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(offre en anglais)The Ministry of Education & Culture Republic of Indonesia lance un appel à candidature Retour vers les opportunités


01 Septembre 2016 Il y a 9 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

We cordially invite you to attend the 2nd World Culture Forum 2016, which will be held from October 10-14, at the BNDCC (Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center), Indonesia.

The Central theme of the WCF 2016 is “Culture for an Inclusive Sustainable Planet”. World Culture Forum (WCF) 2016 is committed to create a space to discuss, debate, contest established ideas and approaches, as well as recommend new pathways for locating culture as an integral part of sustainable development.

The World Culture Forum (WCF) 2016 is committed to create a space to discuss, debate and contest established ideas and approaches and recommend new pathways for locating culture as an integral part of sustainable development. Theme for World Culture Forum 2016 is “Culture for an Inclusive Sustainable Planet” and the 6 sub-themes of World Culture Forum 2016 as follow:

Sub-Theme 1: Reviving Culture for Rural Sustainability

Sub-Theme 2: Water for Life: Reconciling Socio-Economic Growth and Environmental Ethics

Sub Theme 3: Interweaving History, Urban Space and Cultural Movement

Sub Theme 4: Culture in the New Digital World

Sub-Theme 5: Reconciling State, Community and Cultural Divides

Sub-Theme 6: Cultural Diversity for Responsible Development

Open public participants responsibilities and counterparts:

  • The airfare to Bali, Indonesia (round trip) should be paid by the participants.
  • Local transfers (home to country airport; country airport to home).
  • Meals outside of the conference/events.
  • Visa processing fees, airport fees, taxes, insurance and other expenses.
  • Bring own laptop (if you willing to use during the conference).
  • Willingness to disseminate information about the event through social media.
  • Should cover their own travel insurance.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Public participants in the symposium event is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.
  • Must be subscribed to the WCF Mailing List.
  • Must fill Curriculum Vitae (we prefer you have experiences related to culture development program/project, cultural events).
  • Must submit an essay in English related To one of wcf 2016 sub-theme of 500-850 words (PDF format) including your name, mailing address and e-mail address, affiliation and position held, clearly stating the contribution Of your essay to at least one of mentioned theme.
  • Has a passport with 6 months validity from date of arrival to Indonesia (for international participants only).
  • Official recommendation from the Ministry/Company/NGO’s for the applicant’s participation to the event.
  • Officially participating in an cultural project (please provide appropriate documents/certificate such as project website and project manager certification)

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 22 août 2016

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