue interviews) from English. The analysis should make reference on the benefits of the action as well as on the main barriers and include policy recommendations or corrective measures for the improvement of the implementation of the Demonstrative Action in Tunisia. The analysis report should be in English.

If a local currency or a complementary payment system is deployed (tokens, time bank, etc), the expert should calculate the transactions (data will be collected by PP1 Tier1 that is the app provider) and analyse the effects on the local economy. In case of a local currency that channels public financial aid, the expert should calculate the changes in the local multiplier of public expenditure according to the LM3 methodology of the New Economics Foundation (the same for phase two). A specific training session will be provided for that from the MedTOWN project to the expert.

C. Second phase of collection of data, analysis of findings and final policy recommendations for the DA in Tunisia

A second set of collection and analysis of data for the second evaluation of the DA in order to track changes after the 1st set of improvements as well as a first analysis of the evaluation of the implementation of the pilot projects. This report will summarise the overall findings of the monitoring of the DA and the PPs in Tunisia as the previous analysis and will include the final policy recommendations, including the recommendations of the legal framework. The analysis report should be in English.

D. Technical support on the implementation of the DA in Tunisia and participation in coordination meetings

The expert should attend weekly meetings with the team of TCSE, TIER1 and the Local Trainer in order to report any problems or doubts with regards to the implementation of the DA and proposals to overcome the barriers and improve the results.

The expert will participate online every 2 weeks in the scientific meetings of the project, to update the advancement of the project research activities . The online meetings will be organised by the team of ACPP, will be short in time and will be served to coordinate the work between the experts.

The expert should participate in the Scientific Committee coordination meeting in Tunisia the  24th of june 2022).

E.Creation of a National Research Group (NRG) and participation in 2 online policy dialogues

The expert should communicate the research method and findings to relevant researchers in Tunisia that might be interested to follow the activities of the project and/or contribute with their expertise from Tunisia. The NRG will share information and material in the MedTOWN platform https://cop.acpp.com/ and will be connected with the NRGs through the same platform. Finally, the expert should participate in 2 online policy dialogues that will be organised by ACPP in order to present the DA in Tunisia and debate on the findings of its outcomes.

F.Elaboration of an Action Plan for the co-production initiative in Tunisia

After the social experimentation and taking into consideration the findings of the action research in the DA in Tunis, the expert should elaborate (in English) an Action Plan among the TCSE and the involved local authorities for the continuation and/or improvement and/or replication of the DA.


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