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Infrastructure Fund Manager/Director -Chemonics Retour vers les opportunités

Chemonics International

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05 Août 2022 Il y a 3 ans

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Title: Infrastructure Fund Manager/Director 

Length of Assignment: Long-Term 

Reports to: Deputy Chief of Party/Activity Funds Lead


The USAID-funded Visit Tunisia Activity is a 5-year project designed to enhance Tunisia’s  tourism potential, with the goal of generating revenue and jobs, particularly for women and  youth, and for populations in underserved regions of the country. The overall vision behind  USAID’s investment in Tunisia’s tourism sector is to capitalize on Tunisia’s natural, cultural,  

heritage and historical sites to develop a more diversified and high-quality tourism sector that  contributes to broad-based economic growth. Through this activity, USAID seeks to contribute  to Tunisia’s growth and development to offset the negative economic impact of the coronavirus  crisis. The project will seek to achieve the following four objectives: 

  • Objective 1: Enhance Tunisia’s competitiveness as a tourism destination; Objective 2: Increase tourism-related investments and revenue; 
  • Objective 3: Improve the enabling environment for sustained growth in the tourism sector;  Objective 4: Private sector engagement to expand the offer and quality of alternative tourism. 

This project will collaborate with the relevant ministries, private sector, and donors to advance  the objectives while contributing to the following high-level results:  

  1. Increase in the number of tourists.  
  2. Increase in the number of jobs in the tourism sector.  
  3. Increase in tourism revenue.  
  4. Increase in private sector-led investment and innovation in the tourism sector.  

Among other tools, the USAID Visit Tunisia Activity has a dedicated “Infrastructure Fund”,  under which the project will invest in infrastructure at selected sites, with the aim of improving the visitor experience and overall destination competitiveness. These sites will be defined and  prioritized in consultation with local stakeholders, validated and supported through public private  dialogue and partnerships. The portfolio of infrastructure investments may include activities such  as refurbishment or construction of visitor centers, ticket kiosks, site interpretation including  signage, retail areas, and more. Chemonics International will retain local engineering and  construction firms as subcontractors to support this work. 


The Infrastructure Fund Manager will be responsible for managing activities under the Visit 

Tunisia “Infrastructure Fund”, through which the project will implement infrastructure projects  (rehabilitation and renovation work, light construction) at select tourist sites in the project’s  target destinations. The Infrastructure Fund Manager will create and manage a system for control  and oversight of the infrastructure fund, with technical support from the project’s Chief  Engineer. The manager will oversee the procurement process and support oversight and project  management of the construction/A&E work under the infrastructure fund, ensuring that activities  are aligned with technical strategies for Visit Tunisia and for any necessary approvals,  implementation, and close-out processes. 

  • Has overall responsibility for management of the Visit Tunisia Activity Infrastructure  Fund, with technical support from the project’s Chief Engineer.  
  • Leads and manages procurement of A/E services subcontractor and construction  subcontractors, and oversees overall performance, with an emphasis on budget. This will  include developing requests for proposal (RFPs), participating in the evaluation of bids as a member of the selection committee, and supporting the drafting and finalization of  subcontracts with the A/E firm and construction firm(s).  
  • Prior to construction, the Infrastructure Fund Manager (with support from the Chief  Engineer and A/E services subcontractor) will ensure that any required international,  national, and local building regulations, standards, codes, and permitting requirements are  reflected in the plans, specifications, bill of quantity, and contract terms and conditions.  S/he will also ensure that any special permits, building licenses, waivers, required  inspections and reviews identified in the activity design phase are incorporated into the  requirements of the construction request for proposal (RFP) and related subcontract 
  • Regularly monitor construction activities, in coordinating with A/E firm  Provides recommendations to the COP on actions that affect scope, cost or time.  Develops subcontract change orders or modifications that are reviewed by the  

Chemonics’ headquarters Contracts Department prior to signature in the project office.  The Infrastructure Fund Manager and Chief Engineer will work as a team under the  direction of the deputy chief of party/activity funds lead, with the Chief Engineer  reporting to the Infrastructure Fund Manager. 

  • In tandem with A/E services subcontractor will work with the construction subcontractors  to minimize the occurrence of quality issues, to correct issues when they arise, and to  ensure on-time delivery of construction services. 
  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering is required, master’s degree in business, engineering or  urban planning is preferred. 
  • Licensed to practice engineering in Tunisia 
  • Minimum of 15 years of professional experience including management experience. Experience should be diverse including planning, design, and construction management. Experience using grants and subcontracts – tendering, negotiation, and supervision. Experience with donor financed projects
  • Relevant experience leading diverse teams and demonstrated capacity in building staff  skills and ensuring quality control of project deliverables.  
  • Excellent writing and oral presentation skills.  
  • Skilled at relationship management, with strong interpersonal and negotiating skills.  Fluent Arabic, French, and English.  

The Infrastructure Fund Manager will report to the Deputy Chief of Party/Activity Funds Lead.


This position is long-term, on a full-time basis. 


This assignment will be based in Tunis, Tunisia with potential travel to regional locations  pending project needs. The office maintains a five-day work week. Overtime is not authorized.  

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 28 juillet 2022

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