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Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Manager – International Rescue Committee Retour vers les opportunités

International Rescue Committee

Lance   Offre d'emploi


31 Août 2020 Il y a 5 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Libye
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Santé

Requête nº: req9550

Intitulé de poste: Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Manager

Secteur d’activité: Santé

Type de contrat: Régulier

Taux d’occupation: Plein temps

Ouvert aux expatriés: Oui

Lieu de travail: Tripoli, Libya

Descriptif du poste

Background/IRC Summary: 
The humanitarian situation in Libya has deteriorated since the 2014 civil war. According to the United Nations Humanitarian Response Plan for 2018, 1.1 million people are in need of protection and essential and lifesaving assistance, including health, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), food security, shelter and non-food items (NFI), and longer-term assistance like access to education, of which 1.05 million require urgent health assistance. In response, the IRC launched an emergency program in September 2016 in Libya that provided medical care, medicines, and medical supplies in hospitals and primary health care centers (PHCCs) in Misrata. Since then, the IRC’s health programming has expanded to a mobile health team model (MHT), made up of Libyan staff, to provide primary health care services in PHCCs in Misrata and Sirte, and in two detention centers in Tripoli. As the IRC tries to integrate programming wherever possible, the MHT in Misrata also includes GBV case managers, targeting women and children. In addition, IRC is currently finalizing the establishment of a UNHCR-funded community development center, which will provide primary health care services to refugees, as well as serve as a women’s safe space.
IRC Libya is currently undergoing an expansion, with increased Health system strengthening-focused interventions in Tripolitania, Cyrenaica and Fezzan under which the IRC will provide primary health care services and capacity building to MoH staff including on mental health.
The Mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) Manager will be responsible for supporting the integration of mental health into primary health care service delivery in the PHCC’s and urban settlements in line with WHO mhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guidelines. In addition, the MHPSS Manager will take the lead in the development and implementation of the MHPSS clinical guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the integration of MHPSS and Integrated Protection Program. Develop SOP’s for internal and external referral pathways. Furthermore, the MHPSS manager will be directly managing budget and will be responsible for close monitoring of the budget expenditure, monthly review of the budget, and ensure compliance with IRC and donor reporting requirements. The position requires strong emphasis in training and developing the capacity of national staff; the successful candidate should therefore have experience in training, on the job supervision and mentoring, coordination and in building referral links to the other formal service providers. The MHPSS Manager will work and coordinate very closely with the Health Coordinator, Integrated Protection Coordinator, Health System Strengthening (HSS) Coordinator, HSS Deputy Coordinator and health managers. Under the direct supervision of the Health Coordinator, the MHPSS Manager will also coordinate with the HQ based MH Technical Advisor. .The selected candidate will work in close coordination with existing health teams including General Practitioners, nurses, psychologist and CHW’s. In addition, s/he will work towards building the capacity of medical staff in particular providing them with supervision on mhGAP and integration of mental health into primary health care. This position will be based in Tripoli, Libya and report to Health Coordinator.
• Lead the setting up of  the mental health PHC integration program in line with WHO mhGAP HIG and IASC MHPSS guidelines and IRC Outcome and Evidence Framework (OEF) together with the national IRC psychiatrist supervisors
• Assess the current MHPSS programming within IRC Libya CP, both for protection and health, identify gaps, duplications, challenges and best practices
• Based on the internal assessment findings; in the first month, develop a 6 month feasible work plan clarifying roles and responsibilities of all relevant parties including sector leads, health managers, psychiatrist supervisors, GP’s and CHW’s
• Under the guidance and supervision of the Health Coordinator, the MHPSS manager will coordinate with the HSS and DHSS Coordinators the piloting and rollout of the MHPSS-EPHS toolkits. Disseminating the MHPSS-EPHS toolkits at the health facilities, participating in technical supervision of the trained GPs in the implementation of the MHPSS-EHPS toolkits. S/He will join external supervisors from the NCDC and MOH in providing technical support to train GPs on mhGAP HIG.  And support the team in analysis of mental health data from the health facilities. Make recommendation and plan for the scale up of the toolkits beyond the pilot facilities.  Lead in fostering IRC’s health and protection integrated programming through identification and implementation of MHPSS internal and external referral pathways 
