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Local Expert to Support Tourism Data Decision Making-Chemonics International Retour vers les opportunités

Chemonics International

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23 Octobre 2022 Il y a 2 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

Title: Local Expert to Support Tourism Data Decision Making (3.7)

Assignment: Short-Term STTA – 60 days LoE 

Reports to: USAID Visit Tunisia Enabling Environment (Component 3) Team  Leader 


The USAID-funded Visit Tunisia Activity is a 5-year project designed to enhance Tunisia’s tourism  potential, with the goal of generating revenue and jobs, particularly for women and youth, and for  populations in underserved regions of the country. The overall vision behind USAID’s investment in  Tunisia’s tourism sector is to capitalize on Tunisia’s natural, cultural, heritage and historical sites to  develop a more diversified and high-quality tourism sector that contributes to broad-based economic  growth. Through this activity, USAID seeks to contribute to Tunisia’s growth and development to  offset the negative economic impact of the coronavirus crisis. The project will seek to achieve the  following four objectives: 

  • Objective 1: Enhance Tunisia’s competitiveness as a tourism destination. 
  • Objective 2: Increase tourism-related investments and revenue. 
  • Objective 3: Improve the enabling environment for sustained growth in the tourism sector. 
  • Objective 4: Private sector engagement to expand the offer and quality of alternative tourism. 

This project will collaborate with the relevant ministries, private sector, and donors to advance the  objectives while contributing to the following high-level results:  

  1. Increase in the number of tourists.  
  2. Increase in the number of jobs in the tourism sector.  
  3. Increase in tourism revenue.  
  4. Increase in private sector-led investment and innovation in the tourism sector.  


For Tunisia to expand its tourism potential it must compile verifiable information that will help it  identify new markets opportunities to become more competitive and expand tourism economic  impact. Having reliable statistics is essential for policymakers to make effective decisions. Only with  sufficient and adequate data that generate credible statistics is it possible to undertake different  types of analysis of tourism. This is essential in order to evaluate the different aspects of tourism  and to support and improve policy and decision-making. 

The objective of this consultancy scope is to support the Ministry of Tourism and Handicraft, Office  National du Tourisme Tunisien, Institut National de la Statistique and the Tourism Statistics Working  Group to prepare the International Tourism Visitors Survey (ITVS) and to prepare, compile and  publish a prototype (model) Tourism Satellite Account Tables for 2022 /2023 based on the  UNWTO/TSA methodology and recommended framework, and facilitate an capacity building  workshops on TSA concept.  

Two important elements in generating credible tourism statistics are the International Tourism  Visitor Survey (ITVS) (commonly known as Arrivals and Departures Survey) and the Tourism Satellite  Accounts (TSA). The objectives of the ITVS are to: measure visitor expenditures; determine activities  tourists participate in transport, accommodation and places visited; provide data for tourism  expenditure for the Tourism Satellite Account and provide demographic information about  international visitors, their motivation for visiting Tunisia and their satisfaction with their visit. The  ITVS will be executed by the Office National du Tourisme Tunisien (ONTT) a department of the  Ministry of Tourism and Handicraft with analysis completed by the Institut National de la Statistique  (INS). USAID Visit Tunisia will support the methodology design of the ITVS and be an active technical  support to the Tourism Statistics Working Group (STWG). 

The purpose of a Tourism Satellite Account is to analyze in detail all the aspects of demand for  goods and services associated with the activity of visitors (tourists); to observe the operational  interface with the supply of such goods and services within the economy; and to describe how this  supply interacts with other economic activities. 


The Local expert shall use his or her education, considerable experience, and additional  understanding gleaned from the reading materials and interviews to execute these core interrelated  activities: 

Activity 1: Support the work of the International Expert in planning and rolling out  activities: 

The work of the Local expert should support the work of the International Expert (please see SoW of the International Expert) in implementing the following activities: 

1) Support the work of the International Expert to develop an implementation and roll out plan. 2) Support the work of the International Expert to conduct an analysis of national tourism statistical  system and gathered data. 

3) Prepare detailed schedule of activities and the schedule of meetings, interviews, and visits. 4) Convene workshop to present & verify report results. 

5) Participate in meetings and workshops with the international expert for discussion and  coordination of activities. 

6) Develop and submit concise weekly reports on activities to USAID- Visit Tunisia Enabling  Environment Team Leader.  

