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Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Officer – EF Libya-Expertise France عودة إلى الفرص

Expertise France

يطلق   Offre d'emploi

انتهاء الصلاحية

20 جانفي 2023 Il y a 2 years

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  • Context of the project  

To tackle some of these issues, Expertise France, the French technical cooperation agency, together with the European Union and in close cooperation with both international and local Libyan partners, have developed a set of targeted activities based on several years of experience in order to improve Libya’s business environment and support the growth of the private sector. 

Considering the very volatile environment in Libya, at both political and security level, it is of paramount importance to adopt a flexible approach in implementing the action. Classical long-term planning is not realistic in view of the ever-changing context. It is suggested to review both objectives and achievements every year during the steering committee to allow the necessary operational adaptations in the scope of the activities that would allow reaching the objectives of the action.


Expertise France is working on three projects until 2022 and other projects are in development.


The first project names Private Sector Development Programme. It is a 4-year programme (2019-2023). The ultimate aim of the EU4PSL programme is to improve Libya’s business environment, in order to generate economic growth for private sector and job opportunities for youth and women.

The total budget of the programme is 10 million euros.


The outcomes (components) of the programme are as follows


Outcome 1: Strengthen the capacities of Libyan institutions to design and implement actions conducive to MSME development and improve the attractiveness of Libyan economy for investments. 

  • Output 1.1. Strengthening the capacity and awareness of targeted staff of the ME as regards the impact of their work on the Libyan economy
  • Output 1.2. Set up of a Focal point for reforms and initiative which can improve Libya’s ranking in the EoDB
  • Output 1.3. Conception and implementation of a networked system of One-Stop-Shops
  • Output 1.4. Design and set up of a Trade Help Desk within most relevant institutions
  • Output 1.5. Support to Chambers of Commerce for Enhanced Business Support Services & Economic Reform


Outcome 2: Support youth’s and women’s economic empowerment and start-up entrepreneurship. 

  • Output 2.1. Building the capacity of local civil society
  • Output 2.2. Empowering women by mentoring
  • Output 2.3. (Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow): A Nationwide contest
  • Output 2.4. Funding and accelerating start-ups
  • Output 2.5. Women sale point: “The Containers”


Outcome 3: Improve access to finance for MSMEs and start-ups, including innovative financial tools and microfinance. 

  • Output 3.1. Establish SMEs dedicated units
  • Output 3.2. Establish a Venture Capital Fund
  • Output 3.3. Develop a conducive environment for microfinance
  • Output 3.4. Sandbox Activity


Outcome 4: Business and Education: Streamline Entrepreneurship within Libyan universities  

  • Output 4.1. Establishing the institutional basis
  • Output 4.2. Introducing Junior Enterprise in Libyan universities
  • Output 4.3. Upgrading the entrepreneurship certificate to a bachelor accredited course
  • Output 4.4. Unleashing the full potential of LIBUS


The second project is Raqam-e, a 2-year project funded by the French government with 1.8m euros and implemented by Expertise France in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Governance and 5 municipalities. It started on the 1st of April 2020. 

It supports Libya in its digital transition by allowing young people to access new skills to meet the job market needs of tomorrow. 


The project includes three activities:

  • Creation of the first global network of coding school-s in municipalities

By the end of the project, 5 coding academies will be delivering coding trainings in 5 municipalities: Benghazi, Janzour, Misrata, Sebha and Tripoli Center with the ambition to train more than 200 young people per year, 50% of whom are women. 

In order to stimulate innovation within these coding academies, “Hackathons”, competitions between the coders, will be organized, under the sponsorship of Libyana (Mobile Company). 

The objective is that previously acquired skills can be directly used by the private sector. Those events will also be an opportunity to allow the most talented coders to expose their skills to potential recruiters or investors. 

  • Creation of MANARA coworking space dedicated to “mompreneurs” in Janzour

Manara will focus on supporting and empowering women by encouraging them in their professional endeavour, especially women with young children. The coworking space will offer to women entrepreneurs with children between 0 to 3 years old – the “mompreneurs” – a place where they can work while their children are being taken care of by qualified nannies. The coworking space team will also organize events allowing mompreneurs to develop their skills and build a professional network.

