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Lead Facilitator – Crown Agents Retour vers les opportunités


20 Mars 2020 Il y a 5 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Ariana et 24 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Citoyenneté et gouvernance et 1 autre(s) domaines


Brief description of the Tazeez Program:

The Tazeez program is a UK funded Conflict, Security and Stability Fund (CSSF) programme.

The Tazeez Program is designed to contribute to the provision of more responsive and inclusive sub-national Governments services in Libya by supporting the Government of National Accord’s (GNA) efforts to decentralize.

Tazeez seeks to support Municipalities and Sector Ministries in implementing the decentralization policy as provided for in Law 59 (2012). The main focus of Tazeez is to support a sustainable decentralized bottom-up planning, decision-making and implementation process through the training and capacity building of development agents at the Municipal and community levels.

In addition, the Tazeez program aims to assist Municipalities in integrating decentralized departments into the Municipal system and to support sub-Municipal structures (Mahalas) to undertake their roles and functions.

The Tazeez program also seeks to improve existing service delivery systems at Municipal level, through the provision of training and technical assistance, and to widen the decision-making base by ensuring greater participation in the development process at Community, Mahala and Municipalities levels.

Tazeez seeks to ensure that activities in various sectors like water and sanitation, roads, health, education etc. are planned and implemented in close cooperation between the Municipalities, the respective Sector Departments and the communities.

The various key players from the Municipalities and Mahalas should be co-operating and consulting with each other. The decisive factor in this process will be improvement in both the Municipalities’ internal working practices and the professional skills of the Municipal Administration and other major actors in the District.

The Tazeez program will actively support the on-going efforts of the Municipalities to improve internal capacities and to foster operational linkages with Mahalas, decentralized Sector Departments, NGOs/CBOs and the private sector, as a means of ensuring decentralized management and citizen participation at the Municipal level.

Tazeez envisages complementing these local level support measures with activities at the national level in the Ministry of Local Government (MLG), the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Labour and the Higher Committee for Transferring Competences aimed at sharing experiences from the local level to inform policy and programme formulation processes.

Tazeez outcome areas:

Tazeez strategic emphasis is based on three outcome areas:

Outcome 1: Contribute to stronger (central and municipal) executive capability to implement Libya’s emerging decentralization agenda

Outcome 2: Central ministries’ capacity to apply lessons learned from pilot Municipalities developed

Outcome 3: Municipalities have developed an integrated plan and budget and are delivering project(s) using the programme’s funds

Context of the assignment:

The Program’s target groups are national level entities driving the decentralization process. Intermediaries at the national level include the Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport, Higher Committee for the Transfer of Competences, Supreme Council for Higher Administration and the General Secretariat of Supreme Council of Administration.

Intermediaries at the local level include deconcentrated Sector Ministries operating in the area of the Municipalities and Municipality bodies (Majors, economic, urban and regional planners, Municipality elected Councilors, Municipality planning Committees).

During the startup phase of the program Tazeez is conducting a Municipal assessment through the MICA tool.

Tazeez will use the MICA tool for four different purposes:

  • Firstly, it will provide Tazeez with a baseline assessment of the current position of Municipalities. The 20 key performance indicators (KPIs) in the MICA will provide Tazeez with an overview of how well the Municipalities are actually performing in terms of service delivery.
  • Secondly, the MICA tool will enable Tazeez to measure change over time using the KPI data captured in the baseline assessment.
  • Thirdly, Tazeez will use the MICA data to assess the capacity needs of the Municipalities and develop a service delivery improvement plan.
  • Fourthly, Tazeez will use the MICA data to assess Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)

In addition to the MICA tool, Tazeez will also conduct an institutional capacity assessment of the Municipality.

Another important source of information which will feed into the adjustment of the workplan for 2020 is the TWO DAYS OPEN SPACE PLANNING workshop in April 2020. Tazeez will invite approximately 60 participants from the national and sub-national level. The design of the OPEN SPACE workshop is geared towards providing Tazeez with vital information on national and sub-national stakeholders needs and expectations.

Tasks of the Consultant

The consultant will be expected to achieve the objective indicated below by undertaking the under-listed activities.


Direct the team of three co-facilitators during the OPEN SPACE workshop and develop an implementation strategy for the Tazeez program based on the outcomes of the workshop.


  • Facilitate the two-day workshop, including probing participants and providing an environment whereby participants are engaged and interactive.
  • Capture results of participants’ inputs during OPEN SPACE workshop.
  • Address the question of how Tazeez can align its activities (within its mandate), both strategically and institutionally, to Libya’s national decentralization efforts.
  • Assess what support the project can provide to Municipal structures which should add value to Municipal level institutions to administer, plan and manage decentralized administration.


 Attached draft design of OPEN SPACE technology workshop.

Reporting requirements 

The consultant shall compile and present a concise report latest 14 days after finalization of the workshop.

The report shall comprise:

Background of OPEN SPACE workshop

  • Objectives of the Workshop
  • Methodology

Achievements of the workshop

  • Overview
  • Detailed outputs from the Commissions
  • Prioritized list of expectations and strategies

Conclusions and insights for future action

  • Annex 1: Overview of workshop attendance
  • Annex 2: Outputs of the three commissions
  • Annex 2.1: Contribute to stronger (central and municipal) executive capability to implement Libya’s emerging decentralisation agenda
  • Annex 2.2: Central ministries’ capacity to apply lessons learned from pilot Municipalities developed
  • Annex 2.3: Municipalities have developed an integrated plan and budget and are delivering project(s) using the programme’s funds
  • Annex 3: Prioritized Expectations national and sub-national level entities
  • Annex 3.1: Contribute to stronger (central and municipal) executive capability to implement Libya’s emerging decentralisation agenda
  • Annex 3.2: Central ministries’ capacity to apply lessons learned from pilot Municipalities developed
  • Annex 3.3: Municipalities have developed an integrated plan and budget and are delivering project(s) using the programme’s funds

Duration of Assignment

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Minimum of 5 years’ governance experience (MENA region preferred)
  • Demonstrated experience of facilitation including delivering workshops
  • Fluent Arabic speaker

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 26 février 2020

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