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Local Training on sustainable destination management – WWF NA Africa Retour vers les opportunités

WWF Afrique du Nord

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10 Juin 2020 Il y a 5 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Ben Arous et 2 autre(s) régions



Subject of the contract:

The subject of this tender is:

Provision of services, as indicated in the technical information in point 2 of this section

    • Deadline for submission of the tenders:


  • The deadline for submission of tenders is 10th, June 2020 until 17h00 GMT. Any tender received after this deadline will be automatically rejected.


  • Address and means of submission of the tenders:

The tenderers will submit their tenders using the standard submission form available in Part B of this tender dossier. The tender will be submitted in 1 (one) original. In case of e-mail submission, the tenderer may provide a scanned original. Any tenders not using the prescribed form shall be rejected by the contracting authority.

All tenders should be sent to:  na.contact@wwfna.org 




The tenderers are required to provide services as indicated below. In the technical offer, the tenderers will indicate more details on the deliveries, referring back to the below terms of reference


The Mediterranean (MED) region is one of the world’s leading tourist destinations, which makes tourism a key driver for socio-economic progress & a key income source for many of its countries. Faced by growing competition & a deterioration of the political & security situation in the region, the destination has demonstrated symptoms of a slowdown, which makes the recovery of the sector an economic priority. This downturn may also present an opportunity to transform the tourism model into a sustainable & competitive one, addressing current sectorial challenges as the predominance of mass seaside tourism, dependence on the European market & territorial imbalances.

The hereby proposed initiative (MEDUSA project) is led by a mix of public/private/non-governmental organizations across the region with proven track record in the tourism & business development field. MEDUSA will tackle these joint challenges via targeted & inter-related capacity building & cross-border interventions to develop & promote Adventure Tourism (AT) in the region. Between 2010 & 2014, this tourism niche grew by 195%. The MED has every opportunity to become part of this international trend, which properly managed can make tourism more sustainable, providing a strong incentive for conservation, while creating jobs & more income for local communities. These major expected changes will occur in the medium/long-term. Also, the multiplier effect will be higher in comparison to other forms of tourism. The main results of the project are cross-border routes & itineraries, in the form of new and/or improved AT products, revealing lesser-known destinations & attracting tourists throughout the year. A long-term (LT) strategy is envisaged for the promotion & management of these destinations in a sustainable way with the participation of a wide array of stakeholders. The main beneficiaries are SMEs (Tourism Service Providers, Tour Operators (TOs), Travel Agencies, etc.), public authorities & the communities.

MEDUSA project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood Instrument cross-border cooperation program “Mediterranean Sea Basin” 2014-2020 (ENI CBC MED). It started on 1st September 2019 and has duration of 36 months (until 31st August 2022). It counts on an overall budget of 3,317,314 EUR, which are co-financed at a 90% rate by the ENI CBC Med program. 

It includes the following project partners: 

  • Barcelona Chamber of Commerce (Spain) – Lead Beneficiary
  • Rene Moawad Foundation (Lebanon)
  • Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Spain)
  • Jordan Inbound Tour Operators Association – JITOA (Jordan)
  • Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature – RSCN (Jordan)
  • Puglia Region – Department of tourism, economy of culture and valorization of territory (Italy)
  • WWF Mediterranean North Africa (Tunisia)

More information is available at: http://www.enicbcmed.eu/projects/medusa 

  1. Specific framework of the assignment 

The Medusa project, as part of its Tourism Capacity Building Process, and in particular, the Multi-stakeholder Training programme for Adventure Tourism development in the Mediterranean, offers a Training Component on Sustainable Destination Management (Activity 4.1.1). 

  • Aim of the component: 

This component puts the emphasis on minimizing tourism environmental & social impacts, preserving heritage & optimizing tourism contributions to economic development of host communities. 

  • Final beneficiaries / target groups 

The training will be offered in the territories of MEDUSA, namely Catalonia, Jordan, Lebanon, Puglia and Tunisia to municipalities and other governmental officials, bodies in charge of the management of protected areas, outdoor adventure tourism and sports associations, and community groups.

