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Medical Coordinator – Premier Urgence Internationale Retour vers les opportunités

Première Urgence Internationale

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31 Juillet 2020 Il y a 5 ans

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Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Santé

General information on the mission:

Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization. Our teams are committed to supporting civilians’ victims of marginalization and exclusion, or hit by natural disasters, wars and economic collapses, by answering their fundamental needs. Our aim is to provide emergency relief to uprooted people in order to help them recover their dignity and regain self-sufficiency. The association leads on average 200 projects per year in the following sectors of intervention: food security, health, nutrition, construction and rehabilitation of infrastructures, water, sanitation, hygiene and economic recovery. PUI is providing assistance to around 7 million people in 21 countries – in Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Europe. PUI Libya mission started implementing operations in East (Benghazi and Alkufra) of Libya in 2017. The organization develop a lifesaving response that provides primary health care services to the most vulnerable population (internal displaced populations and their host communities, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers) combined with an integrated basic needs response to address the overall health situation of the PoC in detention centers and in urban settings.

General Context :

Libya, a mostly desert and oil-rich country with an ancient history, has more recently been known for the 42-year rule of the mercurial Colonel Muammar Gaddafi – and the chaos that has followed his departure (BBC, 2019). The country has splintered, and since 2014 has been divided into competing political and military factions based in Tripoli and the east. Among the key leaders are Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj, head of the internationally-recognised government in Tripoli, Khalifa Haftar; leader of the Libyan National Army, which controls much of eastern Libya; Aghela Saleh, speaker of the House of Representatives based in the eastern city of Tobruk; and Khaled Mishri, the elected head of the High State Council in Tripoli. Islamic State group briefly took advantage of the conflict to seize control of several coastal cities including Sirte, which it held until mid-2017. It retains a presence in the desert interior (BBC, 2019).

Humanitarian consequences:

Seven years of instability and insecurity have taken their toll on the wellbeing of many children, women and men in Libya. Each passing year people struggle to withstand the impacts of the crisis that has destabilized the country, put them in harm’s way, driven up food prices, and ravaged the economy. To date, the crisis in Libya is characterised by violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, restricted access to safety and freedom of movement, forced displacement, severity and pervasiveness of gender-based violence. All parties to the conflict have committed breaches of international law including torture, unlawful killings, indiscriminate attacks, abductions, kidnapping, disappearances and the forceful displacement of people. The number of people with mental health and psychosocial problems increased substantially as a result of the conflict, including severe psychological distress for the conflict affected population, as well as the contamination from explosive hazards affecting human security and access (Protection Working Group, 2018). Approximately half of the people in need of humanitarian assistance are Libyans. Conflict affected refugees and migrants in or transiting through the country make up the other half. The majority of people in need are found in highly populated urban areas in the Western and Eastern regions of Libya. However, people with the most critical and severe needs are located in the southern mantikas2 of Murzuq, Sebha and Alkufra, and the coastal mantika of Sirt (HNO, 2019). An estimated 823,000 people, including around 248,000 children, are in-need of humanitarian assistance in Libya as a result of persisting political instability, conflict and insecurity, the breakdown of the rule of law, a deteriorating public sector and a dysfunctional economy. People in-need of assistance include internally displaced persons, returnees, non-displaced conflict affected people and host communities, and refugees1 and migrants (HRP, 2019).


In late 2017, suffering from armed combats for several years, Benghazi area was hosting about 45.000 internally displaced people (IDP) coming from different areas in Libya, and 147.000 returnees. Benghazi appears to be, with Tripoli, one of the two main cities to host the more IDPs. Otherwise, while the political situation in Libya remains tumultuous, new patterns of displacement are occurring, with a growing trend of returns reported in the East, and especially in Benghazi. Benghazi and its surroundings appear to be particularly vulnerable locations due to the high damage inflicted by three years of heavy clashes. The tensions between the Tebu and the Zway tribes seriously affects the health system and the access to basic services. Tribe communities, when they are a minority in the area, are suffering from segregation in most of Al kufra’s institutions, including health care facilities. This occurs in a context of underdevelopment and poverty that exacerbates the impact of the conflict on the population in the region. Indeed, this area has been suffering, even before the conflict, from a poor investment from the central government. However, few information are available on this area and its humanitarian needs due to a poor, if not almost inexistent, presence of NGOs.

