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Journalist expert   -Association média et animation des jeunes «  Nefzawa » Retour vers les opportunités


10 Juillet 2023 Il y a 2 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Kébili


  • General information: 


Project Name Freedom Camps
The applicant organization’s name Association média et animation des jeunes «  Nefzawa »
Person in charge of the project’s identity and position Wafa ben  chamam
Email address wafa@nefzawa.net


Telephone 53045207

  • Organizational background:

The Youth Media and Animation Association  (working on the name of Nefzawa) is a Tunisian association created in 2012 in Kébili published in JORT RR 915619086 on November 23, 2012; composed of a board of directors of which 60% of its members are women, with a fresh and young soul (at the creation the age range was between 24 and 34 years old), the whole team was composed of young people freshly graduates; the association representing the state of mind of these members, it has promoted the region, the representation of youth issues and the fight against regional media marginalization.

It also wanted to identify itself as a center for the development of community media.

The beginning was announced by the launch of the Nefzawa radio in November 2012 on the web confirmed after by a broadcast on the FM in September 2014 obtaining a specification from the HAICA

The journey was followed by audio-visual representation by launching Nefzawa TV in August 2021.

At this stage, Nefzawa has acquired extensive experience in media production, it believed it was crucial to support its program with an academy that would serve as a school for aspiring media professionals, cultivating a human resource base skilled in the use of media and information literacy tools, hence the launch of ANEMI (Nefzawa Academy for Media and Information Education) in March 2022..

  • Project description:


The Freedom Camps initiative organizes three camps that bring together 20 young people who are interested in citizen journalism and who are eager to develop media material to convey their opinions in order to make their voices and the voices of other young people in their region heard.

Participants in the project will include young people in groups, students, youth center founders, and associative media professionals in the South.

During the project, We will make an effort to educate young people and provide media content that will enable them to freely express all of their opinions without violating professional ethics or encouraging hate speech or fake news 

The main objectives the project will focus on

  • Main objective:
  • Aid journalists (both professional and student) in exercising their right to freedom of expression in a variety of contexts, including access to information, the fight against fake news, and the production of innovative media content.
  • the creation of 20 journalism-related formats for expression

  • Outcome

The project aims to strengthen their capacities and give them assistance In order for young people to understand what true freedom of expression means and produce media products and content that achieve this goal, uphold the principle of human rights, reject hate speech, and counter fake news.


R1: 20 young people were trained in the areas of human rights respect, freedom of expression, and combating hate speech and fake news.

R2: 20 journalists produced in forms that adhere to journalistic ethics

R3: A recipient of the prize for the greatest journalism that upholds the principles of free speech and human rights.

R4: 20 youths will be engaged in the Nefzawa Academy for Media and Information Education to continue their education and get support, after which the best will be integrated into Nefzawa’s production department (05 full-time employees, the rest freelancing).

  • Mission 
  • Train young people (aged between 18 and 30 years old) to practice freedom of expression without harming people or spreading hate speech and fake news
  • teach young people how to access and do information research
  • support young people to produce quality journalistic formats related to the subject of freedom of expression
  • Required profile Expert :


  • A university degree in journalism ,communication and media   .
  • Experience working in field of journalism: expertise in various aspects of reporting.
  • Knowledge of media and how they operate.  
  • Knowledge of  Media  laws  and ethics 


  •  Knowledge of using various media formats: including text , images, audio and video.
  • Able to use the technological tools to facilitate the research and the verification of the news.
  • Duration 

Five days face-to-face training and two days of online support .

  • Deliverable

– Course support for participants

– A final report on the implementation of the training according to their intervention and specialty

– Participant evaluation score


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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 3 juillet 2023

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