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Leaders International TOR 13/TT/2023: Audit Services (Commissaire Aux Comptes)-Leaders International Retour vers les opportunités

Leaders International

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29 Décembre 2023 Il y a 1 an

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Ariana et 1 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Tourisme

General Information:

Project : Trans-Tunisia Hiking Trail

Activity Title : Audit Services (Commissaire Aux Comptes)

ToR Number (Please refer to it when applying) : 13/TT/2023 Location : Tunisia

Date of Announcement : 15 December 2023

Leaders International:

Leaders International is an international network of local organizations that plans, manages, and monitors innovation and economic development interventions in the region. Through its offices in Brussels, Tunisia, Amman, and Ramallah, Leaders International provides complete project-management services with a focus on private-sector development, enterprise development, job creation, entrepreneurship, D4D, economic policy dialogue, and tourism value chain development.

Project Background

Tunisia has long been an attractive and a bargain tourist destination for European travelers. It is known for its all-inclusive packages including airfare and hotel. Most European tour operators that control international tourist arrivals, target coastal cities known for their golden beaches, sunny weather, and affordable luxurious hotels.

Recently, Tunisia has initiated policy dialogues to reconsider its tourism strategies amidst the new global trends and to think about ways to promote new forms of tourism that encourage the creation of sustainable tourism projects based on cultural and environmental alternative tourism. Tunisia’s tourism industry is in an urgent need for strengthening and diversifying the quality of products and services offered to meet the new customers’ aspirations and needs.

The current project is considering the challenging situation of the tourism industry and tapping into the potential of the hiking activities as a sustainable and creative way to promote alternative tourism, revitalize the country’s inland cities and rural areas and generate new opportunities of sustainable employment for Tunisian youth.

This project is implemented in partnership with The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), under the Tounes Wijhetouna programme, co-funded by the European Union and Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


The purpose of the auditor’s mission is to verify accounting and financial management and internal control in accordance with international and national standards and current regulations in Tunisia.

Scope of Work:

In accordance with article 43 of law 2011-88 of September 24, 2011 on the organization of associations in Tunisia, the auditor’s assignment covers the financial years 2023, 2024 and 2025 and will relate to accounts opened and managed by the association Leaders International- Tunisia Branch.

The auditor’s mission will cover:

• Assessing the internal control system in terms of compliance with the procedures manual and accounting standards;

• Ensuring that the accounts truly reflect the expenses incurred;

• Checking the trial balance accounts;

• Evaluation compliance with accounting standards and all regulations in force in Tunisia in terms of the financial and accounting management of associations.


An audit report consisting of:

• A Letter to the management committee

• Audit report including: – general report – special report – financial statements and notes;

Duration of Work :

The auditor’s engagement covers the financial years 2023, 2024 and 2025.

Qualifications Required:

The assignment requires an auditor registered in the Tunisian Order of Chartered Accountants, with the required diplomas and qualifications. The auditor must have approved experience in audit missions with associations in Tunisia and in-depth knowledge of the accounting and financial management of associations.

Taxes and Other Terms:

• The offer must be addressed to Leaders International/Trans-Tunisia

• The offer should be excluding VAT

• For individual consultants, Applicable tax laws apply

• Company’s registration certificate must be provided with the offer

• Please mention the ToR number: 13/TT/2023 in the email subject

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Arij Sghiri

Procurement Coordinator

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