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Media Sustainability and Business Models Training -Internews Retour vers les opportunités


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20 Février 2024 Il y a 1 an

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Internews Overview 

Internews is an international non-profit organization that believes everyone deserves trustworthy news  and information to make informed decisions about their lives and hold power to account. For more  information about the organization, please visit: www.internews.org 


Internews seeks to hire an experienced media consultant and trainer to design and deliver a 5-day  workshop for media managers focused on developing sustainable business models and revenue  streams. The training will equip 20-25 participants with strategies and skills to ensure the financial  health and viability of their news organizations. 

Project background: 

To support Tunisia’s inclusive and effective democratic transition, USAID is implementing the five-year  Tunisia Political Transitions Project (PTP). The PTP project is multifaceted and is designed to support key  electoral bodies, governing institutions, civic groups and the media lay a foundation for increased public  trust and inclusive participation in Tunisia’s democratic transition.  

A key component of the PTP project, implemented by Internews, focuses on better informing and  engaging Tunisian citizens, specifically vulnerable and underserved populations, in elections and political  processes through strengthening Tunisia’s media landscape and the capacities of its information  producers as well as raising the levels of awareness and media and information literacy amongst target  groups. 

Trainer Responsibilities 

  • Conduct needs assessment interviews with media managers to identify key issues and areas of  focus 
  • Develop workshop curriculum, including: 
  • Learning objectives 
  • Session plans 
  • Case studies, activities, tools, and handouts 
  • Pre- and post-workshop assessments 
  • Submit draft curriculum 2 weeks prior to workshop for feedback 
  • Deliver 5-day in-person interactive workshop for 20-25 media managers 
  • Employ effective training techniques for adult professionals 
  • Evaluate learning and workshop effectiveness through assessments, group work, and feedback  surveys 
  • Refine materials based on lessons learned 
  • Provide final training materials to [Organization] in soft and hard copy 

Workshop Curriculum 

The curriculum should cover topics including but not limited to: 

  • Current media sustainability challenges and opportunities 
  • Traditional vs. digital business models 
  • Revenue sources (subscriptions, advertising, events, etc) 
  • Financial planning and money management 
  • Sales, marketing, and audience development strategies
  • Pricing models and tactics 
  • Entrepreneurial thinking and leadership skills 
  • Innovative examples and case studies 
  • Developing organizational resilience and adaptability 

Trainer Qualifications & Experience 

  • 5+ years experience in media sector, including financial/business aspects 
  • Track record developing business models and financial plans for news organizations
  •  Experience training media professionals and managers 
  • Strong knowledge of media sustainability issues and trends 
  • Excellent presentation, instructional design, and facilitation skills 
  • Ability to make complex business concepts understandable 
  • Fluency in Arabic & French is mandatory, English is preferred. 

Critères d'éligibilité

  • 5+ years experience in media sector, including financial/business aspects 
  • Ability to make complex business concepts understandable 
  • Fluency in Arabic & French is mandatory, English is preferred. 
  • Track record developing business models and financial plans for news organizations
  • • Experience training media professionals and managers 
  • Strong knowledge of media sustainability issues and trends
  •   Excellent presentation, instructional design, and facilitation skills 

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 1 février 2024

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