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(Offre en anglais) Le gouvernement de Malte offre une bourse d’étude pour un Master en action humanitaire à l’Université de Malte Retour vers les opportunités


15 Mai 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: International
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Éducation et 1 autre(s) domaines

The Scholarship is designed to facilitate the academic formation of a young Tunisian professional in a key area, namely humanitarian action. Malta is an ideal location for the realisation of this goal, not only because of the relevant expertise it offers, but also because of the strong historic and cultural ties it enjoys with Tunisia.


Why sponsor a student in Humanitarian Action?
Tunisia has been undertaking its transformation to democratic rule under challenging circumstances. One of the many challenges it has been facing is instability and civil strife across its border with Libya. As a result, at one point, Tunisia hosted upwards of 1 million Libyan nationals – a tenth of the Tunisian population. The recent escalation in hostilities in Libya and developments in Algeria, serve as a reminder that Tunisia, a fully-fledged democracy, plays a significant role in the region. This situation led the Government of Malta to launch an annual scholarship scheme for Tunisian nationals in 2015. The aim is to provide the successful candidate with the capacity and professional knowledge to take the lead in shaping humanitarian policy and practice in the country and the wider region, and to encourage bilateral cooperation in an area of mutual interest. Humanitarian action highlights local ownership, participation and bottom-up approaches.

The Master of Arts in Humanitarian Action course offered by the University of Malta combines theory and practice in such a way as to enable the students to work on a range of issues related to humanitarian action. Modules range from humanitarian law and diplomacy and forced migration to management in humanitarian action. Past holders of the Government of Malta’s Scholarship for a Tunisian Student for a Master of Arts in Humanitarian Action have excelled academically at the University of Malta and have progressed to occupy various positions at a number of revered International Organisations, among them the European Commission’s DG ECHO, the United Nations’ International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and Amnesty International.

This Scholarship’s awardee will be given the opportunity to undertake a Master of Arts Programme that is structured upon and twinned with the NOHA Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) Programme in International Humanitarian Action, offered by the University of Malta’s Department of International Relations in conjunction with the Master of Arts in Humanitarian Action. The conjunction of these two Master Programmes allows for a highly diverse student body, with classes typically being comprised of circa thirty students, hailing from approximately fifteen to twenty different countries.

The course

Master of Arts in Humanitarian Action

The Master’s programme approaches humanitarian and development action from both a practical and an analytical perspective. Students develop the necessary knowledge and skills to critically analyse humanitarian action, and work effectively in the humanitarian and development field. The programme is taught by a combination of in-house experts and experienced guest lecturers. Candidates for the M.A. in Humanitarian Action will gain a comprehensive understanding of:

  • The variety of humanitarian and more long-term responses to crises across the globe
  • How such responses are shaped and what consequences they have
  • The institutional and legal framework for humanitarian action
  • Medical and public health aspects of humanitarian action
  • Management and humanitarian action
  • Anthropology and humanitarian action
  • Applied ethics in humanitarian action
  • Human security, forced migration and humanitarian action
  • Migration and migration control
  • Applied refugee law
  • Applied research methods in humanitarian action

The M.A. also offers the possibility of placements for those students who wish to expand their hands-on experience of what working in the humanitarian and development fields entails.

The programme is intended for individuals working in, or aspiring to work in, humanitarian agencies, multilateral aid institutions, NGOs and private foundations, government agencies, large corporations with in-house development/outreach work, and think tanks and research centres.

The M.A. enables students to develop a range of skills, including:

  • The ability to analyse critically humanitarian and development action, how it is framed, structured, and delivered
  • The ability to plan, programme, implement, and evaluate effectively humanitarian and/or development interventions
  • The ability to navigate among the numerous players involved in humanitarian and development assistance
  • Confident oral presentation skills on the topics covered
  • Analytical writing in the area of humanitarian and development cooperation

The ideal applicant should have a serious and manifest commitment to humanitarianism, with some prior experience in the humanitarian and/or development sector and a strong motivation to pursue postgraduate studies. The applicant should have intercultural communication skills. Knowledge of languages beyond English and Arabic is an asset.

Further details.

Further details about the programme and its delivery are available at:
The Course Overview and Programme available at:
The Bye-Laws for the Degree of Master of Arts available at: http://www.um.edu.mt/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/95147/MA-Arts-BL-2009.pdf

The Scholarship

One scholarship will be awarded and this will cover:

  • Payment of the University of Malta Tuition Fee.
  • A premium for a Health Insurance to cover medical expenses up to a maximum of EUR 500 per year. Students will be guided on this and other arrangements upon arrival.
  • Reimbursement for the obligatory Health Test to be carried out in Malta as required for the processing of the Residence Permit. (Information about the health test that will be carried out upon arrival in Malta is available at: http://www.um.edu.mt/international/international/healthtests
  • A monthly subsistence allowance amounting to EUR 1000 per month to be used towards accommodation, living, transport and academic expenses and any other expenses that may arise.
  • One return direct journey (Tunisia – Malta – Tunisia), the cost of which is capped at EUR 500. Any additional trips or travel costs higher than this amount will have to be covered by the student.

The scholarship holder will be requested to attend the Orientation Programme that is organised for all new international students joining the University of Malta. The date of Orientation will be communicated at a later stage.


Critères d'éligibilité

  • A recognised degree as deemed relevant by the Faculty Board of Arts.
  • Given the multidisciplinary character of humanitarian work, applicants are expected to hold a first degree obtained with second class or better, in any subject considered relevant by the Admissions Committee.
  • English Language Proficiency.
  • Applicants who have not studied in Malta are required to present an internationally recognised English Language Proficiency Certificate at the required level. Further information about English Language Requirements is available at: https://www.um.edu.mt/journey/admissionsadvice/internationalapplicants/englishlanguagerequirements

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Mr Joseph M. Debono


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