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(Offre en anglais) IREX lance un appel à candidature pour le programme “USAID Ma3an in Tunisia “ Retour vers les opportunités

International Research and Exchanges Board

Lance   Appel à candidatures


15 Février 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

IREX is seeking Ma3an Youth Leaders to contribute to positive change in Tunisian communities by providing mentorship, skills development, and opportunities to leverage technology & innovation to other youth. This is a rolling application and you are encouraged to submit your application as soon as possible before the 10 Youth Leader spots are filled. Selected Youth Leaders will be notified in February 2019.

About Ma3an: For Resilient Communities

The Ma3an: For Resilient Communities Program will increase the capacity of Tunisian communities to withstand political, social, and economic stresses by spurring 30 of Tunisia’s most vulnerable communities to generate sustainable resources for development and resilience. Ma3an is a program of USAID, from the American people, implemented by FHI360 and in partnership with IREX.

About the Youth Leader Role

Ma3an Youth Leaders will cultivate their capacity and skills to be leaders, providing other youth in these communities with peer support, skills development, and opportunities to leverage technology & innovation. Youth Leaders will build their own and other youths’ capability to be agents for positive change in their communities. 

Youth leaders will be working with youth in the following communities. Applicants need to be interested and able to serve as mentors for youth in these communities.

  • Douar Hicher (Manouba)
  • Hay Attadhamun (Ariana)
  • Souk Ejdid (Sidi Bouzid)
  • Sidi Bouzid Center (Sidi Bouzid)
  • Kef (Kef)

Youth Leader Responsibilities

Youth Leaders will have a variety of responsibilities coaching and mentoring youth, including:

  • Organizing storytelling events that foster empathy and community and that elevate youth voices and stories
  • Conducting trainings about media and information consumption that prepare youth to interpret and critically engage media and information
  • Organizing professional engagement opportunities between youth and professionals in Tunisian communities
  • Providing youth resources and support through the Ma3an Facebook page

Selection Process

This is a rolling application and therefore you are encouraged to submit your application as soon as possible before the 10 available Youth Leader spots for this year are filled. Selected Youth Leaders will be notified in February 2019.


Selected Youth Leaders will be notified in February-March, 2019 and will attend an 8-day Training of Trainers in March 2019 to enhance their skills, strengthen their Youth Leader network, and  learn the expectations of their role. Youth Leaders will attend a refresher training in fall 2019 to apply lessons learned during the remainder of their Youth Leader commitment.

Serving as a Youth Leader

2019-2020 Youth Leader Awardees will have 12 months to complete implementation of their Youth Leader activities. The Youth Leader is a volunteer commitment of approximately 40 hours per month for 12 months. Youth Leaders receive an honorarium, training, and the opportunity to develop and use professional leadership and soft skills by supporting youth in contributing to the resilient development of their communities.

For more information, please visit https://www.irex.org/project/ma3an-resilient-communities or contact Ma3an.YouthLeaders@irex.org.

Ma3an is a program of USAID, from the American people, implemented by FHI360 and in partnership with IREX.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Vision and Contribution: Ability to articulate, motivate action and engagement around a positive vision for the future; for self, others, and community.
  • Character: High standards for own behavior and seeking to have a positive influence on others; recognizes the weight and responsibility of the mentor role
  • Perseverance to make impact: Ability to persevere to overcome challenges and difficulties to make an impact.
  • Adaptability and learner mindset
  • Empathy: ability to connect with, understand and respect others from difference backgrounds.
  • Experience organizing events
  • Resourcefulness: ability to bring in connections and networks that would benefit the experience of the youth

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 29 janvier 2019

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