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Media and communication service provider-Search for Common Ground Retour vers les opportunités

Search for Common Ground

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06 Mai 2022 Il y a 2 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

Media and communication service provider “Towards the empowerment of adolescents and the prevention of their association with violent groups”. 

MENA – Tunis, Tunisia 

About Search 

Search for Common Ground (Search) is an international NGO whose mission is to end violent conflict. Search strives to build sustainable peace for generations to come, working with all sides of a conflict and providing the tools needed to work together and find collaborative solutions. With headquarters in Washington, DC, and Brussels, Belgium, we implement projects from 55 offices in 34 countries, including in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the United States 

Search in Tunisia 

Search’s mission in Tunisia is to promote the culture of dialogue and diversity through the involvement of all parts of society while building their capacities. Search works in Tunisia to help members of Tunisian society to address conflicts and differences constructively through cooperation and dialogue. Search-Tunisia works across multiple channels, mainly with youth, CSOs, media actors, security forces, and local authorities to build the capacity of individuals and institutions to address challenges including differences and act on common points. Through this approach and partnerships, Search-Tunisia has four main strategic objectives: (i) promoting peace education; (ii) fostering non-violent social dialogue; (iii) enhancing participatory and inclusive governance; and (iv) transforming violent extremism. More information about our Tunisia program can be found here. 

Project Summary 

Search-Tunisian has launched the project “Towards the empowerment of adolescents in Kasserine and the prevention of their association with violent groups” which is funded by UNICEF for a duration of one year and aims to reinforce positive protection mechanisms and

alternatives to youth detention and deprivation of liberty in the governorate of Kasserine. This goal will be achieved through these main objectives: 

1) Raising awareness of youth and residents of Kasserine and Kairouan on the physical and moral protection of children and adolescents and

2) Promotion of an inclusive and constructive response to the judicial management of youth in Kasserine and Kairouan. 

The project mainly targets children and adolescents in conflict with the law or at-risk (aged between 13 and 17) families, relevant practitioners in the field of child protection, and Kasserine’s and Kairouan’s inhabitants. 

The project is composed of the following main activities: 

  1. KAP Survey/ Context analysis: to gather information on the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of residents in Kasserine and Kairouan regarding the situation of children in conflict with the law, access to juveniles, and 

alternatives to detention. 

  1. Workshops on the existing protection mechanisms for adolescents, which will gather youth and relevant practitioners in the field of child protection to better understand the existing protection mechanisms and develop recommendations on alternatives to detention.
  2. 3. Awareness campaign: awareness campaign on “children in conflict with law” or “at-risk” and the ‘existing protection mechanisms’ conducted throughout the project. 

About the Consultancy 

As part of the “Towards the empowerment of adolescents and the prevention of their association with violent groups” activities Search-Tunisia is seeking to procure the services of a communication agency to support the project team in developing more effective advocacy strategies and content for the digital campaign launched in the two communities of Kasserine and Kairouan to promote for children in conflict with the law access to juvenile justice and the reinforcement of the application of the positive protection mechanisms. The agency will be responsible for managing and monitoring the project FB page by creating and posting visual content, posts, and videos and work on boosting the FB page outreach. They will work closely with the project team to produce the project-related materials graphic design.

The scope of work is expected to include the following: 

  • Create digital content for the FB page1 aligned with the campaign goals and objectives.
  • Maintain regular digital communication and boost the FB page outreach.
  • Produce the graphic design of the project materials and ensure their adherence to the donor and Search branding requirements. 
  • Produce the graphic design and ensure the printing of a report containing 40 pages ( 50 copies ).
  • Produce the graphic design and ensure the printing of a report containing 64 pages ( 50 copies) the design includes all the graphs and figures.
  • Produce the graphic design and ensure the printing of 100 two-pager.
  • ● Sponsoring of the FB page for two weeks.

Required Tasks 

The media agency will undertake the following tasks as highlighted in the table below: 

Deliverable Due Date
Contract signature 9 May 2022
Produce the graphic design of the project materials 

May, 10,2022

and ensure the printing ( two reports). Ensure that the 

design adherence to the donor’s visual identity 


A report sample will be reviewed and approved by 


Create digital content for the FB page and maintain 

From May 10 to 

regular communication 

May 31


4 Ensure the sponsoring of the project FB page ( at least two ads). 

From May 10 to May 31 

Total TND 

1 https://www.facebook.com/ChildrenAsWell/?ref=pages_you_manage

Qualifications & Competencies 

  • At least 3 years of experience working in communication preferably with NGOs.
  • ● The ability to respect deadlines. 


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