Activity 2: Conduct assessment of current tourism statistical data: 

1) Prepare assessment of the current tourism statistical data system supported by INS, ONTT and  Central Bank of Tunisia and its administrative and technical capacity. 

2) Develop a mapping of available tourism data. 

3) Develop roadmap for strengthening tourism statistical system to be compliant to international  standards. 

4) Assess the availability and accuracy of data on domestic tourism spending from an existing  national consumption survey and develop questions to be included on the national consumption  survey to cover Tourism expenditures. 

5) Support preparation of a Tourism Statistics & TSA PowerPoint awareness presentation  supported by the local STTA. 

Activity 3: Support the preparation of International Tourism Visitors Survey 2023 

1) Support International Expert activities related to the International Tourism Visitors Survey 2023: Planning of the framework and methodology for the International Tourism Visitors Survey  2023 

  • Review the ITVS template used in 2018 and update it. 
  • Advise on the survey sample and implementation timeline. 
  • Prepare a toolkit for the survey team (interviewers) training.  
  • Guide the roll out and completion of the International Tourism Visitors Survey 2023 report.

Activity 4: Support production of tourism statistics system – TSA: 

  • Support building capacity of INS and ONTT managers to produce the TSA.
  •  Support preparation of TSA Tables and industry readable executive report based on TSA  templates 
  • Support developing and conducting awareness-raising workshops for all institutions and  industry stakeholders on the tourism statistics system and the TSA results.

Activity 5: Support compilation for TSA Tables relevant data from industry surveys, ITVS  tables, and other data as published. 

  • Support compilation for TSA Tables for 2023. 
  • Support preparation of an Executive Report on the TSA results. 
  • Support of preparation of a dashboard with indicators relevant to tourism sector in Tunisia.  

Activity 6: Oversee the IT expert work on Optimization & the relevance of tourism  statistics through digitized integrated system, to: 

  • Design a digitized statistics information system for tourism. This system will be flexible and  open to allow for the gradual integration of both Tunisian and international data resources  and reports supported by the Local STTA. 
  • Produce a digitized Tourism Indicator Dashboard supported by the local STTA. 


The Local Expert shall deliver the following output deliverables:  

1) Activity 1: Support the work of the International Expert. 

1) Detailed schedule of activities and the schedule of meetings, interviews, and visits.

2) Develop and submit concise weekly reports on activities 

2) Activity 2: Conduct assessment of current tourism statistical data.

1) Assessment of the current tourism statistical data system supported by INS, ONTT and  Central Bank of Tunisia and its administrative and technical capacity. 

2) Mapping of available tourism data. 

3) Roadmap for strengthening tourism statistical system to be compliant to international  standards. 

4) Assessment of the availability and accuracy of data on domestic tourism spending from an  existing national consumption survey. 

5) Questions to be included on the national consumption survey to cover tourism expenditures. 


The consultant shall interview, but is not limited to, the following individuals or groups of individuals to fully understand the work specified under this consultancy: 

  • President of the National Council of Statistics 
  • Ministry of Tourism representative. 
  • ONTT representative. 
  • Statistics department director of ONTT. 
  • Central Bank of Tunisia representative. 
  • INS representative. 
  • Ministry of Interior representative. 
  • OACA representative. 
  • FTH representative. 
  • FTAV representative. 
  • IACE representative. 
  • USAID Visit Tunisia, Chief of Party. 
  • Team Leader, Business Enabling Environment, USAID Visit Tunisia. 


The Local expert shall have the following minimum qualifications: 

  • At least 10 years of work experience in related fields is essential. 
  • Ability to work independently, with minimal supervision, meet deadlines, and effectively manage  multiple, competing priorities 
  • Strong oral and written communication skills in English. French and Arabic language also preferred.
  •  Experience and knowledge in UNWTO TSA guidelines and frameworks is desirable.
  •  University degree or equivalent in a relevant field of statistics, research or data management,  preferably in tourism.



The consultancy assignment will be performed in the greater Tunis region. 


The Local Expert to Support Tourism Data Decision Making (3.7) will report to the USAID Visit Tunisia  Enabling Environment (Component 3) Team Leader.  


This consultancy will start on November 15, 2022, and end in May 2023. 

Unless otherwise specified in writing, the time frame for this consultancy is as allocated below: 

Total Days
Activity 1  10
Activity 2  20
Activity 3  15
Activity 4  05
Activity 5  05
Activity 6  05
Total  60 days

SoW TSA Local Expert


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