PUI’s strategy/position in the country
The main programmatic objectives of PUI can be synthetized as follows:

  • Provide life-saving assistance by ensuring a safe and dignified access to health services as well as an access to clean water, basic sanitation facilities and hygiene items for the affected families in Detention Centers. 
  • Improve the quality of the health services provided to the people through the national health facilities.
  • Deliver comprehensive primary health care services through different levels of interventions, including outreach activities, capacity building, improvement of existing services, community based approach, and preventive actions via hygiene and health promotion education.
History of the mission and current programs
Since May 2016 and the beginning of the exploratory mission, PUI is developing an emergency health and psychosocial response that aims to meet the most urgent needs in health care of the most vulnerable populations in Benghazi area. So far, PUI has been focusing on the health care issue, by providing medical treatments and primary health care to internal displaced populations and their host communities in Benghazi area. PUI is recreating an access to health care, via Mobile Health Teams and psychosocial support intervention. Finally, PUI is working on the reinforcement of the local emergency response capacity through the participation in the development and the implementation of a Health Rapid Response Capacities in Benghazi city, including passive monitoring (EWARS) and deployment of PUI teams for rapid assessments and to support the national emergency response in case of confirmed alert. Thus, PUI has been implementing three Mobile Health Teams providing primary health care and psychosocial support in Benghazi city and performed rehabilitation and restoration of 1 health care clinic. PUI is now scaling up its intervention with the deployment of a new MHT in Great Benghazi. PUI will also start an exploratory mission (multi sectorial assessment) in Southeast of Libya where only few humanitarian actors are present while serious humanitarian needs remain uncovered. In addition, PUI is starting to intervene in Migrant’s Detention Center where Rehabilitation (WASH) and health activities will be implemented. Finally, PUI carried out 10 small rehabilitation projects in Benghazi area in 2018. In 2019 the implemented work remained under the same mentioned strategy of intervention. To date, the mission is implementing three projects funding by EU, ECHO and UNHCR. 

  • Title: Provision of life-saving health services for vulnerable communities in Eastern Libya. (Funded by ECHO).
  • Title: Life-saving assistance to People of Concern in Detention Centers located in East of Libya (Pillar 1) and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and IDPs returnees in Libya (Pillar 4). (Funded by UNHCR).
  • Title: Evidence based NCD Care: A Model for PHC in Libya (NCDPHC-Libya). (Funded by EU- CDC-UK)


Job Description
Overall objective
The Deputy Field Coordinator – Support is in charge to oversee the quality and efficiency of the support services at Benghazi base level. In coordination with FC he/she will ensure: 

  • The implementation of the logistics strategy in accordance with PUI procedures and tools in order to provide optimum program support. 
  • The enforcement of all PUI administrative and finance procedures and policies at the field level, to provide optimum program support.
  • The development of a mentoring, guidance and capacities building plan in order to improve the Bengazhi national logistic and administrative and finance teams skills to be autonomous and fully in charge of the departments after her/his departure.
Tasks and responsibilities
Support departments oversight: He/she provides oversight of all PUI Benghazi base support functions (Logistics, Administration, Finance, Human Resources) and ensures smooth, coordinated operations, finding synergies and improvements where possible.

loigistic monitoring: He/she ensures that current logistics procedures follow PUI standards and formats, and are in accordance with donor rules and regulations, overseeing and implementing an effective and efficient supply chain. He/She guarantees that PUI’s procedures and logistical tools are in place and are respected.

administrative and financial monitoring: He/she ensures that current administrative and financial procedures follow PUI standards and formats, and are in accordance with donor rules and regulations; and ensures compliance with relevant procedures, with substantive support from the national coordination. Additionally, he/she support in overseeing all aspects related to finance and cash flow management in the bases, including budgetary and accounting elements.

human resources: He/She supervises in coordination with FC and HR Officer the on-site activities related to administrative and human resource management, ensure the respect of the procedures and HR management tools in the bases in accordance with labor law regulations in Libya and HR policies of PUI.

coordination: He/she compile, centralizes and report, in coordination with Finance & Admin Manager to FC and Admin Coordination team regarding all financial, administrative, legal and human resources matters on the base in Libya. Additionally, ensures the consolidation, in coordination with Logistic Base Manager (LBM), of all logistics information to share it with FC and at coordination level.

capacity building: He/she ensures a technical support to Admin/Fin/HR/LOG teams in the base. He/she provides on regular basis technical trainings, and technical advises on their daily management in order to increase capacities of the teams.

