01 Juillet 2022 Il y a 3 ans
Identification Number: VT-ITP-001
Invitation to Submit Pre-Qualifications for construction firms that will support Small to Medium Scale Infrastructure and Construction Projects under the Visit Tunisia Activity
Section 1: Instructions to Interested Parties
1.1 Introduction
Chemonics International (Chemonics) is implementing the Visit Tunisia Activity funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), under prime contract number 72066421D00003; and is inviting Interested Parties to submit responses to this Invitation to Prequalify No. VT-ITP-001 (ITP) demonstrating their interest and qualifications to carry out the small to medium scale infrastructure and rehabilitation construction work that is currently being planned in target tourism destinations throughout Tunisia. These target destinations include: Tabarka, Kairouan, Tozeur and Nefta, Douz, Tataouine, and Gabes and Matmata. The project aims to draw more visitors to these inner, underserved regions of the country, and will provide infrastructure support to improve the visitor experience in select tourism sites and facilities. The infrastructure work may include but is not limited to light construction, renovation and rehabilitation of tourist sites such as improving or developing tourist paths and signage, ticket kiosks, visitor centers, areas for local vendors to sell goods, etc.
The Visit Tunisia Activity is a multi-year project that aims to enhance Tunisia’s tourism potential, with the goal of generating revenue and jobs, particularly for women and youth, and for populations in underserved regions.
Only those Interested Parties submitting a response to this ITP will be considered for prequalification to bid on the small-scale infrastructure/rehabilitation projects currently being planned. Chemonics will make the determination of contractors that demonstrate the appropriate qualifications to perform the work. When responding, Interested Parties should consider all sections of this ITP, which is being advertised on the Facebook, Jamaity and LinkedIn.
Responses submitted by Interested Parties will be treated as confidential documents, but they will not be returned. All questions in the prequalification questionnaire must be answered in their entirety. Where required, additional sheets shall be used and shall be properly referenced and identified.
1.2 Response Deadline
Offers must be received no later than June 16, 2022, 5 pm local time of Tunis, Tunisia by email. Any emailed offers must be emailed to procurement@visittunisiaproject.org.
Please reference the ITP number in any response to this ITP. Offers received after the specified time and date will be considered late and will be considered only at the discretion of Chemonics.
Invitation to Prequalify No.
Interested Parties are responsible for ensuring that their responses are received in accordance with the instructions stated herein. Late responses may be considered at the discretion of Chemonics, but Chemonics cannot guarantee that late responses will be considered.
1.3 Submission of Responses
Responses must be submitted electronically. Hard copies will not be accepted. Please include the ITP number in the subject line of your email.
The Qualification Questionnaire must be submitted by email no later than the time and date specified in Section 1.2. The responses must be submitted to the point of contact designated in Section 1.2.
Interested Parties must submit the responses electronically with up to 5 attachments (8 MB limit) per email compatible with MS Word, MS Excel, readable format, or Adobe Portable Document (PDF) format in a Microsoft XP environment. Interested Parties must not submit zipped files. Those pages requiring original manual signatures should be scanned and sent in PDF format as an email attachment.
1.4 Requirements
To be determined responsive, a response must include all of documents and sections included in Section 1.4 and the Qualification Questionnaire found in Sections 2 – 12.
An eligible organization must be legally registered and recognized under the laws of Tunisia and in compliance with all applicable civil, fiscal, and other construction applicable regulations.
Companies and organizations that submit responses to this ITP must meet the following requirements:
(i) Companies or organizations, must be legally registered under the laws of Tunisia upon award of the contract (purchase order, fixed price subcontracts).
(ii) Companies or organizations must have a local presence in Tunisia at the time the contract is signed. (iii) Firms operated as commercial companies or other organizations or enterprises (including nonprofit organizations) in which foreign governments or their agents or agencies have a controlling interest are not eligible as suppliers of commodities and services.
1.5 Source of Funding, Authorized Geographic Code, and Source and Origin
Any RFPs for work related to this ITP will be financed by USAID funding and will be subject to U.S. Government and USAID regulations. All goods and services offered in response to this ITP or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 937 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228, available at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2017-title22- vol1/pdf/CFR-2017-title22-vol1-part228.pdf
Offerors may not offer or supply any commodities or related services that are manufactured or assembled in, shipped from, transported through, or otherwise involving any of the following countries: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria. Related services include incidental services pertaining to any/all aspects of this work to be
Invitation to Prequalify No.
performed under a resulting subcontract (including transportation, fuel, lodging, meals, and communications expenses).
The following applies to this ITP, all related correspondence, and any resulting RFP and subcontract: A. Definitions:
All goods and services prequalified under this ITP must meet USAID geographic code 937.
1.6 Opportunity for Questions and Clarifications
Questions regarding the technical or administrative requirements of this ITP may be submitted no later than June 09, 2022, 5 pm local time of Tunis, Tunisia, by email to procurement@visittunisiaproject.org. Questions must be submitted in writing; phone calls will not be accepted. Questions and requests for clarification—and the responses thereto—that Chemonics believes may be of interest to other offerors will be circulated to all ITP recipients who have indicated an interest in bidding.
Only the written answers issued by Chemonics will be considered official and carry weight in the ITP process and subsequent evaluation. Any answers received outside the official channel, whether received verbally or in writing, from employees or representatives of Chemonics International, the Visit Tunisia Activity, or any other party, will not be considered official responses regarding this ITP. Please include the ITP number in the subject line of your email.
1.7 Evaluation and Prequalification Determination
Chemonics will make, according to its sole judgment and discretion, a determination to prequalify prospective contractors for the works described herein based on the completeness and responsiveness of the documentation submitted in response to this ITP by interested parties. The decision of Chemonics and the Project is final and not subject to appeal of any kind.
An interested party may be determined in the judgment of Chemonics and the Project to be a potential qualified contractor only if it possesses reputation, ability, experience, qualified personnel, availability of equipment, and
Invitation to Prequalify No.
net current assets of working capital sufficient, as supported by its response to the ITP including the Qualification Questionnaire, to complete the work and meet the contractual obligations, should the subcontract be awarded to it.
Only those Interested Parties designated as pre-qualified potential contractors will be offered the opportunity to submit a proposal for any ITP issued related to the infrastructure works currently being planned. An award, if made, will be made in accordance with the ITP.
Cette opportunité n'est malheureusement plus disponible sur Jamaity. Visitez régulièrement la rubrique opportunités pour ne plus en rater.
Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 2 juin 2022
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