  • Local territories : 

The governorates targeted by this project are: 

  • Ben Arous: Boukornine mountain and Djbel Ressas “Mountain of lead”
  • Gabes: Matmata, Toujene (Tamazight villages) 
  • Madnine: Zammour, Parc national Sidi Toui 

Objective, purpose and expected results

The main objective of this assignment is to prepare and deliver’Training on sustainable tourism Destination Management” in national and local scale in Tunisia. In specific, this consultancy will include the coordination, preparation and development of the training content and materials as well as the implementation in territories that indicated above. The trainer should commit to actively participate in the ONLINE TOT and transfer new gained skills to local stakeholders. 

The training is aiming to enhance capacities, knowledge and skills of local target beneficiaries in project territories including local stakeholders (public authorities, NGOs, local tourism industry, etc…).  

Accordingly to the TOT programme, the trainer should prepare/ adapt content for the local context and specifically on: 

  • Good practices and inspiring experiences adopted by the administration and the private sector to adapt to current and future Tourism Trends
  • Natural protected areas as areas of excellence for sustainable adventure and nature tourism
  • Cooperation, a key factor in local tourism development strategies
  • Optimizing Tourism Spent in the local economy
  • Involving Communities in Tourism Development
  • Sustainable Tourism Indicators (ETIS) and the SDGs 

Expected results: 

Result n°1: Active participation during the TOT ONLINE session in June/ July 2020

Result n°2: Prepare and deliver a detailed training programme for the local stakeholders mentioned above. 

Duration of the assignment: 

  Three training sessions of 2 days duration each, based on the knowledge and materials of the MEDUSA Training of Trainers programme on Sustainable Destination Management, while the total period of the assignment is 6 months (9 working days):

  • Starting day: June, 2020.
  • Ended day: November 2020

Description of the assignment: 

The Consultant/Trainer is expected to provide a detailed content with up to date information (inspired from the ONLINE TOT content displayed) related to sustainable tourism destination management, and in specific, the topics listed above. The content should be well structured, clearly presented with visually appealing design and formatting. In terms of practical aspects, the training should include practical and interactive exercises and case study. The approach followed is based on an interactive facilitation and communication between the trainer and final beneficiaries. A participatory approach should be applied during the training sessions. The trainer should provide a strong training evaluation survey and exams in order to ensure the achievement of the training objectives.  

Specific work: 

  1. Present the full content of the detailed proposal of the training programme including methodology, pedagogic materials, practical cases and exercises, and technical content of the workshops. 
  2. Prepare the content 
  3. Deliver three training session for two days 

In undertaking the tasks described under this section, the Consultants must comply with the latest Communication and Visibility Manual for EU External Actions concerning acknowledgement of EU financing of the project. See https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/communication-and-visibility-manual-eu-external-actions_en.

Reporting requirement

The contractor will submit the following reports in English in Electronic format: 

  • All training content and material developed for each session must be delivered on soft copies (Mail transfer and CD master copy) 
  • Draft material shall be discussed and communicated sufficiently before the training;
  • Final completion report includes trainees’ evaluation. 

The Trainers/Consultants will run the following tasks:

  • Attendance to the online TOT hosted by MEDUSA between June and July 2020 (to be confirmed) (maximum two days duration);
  • Adaptation of the TOT materials to the local language and territory, delivering customized training materials for a one-day training session in collaboration with the MEDUSA partner;
  • Support to the communication and dissemination of the training sessions done by the project partners;
  • Facilitation of at least three training sessions of 2 days duration (between the end of October and end of November, to be confirmed), organized by the project partner in its project territory (Catalonia, Puglia, Tunisia, Jordan or Lebanon) with an estimated audience of 15-20 participants in total. 

Additional information


  • Coordinate and prepare the content and all training materials 
  • Prepare the training with the local authorities
  • Prepare the pedagogic content of the training



The budget available to implement the training component is 2,500 Euros (Paid en Tunisian DT)


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WWF Na North Africa


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