26 Juillet 2023 Il y a 2 ans
M&E expert consultant for Majalat II
Position: M&E expert consultant.
Duration: It is envisaged that the assignment will last up to 15 days over 2 months.
Estimated starting date: As soon as possible.
Estimated end date: End of September 2023.
Location: Home-based.
Application deadline: 26 July 2023, midnight CET.
EuroMed Rights is looking to recruit a Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) expert consultant who will be responsible for the development of the M&E framework of the EU co-funded project Majalat II.
About EuroMed Rights
EuroMed Rights is a non-governmental organization aiming to promote cooperation and dialogue in and between countries on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a network representing 68 human rights organizations, institutions and defenders in 30 countries.
It was founded in January 1997 in response to the Barcelona Declaration of November 1995 and the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP), by civil society organizations dedicated to promoting human rights and democracy within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. EuroMed Rights’ organisational structure is built on a general assembly, an executive committee, working groups and a secretariat.
EuroMed Rights’ mission is to promote and strengthen human rights and democratic reforms at regional and national levels. By creating network opportunities and encouraging civil society cooperation, EuroMed Rights aims to develop and strengthen the partnerships between NGOs located within the Euro-Mediterranean area, to spread and promote human rights values and to increase members’ capacities to reach these objectives.
EuroMed Rights’ head office is situated in Copenhagen. The organisation has offices in Brussels and Tunis, and presence in Turkey and Morocco. For further information, visit our website at www.euromedrights.org.
EuroMed Rights aims to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the ground of race, colour, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origins, gender, marital status, caring responsibilities, sexual orientation, disability or chronic illness.
Majalat II
The word Majalat stands for ‘spaces, opportunities, fields and domains’ in Arabic.
In a context of multiple political, social, economic and environmental challenges in the Southern Neighborhood regions, the Majalat II project aims to foster an inclusive and structured dialogue between civil society organisations (CSOs) and a wide range of national and European stakeholders, conducive to identifying policy solutions to the main challenges in the region.
The project is implemented over three years (Jan. 2023 – Dec. 2025) by a Consortium of three civil society organisations in the Euro-Mediterranean region: EuroMed Rights (EMR), Forum Alternatives du Maroc (FMAS) and Legal Agenda. It builds on the results of the first phase of Majalat, which ran from February 2018 to September 2021, adopting a similar approach and tapping into the extensive network of CSOs partners that has been established across the target countries. he project is regional in scope, involving stakeholders from across the region and examining cross-cutting issues and entry points to common dialogue, while activities will take place in four main target countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Lebanon).
Through a cycle of capacity building sessions, subgrants, Thematic Workshops, South Seminars, advocacy missions, culminating in the annual Brussels Civil Society Forum, Majalat II aims to empower and enable CSOs from the SN region to engage with national and European policy makers, propose priorities for regional dialogue and share recommendations that could be integrated by the EU in its future external action towards SN countries. Activities will act to promote dialogue in three priority thematic areas:
(1) Good governance, democracy and human rights;
(2) Climate change and social justice;
(3) Judicial independence and transparency.
The project specific objectives are the following:
EuroMed Rights seeks to engage a consultant to develop a comprehensive M&E framework and undertake an update of the current project logframe.
The selected M&E expert consultant will assist with developing and adopting a comprehensive M&E framework for the Majalat II project to track and report on progress, measure impact, as well as promote accountability and learning. This framework will incorporate a set of common indicators, as well as practical tools and processes for data collection at activity and project level.
Guidance will also be provided to Consortium members on monitoring, evaluation and learning processes. In line with Majalat II objectives and donor requirements, the framework should have a learning component, which will enable good practices and lessons learned from implementation to be captured and shared.
The M&E framework will also inform the revision of the project logframe that will serve as reference for the three-year implementation period of the project.
The expert consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
The following outputs will be expected from the consultant:
All documents will be written in English.
It is anticipated that this work will take approximately 15 days over two months, to allow time for reviewing and commenting on drafts. The expected process and time frame for the work is as follows:
Kick off meeting and workplan agreed: end of July 2023
Desk research and review of current logframe: from end of July until mid-August 2023
First draft of M&E framework and revised logframe submitted for review by the Consortium: mid-August 2023
Revision of first draft and submission of final draft: early September 2023
First draft of M&E tools and processes, including guidance documents, submitted for review of the Consortium: mid-September 2023
Final outputs delivered: end of September 2023
Throughout the process it is expected that the consultant will provide updates on progress and will be available for online meetings with the project implementation team, notably after each stage of the delivery.
The consultant will:
EuroMed Rights will:
This application is open to organisations, research institutes, firms or individuals.
If you believe you qualify for this position, please send the following documents by 26 July 2023 at midnight CET to Andrea Soler, Senior Coordinator (at: asl@euromedrights.net) and Ines Yahmed, Coordinator (at: iya@euromedrights.net):
Please write “M&E expert consultant for Majalat II” in the subject line.
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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 6 juillet 2023
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