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Justice Incubation Program By Hiil Retour vers les opportunités


08 Septembre 2024 Il y a 6 mois

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social
Justice Incubation Program: Empowering Tunisian Startups for a user-friendly justice

Welcome to the application form for the Justice Incubation Program! This program is designed to support early-stage startups that are focused on creating impactful solutions in the areas of employment justice and MSMEs support. We are seeking innovative entrepreneurs who are committed to driving positive change and making justice more accessible and user friendly.

Program details:  The program is composed of two phases:

– A 3 days physical bootcamp (from September 17th to 19th)

– 1 practical experimentation week

– 4 weeks of online training (1 to 2 sessions per week)

The program also offers a possibility of winning financial assistance.

Application timeline: 

– Application opens on August 21st

– Application deadline: September 5th

– Interviews: from September 4th to September 11th

By joining our program, you will gain access to resources, mentorship, financial assistance,  and a supportive community to help scale your venture and maximize its social impact. Please complete the application form below, providing as much detail as possible to help us understand your vision, your team, and the potential impact of your solution.

For any additional information, please feel free to send an email to nada.zaafrane@hiil.org

Critères d'éligibilité

  • startup or entrepreneur working on Employment Justice or MSMEs support
  • The solution has a functional prototype
  • The solution is destined for the Tunisian market

L'opportunité a expiré

Cette opportunité n'est malheureusement plus disponible sur Jamaity. Visitez régulièrement la rubrique opportunités pour ne plus en rater.


Nada Zaafrane

Project officer Justice Accelerator MENA

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Appel à participation Publié sur Jamaity le 28 août 2024

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