  • Disseminate coding skills through bootcamps across Libya
  • Capacity building of already existing Libyan coding schools for concrete action on youth in Libya

This bootcamp will gather 12 coding schools (22 participants in total) across Libya that are already competent and experienced in providing coding trainings. The objective is to improve their capacities in coding, communication, and entrepreneurship. By further strengthening their capacities, we want to see them play a more important role within their community. This 3-month online bootcamp will close with a hackathon.

  • Bootcamp dedicated to digital technologies for 80 young Libyans: integrating young people into the professional world

Four parity groups of women / men of 20 people aged between 18 and 30 years old distributed geographically in 4 cities (Benghazi, Misurata, Sebha and Tripoli) will be trained for 6 weeks in Libya in coding, digital marketing and UX design for 4 weeks. Two weeks of training will then be dedicated to the challenges and fundamentals of entrepreneurship and the use of communication tools. At the end of the course, a job fair will be organized in Tripoli, allowing the best participants of each training to meet with investors, businessmen and private sector companies.


The third project is E-Nable, a 3 years-project, funded by the European Union, with 5 M€. The overall objective of the action is therefore to improve the capacities of key economic institutions for sustainable and digital economic recovery and dynamics, in order to institutionalize the economic growth of the private sector, with the support of both private and public sector organizations.


The three objectives and components of the project are described, as follows: 

  • To enhance public policies for economic diversification and enabling business environment 
  • To take up digital innovations related to economic governance among public institutions
  • To improve services and products provided by financial institutions 


This project seeks to assist the government of Libya and all relevant stakeholders in their efforts to promote development of an open, dynamic and diversified economy in Libya. 

The project will contribute concrete and practical assistance to key Libyan stakeholders, who have capacity to accelerate the transition towards:

  • economic diversification;
  • competitiveness of the private sector;
  • digitalization of the economy and the society. 


Outcome 1 (O1): Public policies for economic diversification and enabling business environment are enhanced.


Outputs 1: 

  • Economic knowledge and data base are improved 
  • Shared and concerted vision on sustainable economic development issues
  • Knowledge and capacities for enabling business environment, facilitating private sector development and fostering domestic and foreign investment are improved.


Outcome 2 (O2): Digital innovations related to economic governance are taken up among public institutions.

Outputs 2:

  • Public actors are supported in developing and implementing a national digital and innovative strategy
  • Capacities of MoET and CoCs’ staff on a strategy and digital tools are strengthened
  • Digital tools and relevant capacities within the tax administration are improved


Outcome 3 (O3): Services and products provided by financial institutions are improved.

Outputs 3:

    • A political and organizational framework for establishing a leasing company for accessing credit is developed 
    • Organizational and technical capacities of the Libyan Credit Information Center are strengthened 
    • Knowledge on micro-finance is increased among banks
  • A new regulatory framework for enabling local market fintech actors is supported.


The MEAL Officer will have the opportunity to integrate other projects into his/her actual portfolio (projects in development) depending on the integration of new initiative in GEFI EF Libya portfolio.


The MEAL Officer will have the opportunity to integrate other projects into his/her actual portfolio (projects in development) depending on the integration of new initiative in GEFI EF Libya portfolio.


Follow up

  • Sharing of the awareness kit to internal employees (welcome note);
  • Creation and co-validation of the donor logical framework with the teams, the institutional partners of the projects and the subsidized beneficiaries; updating of this logical framework in collaboration with these same actors and with any external M&E experts;
  • Choose from the two tools below, which one is the most relevant and why according to the needs, the M&E strategy, the objectives, etc.
    • Create visual productions / infographics from collected data;
    • Produce narrative reports following individual interviews at the end of the project.
  • Collect monthly questionnaires / data from project managers (activities and objectives) and update the online monitoring table;
  • Create a questionnaire on the development of activities and results achieved by beneficiaries / partners and collect them every six months (activities, objectives, satisfaction and impact);
  • Support project beneficiaries in updating data (satisfaction, impact, etc.) during the project;
  • Support, train and advise grant beneficiaries in narrative reporting and data collection (at the start of the partnership and throughout the contract between EF and the beneficiary);
  • Contractually strengthen the obligations of grant recipients in order to ensure better reporting on their part, in close collaboration with the DAJ and the CAM;
  • Management of any external MEAL experts.



