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Long-term Consultant/Consultancy Bureau-NDI Retour vers les opportunités

Institut National Démocratique

Lance   Appel à candidatures


25 Juillet 2022 Il y a 3 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Call for Consultation – NDI

Position title: Long-term Consultant/Consultancy Bureau

Form of employment: Consultancy

Duration: 17 months


  • Description of NDI

NDI is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan organization that works to strengthen and develop democracy around the world. Using a global network of volunteer experts, NDI provides technical support to parliaments, political parties, elected officials and civil society organizations working to establish democratic values and institutions in their countries. For more information on the organization, visit our website: www.ndi.org


  • General Context

NDI is currently implementing a program aiming to support the inclusive, client oriented and evidence-based policy making in Tunisia.

In particular, NDI works in partnership with A local CSO Partner, and with a wide range of local public and private stakeholders to build A Tunisian Public Policy Consortium (TPPC) as a kind of consortium or think tank or research center.

NDI aims to contract a consultant/a consultancy firm to facilitate, train, and provide technical support to A LOCAL CSO PARTNER to develop and implement and monitor and report about its TPPC joint project with NDI. The responsibilities of the Contractor are as listed below in Sections 3 “Objectives of the Contract” and 4 “Deliverables.”


  • Objectives of the Contract
  • General Objectives of the Assignment 

Overall, the program aims to achieve the following results:

First Goal: The Tunisian public policymakers adopt and implement inclusive and evidence-based public policies through efficient engagement with TPPC-trained policy researchers that improve the service delivery and quality of life of Tunisians.

Second Goal: The Policymakers engage together with members of academia, civil society, think tanks and individual experts to produce inclusive and evidence-based public policies

that benefit citizens.

Third Goal: The researchers have increased capacity on undertaking evidence-based research and public policy analysis that will respond to citizens’ priority concerns;

Fourth Goal: The researchers have increased capacity to efficiently communicate with decision-makers and citizens and advocate for the implementation of policy research findings;

The objective of this mission is to support NDI’s LOCAL CSO PARTNER to strengthen their technical capacities and institutional skills through training and individual consultations. The specific objectives of the mission are detailed as follows:

Support NDI’s local CSO Partner to engage effectively with the Tunisian public policymakers so that they are encouraged to adopt and implement inclusive and evidence-based public policies through efficient engagement with TPPC-trained policy researchers that improve the service delivery and quality of life of Tunisians.

Support NDI’s local CSO Partner in its endeavors to encourage the Tunisian public policymakers and the members of academia, civil society, think tanks and individual experts to engage together for the production of inclusive and evidence-based public policies that benefit citizens.

Support NDI’s local CSO Partner in the design and implementation and monitoring of the impact of specifically tailored and impactful training sessions for the members of academia, civil society, think tanks and individual experts on undertaking evidence-based research and public policy analysis that will respond to citizens’ priority concerns;

Support NDI’s local CSO Partner in the design and implementation and monitoring and reporting about the NDI funded TPPC project in a way that increases the reserachers’ capacity to efficiently communicate with decision-makers and citizens and advocate for the implementation of policy research findings;

  • Specific Objectives of the Assignment

This initiative seeks primarily to support NDI’s local CSO Partner in different phases of the TPPC project in order to:

  • Develop practical knowledge of the methodological tools organizations use to: (1) Collect and analyse information, (2) draft evidence-based policy recommendation papers, (3) implement advocacy strategies, and (4) monitoring and reporting about the impact of those papers and advocacy campaigns. 
  • Support NDI’s local CSO Partner in consolidating its data collection and analysis tools, its advocacy strategies and monitoring the performance of elected officials.
  • Provide technical assistance to NDI’s local CSO Partner in the drafting of their performance monitoring reports.
  • Deliverables

At the kick-off meeting, the Contractor will set, in consultation with the NDI team, a work schedule specifying the dates of the various deliverables that will be undertaken each month and that represent 1/17 of the total quantity of contracted services.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Degree in public administration, political science, communication, social science, or other relevant field or an equivalent relevant professional experience;
  • Minimum of two (5) years of experience in policy making and civil society capacity-building; 
  • Understanding of the Tunisian political context, particularly related to policy making and CS role;
  • Demonstrated experience in developing public policies and providing technical assistance to Tunisian civil society organizations; 
  • Ability to work independently; and, Availability to work for the duration of the mission.
  • Experience organizing large-scale conferences and/or other events; 
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills;
  • Fluency in Arabic, French and English; 



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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 18 juillet 2022

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