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Maghreb Economic Forum lance un appel à candidatures pour le Kick-off meeting pour son nouveau programme en Tunisie 2017 Retour vers les opportunités

Maghreb Economic Forum

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04 Novembre 2016 Il y a 8 ans

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Kick-off meeting for a new program in Tunisia 2017
10-12 November 2016 at Tunis

We are proud to present the start of a new program in Tunisia in 2017 and invite you for the kick-off meeting in Tunis.


Tunisia’s inclusive democratic development and its new constitution have won widespread admiration. But Tunisians are still waiting for the social and economic grievances that provoked the 2011 revolution to be addressed. Beset by corruption, legal, bureaucratic, and security challenges, the Tunisian economy is hurting. Promised growth and development have yet to materialize.

Disillusionment among Tunisians is increasing and a slide into instability would leave Tunisia more vulnerable to terrorism and send thousands more Tunisians into the arms of extremist groups or to join the migrant journey to Europe. On the other hand, success and stability in Tunisia would demonstrate the potential for a pluralist and accountable political system in the Arab world. While adequate policies and reforms are needed in order to sustain the democratic transition, it also requires Tunisians to do their part by becoming proactive shapers of their society and culture.

How can youth be encouraged to be active citizens shaping their own future as well as the future of their communities and thereby Tunisia?

The new program:

The pilot phase aims at anchoring democratic culture in society by supporting youth in unfolding their potential as solution-makers in their communities. Throughout 2017, 100 Tunisians between the ages of 16 and 20 from two Tunisian regions will design, plan and implement their own civic initiatives from scratch. This empowerment program revolves around future-shaping by doing: through a mix of workshops and coaching by Tunisian and international facilitators and implementation of their own civic initiatives, the young participants will grow personally and learn that the future is something they are creating. The focus on two regions only in the pilot phase will create visible societal impact on a community-level through the multitude of initiatives taking place. In 2018 the program will be scaled up to take place in four Tunisian cities reaching out to 200 youth. It is further envisioned to expand to neighboring countries after that.

In short the program will

  • empower 100 young people from 16-20 to become active citizens and change-makers in their communities. The topical focus will be on inclusion and participation (2 times 3 trainings of 5-7 days),
  • train 15 active people as mentors for initiative teams (2 trainings of 3 days),
  • offer exchange and qualification for 20 facilitators from North-Africa and Europe (1 training of 5 days),
  • support the networking and capacity building for 70 coordinators and multipliers in the field of active citizenship from North-Africa and Europe (1 training of 5 days).

The kick-off meeting:

The Kick-off meeting is the starting point to shape the program and to build up a pool of facilitators that will implement the trainings. The meeting brings together 12-15 experienced facilitators from Tunisia and out of the international trainer pool of the program partner Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg to exchange experiences and approaches, to find a common understanding and to co-create the activities for the program year 2017.

With taking part in the meeting participants will get the chance to be part of the facilitator pool. The program is subject to the final funding agreement with donors.

The meeting language is English. Travel costs, board and lodging are covered by the organizers.

The goals of the meeting are

  • Exchange of experiences, methods and approaches
  • Input on the cultural specifics of citizenship education in Tunisia
  • Finding a common understanding of our approach as facilitators
  • Planning of the program activities in Tunisia

Travel information:

The workshop will take place in Tunis. You should arrive latest on the 10.11.16 before noon and depart earliest after noon on the 12.11.16.


For the time you invest for taking part and for the preparation of a session about a specific topic (depending on the competences of the individual and in agreement with the moderators of the meeting) you will get the lump sum of 250€ for the entire meeting as compensation.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Mastering English as working language, French is a plus
  • Extensive experience as facilitator in capacity building trainings in the field of citizenship education
  • Knowledge and experience in the fields of inclusion and diversity is a plus

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Linnea Mühlenkamp


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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 27 octobre 2016

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