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International Rescue Committee lance un appel d’offres Retour vers les opportunités


20 Novembre 2018 Il y a 6 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie


International Rescue Committee, is inviting suppliers and service providers to submit their bid offer to be considered under Framework contractfor the following items for the year 2018-2019:

  • Description : Flight reservation, Flight insurance, Visa arrangements, Hotel room reservation, Conference /meeting reservation, Change to reservation, Cancelation of reservation and Taxi from international airport to hotel and return.
  • Tender No : PR2LY/18102018001
  • Location : Tunis
  • Deadline of submission : 7  November 2018 at 15:00 Tunisia time zone

The call for tender will be for the signature of framework agreement valid for 12 months, and subject to variations and no commitments in terms of quantities required.

This call for tenders will be conducted using IRC standard bidding documents, open to all qualified suppliers and service providers.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 27 October 2018

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