    • Set up and organize the evaluation of trainings (at the beginning and at the end) with 1 questionnaire including:
      • Pre-post testing (knowledge assessment);
      • Satisfaction;
      • Questions emanating from the theory of change – Example: What is the area / s in which you observed a real change / Do you think that the training allowed you to … / Was there a benefit to doing this training , etc.
    • Prepare and organize the evaluation of trainings and workshops (3 or 6 months later) with 1 questionnaire including:
      • Pre-post testing (knowledge assessment);
      • Satisfaction;
  • Questions emanating from the theory of change – Example: What is the area / s in which you observed a real change / Do you think that the training allowed you to… / Was there a benefit to doing this training, etc. .
  • Set up external evaluations of projects (mid-term and final):
    • Drafting of ToRs;
    • Sharing with the head office;
    • Selection of service provider;
    • Monitoring of the service.



  • Prepare and organize training on learning with teams and new recruits if necessary;
  • Set up and develop the strategy for learning Libya projects:
    • Identify and define the learning strategy of the various ongoing projects;
    • Participate in the progressive creation of learning sheets
    • Plan and carry out interviews with teams, beneficiaries and donors;
    • Organize learning work with the team;
    • Collect, analyze and process data from learning workshops, interviews and questionnaires;
    • Write a final learning report and participate in the formalization of specific promotion and dissemination tools if necessary, in collaboration with the communication manager.


Project manager / Monitoring:


    • Support to project managers and key experts in the implementation of some activities and in the achievement of certain previously defined objectives (example: Innovation technical committee for the C1 of EU4PSL);
    • Support to project managers and key experts in monitoring and carrying out some activities;
  • Implementation and monitoring of activities, monitoring of activities, budgetary and financial monitoring, reporting, monitoring-evaluation, management of teams and experts relating to the project, in the context of possible new projects (example: SSE project).


  • Consolidation and drafting of concept notes in collaboration with team members;
  • Consolidation of annual or half-yearly donor reports;
  • Drafting of MEAL chapters to be inserted in donor reports;
  • Drafting of reports within the framework of MEAL missions (monitoring, evaluation, learning).


Project development

– Participation in the drafting of project proposals, review and consolidation;

– Participation in the structuring of provisional budgets in connection with MEAL activities of new programs in development;

– Writing of MEAL chapters of new project / program proposals;

– Organization of meetings with potential partners;

– Setting up of new parallel activities to be included in the framework of the projects (prevention to the fight against corruption, etc.), in link with external partners.


Support for the program manager and the project manager at headquarters

– Support in the follow-up of certain administrative and financial points, in collaboration with the CAM;

– Participation in coordination meetings;

– Taking reports following important meetings and meetings;

– Monitoring of the archiving of projects in collaboration with the team;

– Preparation of agendas and planning of team meetings;

– Coordination with the teams of certain requests from the program manager and/or the project manager at headquarters;

– Feedback from the team to the program manager and / or the project manager at headquarters.

  • Expertise required
  • A master’s degree in political science or business management;
  • At least 2 years of professional experience working on donor funded project. An experience on EU funding would be considered as an asset;
  • At least 2 years of project management experience in an international context;
  • Proven experience in monitoring – evaluation of private sector development projects;
  • Very good knowledge of the Libyan context;
  • Experience in monitoring and evaluation of multi-actor projects: administrations, public agencies, international organizations, private sector, CSOs;
  • Good diplomatic skills and abilities to work in challenging environment with tight deadlines;
  • Excellent level of oral and written English (working language of the project);
  • Strong drafting skills, in both French and English.


  1. Location

The duty station of the position is Tunis, in the Tunisian Office of Expertise France. Potential travels abroad and to Libya may be required, subject to security conditions.

  • Duration

From 1st February 2022 To June 30, 2024.

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