Specific objectives and related activities

  • Support departments oversight:
  • He/She ensures the smooth functioning of each support department for the base; Logistics, Administration, Finance, Human Resources
  • He/She coordinates the tasks of each support department to ensure efficiency and effectiveness
  • He/She proactively searches for synergies and improvements for the departments under his/her responsibility to increase the quality of support to programmes departments, proposing such to the FC when appropriate
  • He/She provides a technical support to the base regarding Administrative, financial and Human resources tools. He/She develops tools to improve/perform the administrative and logistic services in the base. He/She participates in team-based analysis (along with technical, administrative and logistics management) and is responsible for detecting anomalies and proposing adjustments to the Field coordinator and to the program department.
  • loigistic monitoring:
  • He/She works in collaboration with Logistic Manager (LBM) to guarantees that purchase procedures are respected in Libya, from the direct purchase to the international call for offers and supervises the purchasing process.
  • In coordination with LBM, he/she ensures that contracts signed are adequate in terms of effectiveness and protection of PUI.
  • He/She ensure communication channels with the programs department to complete a procurement plan for each project, which should be also led by the logistic manager and in close collaboration with Program Department.
  • He/she help to the LBM to diagnose needs, define criteria and list of items, build up files, publish and supervise opening session of tender.
  • He/She supervise and train the LBM to choose the most adapted means of transport
  • He/She support the LBM in the supervision and planning of shipment and delivery of materials up to their final destination.
  • He/She support the LBM during the process of importation of medical and non-medical goods in close collaboration with the Pharmacist when relevant (medical goods). He/She ensure a smooth communication and coordination with coordination team.
  • He/She supervises and train the logistic manager on management and monitoring of stock, according to the PUI’s procedures and tools. He/She support LBM to ensure that storages are appropriate to base’s needs and that goods are stored appropriately in terms of location, layout and salubriousness.
  • administrative and financial monitoring:     
  • He/She ensure in coordination with Finance and Administration Manager (FAM) the setting up and proper use of tools and procedures for financial, accounting and budget management in the base: budget follow-up, budget projections, cash forecasts, cash management and cash security.
  • Together with the FAM and the Field coordinator, he/she ensures that a system of internal oversight is in place at the site. He/She ensures compliance with procedures for undertaking expenditure commitments, and participates in the process of endorsing purchase orders.
  • He/She ensures that PUI administrative procedures (finance, monitoring personnel…) are in place and monitored. 
  • He/She participates – with logistics, program managers, and technical managers – in analysis of budget monitoring for each project and supervises preparation of expenditure estimates.   
  • He/She oversees the effective implementation of Budget Follow Ups, Financial Follow Ups, and Cash Management.
  • human resources:
  • He/She supports the FAM and HRO in proposing new job descriptions to the Field Coordinator. 
  • He/She ensure fluid comunication between the base and the coordination team to promote the implementation of PUI Libya’s HR Strategy in order to encourage and support internal and professional development of local staff.
  • coordination:
  • He/She supports the FC to establish proper communications channels with all departments and coordination team.
  • He/She ensures an efficient circulation of information from field to the Coordination team. He/ She liaises with partners at field level about the technical approaches developed.
  • Under the guidance of the Field Coordinator he/she participates in the Working Groups, and He/She participates as an active member in coordination meetings.
  • capacity building:
  • He/She actively and technically supports the logistics and finance managers in the base with the coordination
  • He/She ensures a technical support to Admin/Fin/HR team in the base. He/she provides on regular basis technical trainings, and technical advises on his daily management in order to increase capacities of the teams.
  • He/She contributes to assess and put in place capacity building process with the base team, and take part in the organization of recruitment (advertisement, applications, and interviews) for all departments.

Required Profile:

Required Personal Characteristics (fitting into team, suitability for the job and assignment/mission)

  • Leadership and ability to make decisions and ability to be assertive, if necessary 
  • Ability to analyze (judgment, practicality) and to synthesize
  • Ability to adapt 
  • Organization, discipline, and compliance with deadlines 
  • Strong sense of responsibilities
  • Outstanding ability to listen and negotiate 
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills  
  • Calm and composed and ability to work under stress in general, and in emergency situations in particular
  • Ability to guarantee effective and timely outputs
  • General ability to resist stress
  • Important organization and rigor skills
  • Ability to adapt, manage priorities and be pragmatic
  • Capacity to delegate and to supervise the work of a multidisciplinary team
  • Ability to work on own initiative and collaboratively as part of a diverse team and manage a varied workload
  • A strong commitment to humanitarian principles and the will to make sure beneficiaries’ needs are covered as best as the resources available allow
  • Strong commitment to support/develop capacity of national staff and developing second layer of leadership
  • Analytical capability
  • Reliable
  • Honesty and rigor 

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