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Middle East and North Africa Director-International Alert Retour vers les opportunités

International Alert

Lance   Appel à candidatures


13 Mars 2024 Il y a 12 mois

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Organization: International Alert

 This is an exciting opportunity to lead International Alert’s peacebuilding programmes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, including direct management of our Lebanon and Tunisia country teams and development of our work in other countries across the region. You’ll develop and lead delivery of the strategy for Alert’s work in MENA, overseeing programme delivery and quality, ensuring our work deliver peace outcomes. You’ll lead the MENA team to collaborate equitably and supportively with partners.

The MENA Director is responsible for securing and effectively managing financial resources, and for security and compliance, as well as ensuring our MENA team is staffed with skilled and motivated people. You’ll lead our external representation in the region, influencing for policy and practice change to reduce structural and direct violence, and ensuring our engagement is based on learning and evidence. As an organisational leader, you’ll participate in Alert’s organisational governance as a member of the Executive Team on rotation and serving on Alert’s Global Leadership Team.

We’re seeking a proven leader and senior manager, with the ability to develop strategy and manage staff. You’ll bring your experience implementing peacebuilding or related programmes, and a deep understanding of the political, cultural and conflict contexts in MENA. With an understanding of the current international development funding environment and experience security resources for new projects, you’ll also contribute your financial management expertise and ability to build and maintain relationships with a wide range of stakeholders. Fluent in English and a MENA regional language, you’ll have existing right to work in either Lebanon or Tunisia, where you will be based.

Role duties and responsibilities:

Leadership and management

  • Lead Alert’s work and team in MENA, providing strategic direction and ensuring staff work collaboratively to deliver effective peacebuilding in support of Alert’s mission.
  • Provide effective leadership and support to a diverse team of staff, ensuring their professional development and well-being, and fostering a collaborative and inclusive work environment.
  • Line manage senior staff in Lebanon and Tunisia, providing support, development and task management.
  • Lead the development of the strategy for Alert’s work in MENA, building on sound context analysis to define our regional peacebuilding ambitions and contributions to Alert’s 2024-2030 Strategy.
  • Develop and oversee implementation of annual plans and budgets, monitor and adapt these during the year and report against the plans, with a focus on outcomes and learning.
  • Foster a collaborative environment across MENA, and work with staff to ensure close collaboration between country teams on any regional initiatives.

Programme delivery

  • Ensure Alert’s current programming in MENA delivers impactful peacebuilding, including supporting project implementation and grant management through oversight and monitoring.
  • Support staff to work effectively with partners, including supporting locally led peacebuilding and ensuring our partnerships are equitable, effective, deep and diverse. Proactively develop and maintain partnerships with civil society actors, government, academia and private sector.
  • Ensure learning and adaptation in Alert’s work, including monitoring and evaluation of projects and cross-team biannual reflections using Outcome Harvesting.
  • Ensure the MENA team undertakes frequent and effective donor liaison during project delivery.

Fundraising and programme development

  • Lead the fundraising strategy for MENA, including development of programming ideas and funding bids for peacebuilding programming in countries in the region. Work collaboratively with partners to develop joint country or regional programming initiatives.
  • Develop and maintain a network of potential donors in countries across the region.
  • Oversee development of compelling new project proposals drawing on lessons learned and up to date context analysis, ensuring input of partners and Alert colleagues in the process.
  • Plan for Alert sustainability, ensuring sufficient coverage of country and global shared costs in all budget submissions.
  • Establish and sustain a network of sector contacts, including donors and potential consortium partners.

Finance and operations

  • Be accountable for effective financial management, ensure efficient use of financial resources by staff and partners, and minimize the risk of fraud. Ensuring robust financial controls are in place, and all staff understand and comply with procedures.
  • Oversee the MENA team’s financial reporting, budgeting and reforecasting. Ensure timely, accurate financial reporting by staff and partners to donors, authorities and within Alert.
  • Ensure compliance with finance, procurement, HR and administrative procedures in line with national laws, donor requirements and Alert global policies.
  • Manage Alert’s institutional presence in countries in MENA, including ensuring up-to-date registrations and compliance with national legislation.
  • Oversee the security and safeguarding of Alert’s staff, partners and participants, ensuring Alert’s policies and procedures are followed, and adapted where necessary to MENA contexts.

Advocacy and Communications

  • Oversee Alert’s communications in MENA, to increase the reach, influence and effectiveness of Alert’s peacebuilding messages.
  • Build and sustain relationships with key national and sub-regional stakeholders.
  • Represent Alert externally at conferences, workshops and meetings to strengthen Alert’s reach and reputation in contributing to peacebuilding debates.

Organisational contributions

  • As a member of Alert’s Global Leadership Team, contribute to organisational development, raising and engaging on organisational issues, policy development and strategic workshops.
  • Ensure the MENA team contributes to Alert’s organisational knowledge through sharing experience and contribute to learning initiatives.
  • Provide regular updates to line manager and others as requested on activities, challenges and opportunities, and oversee quarterly and annual organisational reporting.
  • Collaborate with other teams to ensure alignment with organisational strategies.
  • Undertake any other tasks reasonably requested by the Regional Director.

Please note that the above are just some of the role requirements. For the full requirements, please click here to view the job description.


How to apply

Please follow this link to apply.

All applicants must have existing and permanent right to work in Lebanon or Tunisia.

International Alert prides itself on being an equal opportunity employer and particularly welcomes applications from underrepresented people including women, people from the Global South, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ people, disabled people, and other historically marginalised people.

While International Alert will endeavour to contact all candidates within a reasonable time, this may not always be possible due to limited resources. Therefore, if you have not heard from us within two weeks of the closing date, you can assume your application has, on this occasion, been unsuccessful.


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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 21 février 2024

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