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L’Institut Suédois lance un appel à projet « Creative Force » : culture, médias, promotion de l’ouverture et de la démocratie (en anglais) Retour vers les opportunités


15 Septembre 2014 Il y a 10 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

The Swedish Institute’s Creative Force programme provides funding for collaborative projects involving organisations in Sweden and in the countries specified below that work to bring about change by means of dialogue, communication and creative forums. The programme is open to applications which aim to promote openness and democratic structures with the aid of projects in the fields of culture, media and related sectors.

Applicants may be civil society organisations, foundations, public sector agencies, private sector agencies or other professional actors. Private individuals may not apply for funding under the programme. Observe! It is always the Swedish partner in a collaboration who is formally responsible for the application and legally accountable vis-à-vis the Swedish Institute.

  • The application deadlines

The application deadlines for 2014 are January 24, May 15, and September 15.
The application period begins six weeks before each respective deadline.

Creative Force Middle East and North Africa

The Creative Force Middle East and North Africa Programme is part of Sweden’s strategy for development cooperation with the Middle East and North Africa, the overarching objectives of which are stronger democracy and greater respect for human rights; and sustainable development that improves conditions for peace, stability and freedom in the region.

The programme is financed under the  Swedish Government’s Strategy Democratisation and Freedom of Expression, administrated by Sida. Read more about the successful projects of 2013: Creative Force Middle East and North Africa.

  • What is Creative Force?

Creative Force Middle East and North Africa aims to promote freedom of speech and the development of democratic structures, with particular emphasis on women’s rights. These aims shall be achieved via mutual learning processes and sustainable networks between actors in the fields of culture, media and related sectors in Sweden and the programme countries listed below.

More specifically, the programme is intended to help achieve one or more of the following objectives:

  • Enhanced mutual, capacity-building processes and sustainable networks between actors who use culture and other creative tools to promote a greater awareness of democratic values and human rights.
  • Improved opportunities for freedom of opinion and expression through greater access to the means of cultural and artistic expression.
  • Greater access to information and the right to communicate through the creation of new arenas and forms of communication.
  • Greater equality and non-discrimination by means of approaches that promote cultural diversity and human rights.

Projects may be carried out in Sweden and/or in one or more of the programme countries (Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, West Bank/Gaza and Yemen). Priority will be given to initiatives that are carried out in programme countries and to regional collaborations.

Funding will normally not be granted to projects to be carried out in countries or regions which the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs advises against visiting. SI advises all Swedish partners who have been granted funding to follow the travel recommendations of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

  • Target group

The primary target group for Creative Force funding are actors for change and opinion-makers in the fields of culture, media and related sectors. These should work with creative processes which will help to achieve the programme objectives. Examples of these are representatives of the cultural sector who work to promote basic democratic values and human rights, representatives of independent journalism/media and new forms of communication, opinion-makers and defenders of women’s rights.

The final beneficiaries of Creative Force initiatives are groups/individuals whose circumstances are characterised by lack of respect for human rights and freedoms. Creative Force has a special focus on women, children, young people and minorities.

SI will give precedence to projects with a communicative dimension which possess the potential for wider dissemination and which will help to shape opinion and encourage discussion of the issues raised. SI gives special priority to activities which create greater space for exchanges of opinion.

  • Types of funding and duration

Creative Force Middle East and North Africa offers two types of assistance:

  • Seed funding is available for such purposes as contact visits, exchanges of experts and planning trips. The maximum duration is 12 months from application deadline. The maximum amount that can be applied for is SEK 100,000.
  • Funding for collaborative projects is available for initiatives with a maximum duration of 24 months from the application deadline. Sums that can be applied is in the range SEK 100,000 − SEK 300,000/year (maximum SEK 600,000). For project that runs for more than 12 months, approved interim reports are required for the disbursement of additional funds.


  • Types of activity eligible for funding

Seed funding is available for such purposes as contact visits, exchanges of experts and planning trips.

Funding may not be sought for research projects, study trips, school exchanges, commercial contact, volunteer activities, exchanges for children or young people, or participation in conferences/courses (unless the applicant is playing a central role). Nor may funding be sought for humanitarian efforts or disaster relief activities.

Funding may not be sought retroactively for activities which have already taken place before the application deadline.

Funding covers :

  • Travel and subsistence
  • Temporary costs directly connected with the project.
  • Administrative costs (such as telephone, Internet and documentation). Remuneration for administrative costs may not exceed 5% of the total sum applied for.
  • Audit costs (max. SEK 5,000) and evaluation costs.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Applicants may be civil society organisations, foundations, public sector agencies, private sector agencies or other professional actors.
  • Private individuals may not apply for funding under the programme.
  • Observe! It is always the Swedish partner in a collaboration who is formally responsible for the application and legally accountable vis-à-vis the Swedish Institute.

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Michael Skoglund

Programme Manager

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