• Provide clinical mental health and psychosocial program supervision to project staff (re: Psychiatrist, Psychologist, General Practitioners, MHPSS mentors, Protection and GBV case workers) inclusive of ongoing capacity building, professional development, technical support and performance reviews. 
• Conduct field visits to monitor and support MHPSS activities and interventions provided, and support technical quality of programming by providing feedback and mentorship 
• Lead and facilitate monthly team meetings with program staff and share minutes of the meetings with the health coordinator 
• Facilitate trainings and workshops, including organizing logistics, collaborating with co-trainer/s, and documenting program indicators.
• Assist in developing budgets and proposals and ensure that proper personnel at the facilities are recruited
• Track budgets, procurement plans, and work plans to ensure proper personnel, facilities, and supplies are available to meet grant deliverables
• Conduct mhGAP Operations training for health managers, team leaders and health leadership, develop and mhGAP implementation plan to coordinate the mhGAP activities at all levels
• Participate in rapid needs assessments with other IRC sectors and external agencies as required 
Program Management of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support:
• Actively participate in coordination mechanisms, represent the IRC in the MHPSS Technical-working group and ensure the implementation of IASC MHPSS guidelines where relevant
• Lead the development and implementation of data collection, M&E and quality control measures (e.g. on the job supervision checklists, impact measurement tools, client satisfaction measures mhGAP training reports) for mental health services, and community-based psycho-social activities
• Support the development of referral pathways to strengthen links to available services for MHPSS. 
• Lead the development of appropriate IEC materials on MHPSS, to build awareness of services and promote key messages 
• Develop a community MHPSS awareness package in coordination with integrated protection coordinator
• Support with team building, performance review and professional development of staff. 
• Participate in the development/review of mentorship plans and other activity plans on quarterly basis 
• Work closely with the area team leaders and senior medical team leaders to ensure availability of WHO essential psychotropic medications at the clinics at all time 
Documentation and Reporting:
• Ensure disaggregated and cumulative tracking of clients/beneficiaries and documentation of all activities and outcomes 
• Participate in preparation of internal and external reports, including submission of weekly reports to Health Coordinator
• Take responsibility for collection and reporting of mental health project data including HMIS reporting and patient outcomes (e.g. functioning scale, client satisfaction surveys).Support project staff to maintain program records and documentation as per project management minimum standards, including maintaining the confidentiality and security of MHPSS client data
• Promote the culture of learning and documentation so that lessons learned and good practices are documented and shared for institutional memory and learning as well as to advocate on behalf of the communities with which we work
• Support the development of mental health and psychosocial monitoring and evaluation tools and related activities for improving performance
• Working on donors’ reporting and contribute to proposal development 
• Ensure proper documentation of all trainings, completion and analysis of pre and post knowledge tests and on the job supervision checklists as well as mental health PHC integration checklists. Sharing copies with MHPSS team data management, M&E, and reporting. Perform other duties as assigned by the Health Coordinator

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Psychiatrist (preferably) or psychologist with minimum four years of experience working on MHPSS programs, preferably in humanitarian settings
  • Sound knowledge and experience on implementing IASC MHPSS guidelines in emergency settings
  • mhGAP training and supervision experience including IG, HIG and operational manual
  • Training experience on Psychological First Aid,
  • Capacity building/ curriculum development experience in community based MHPSS approach
  • Fluency in English. Knowledge of Arabic will be an asset
  • EXPERIENCE: • Previous NGO experience in a conflict-affected setting in MHPSS management capacity • Management, training and supervision experience required • Strong organizational and supervisory skills and interpersonal skills with the ability to work within different cultural environment • Ability to work within a team structure or in isolation, flexible, and can cope with stressful workloads and working with limited resources • Experience in mental health and protection work with displaced persons, refugees, returnees and migrants • Excellent command of the use of Microsoft Office especially Outlook, Work, Excel and Power Point • Good communication, teamwork skills and ability to work independently

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