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Implementing Partnership -SPARK Retour vers les opportunités


31 Août 2022 Il y a 3 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Contracting authority Stichting SPARK 

Programme title Innovation that scales start-up ecosystems in  Mediterranean countries 

Outcomes Innovation, start-up, scale-up, advocacy

CountryRegion Tunisia

Duration 12 months  

Contracting Authority – SPARK 

SPARK develops higher education and entrepreneurship to empower young,  ambitious people to lead their fragile and conflict-affected societies into prosperity.  SPARK is a dynamic and growing international not-for-profit development  organisation with 100+ staff members in more than 14 offices around the world. 

SPARK supports refugees in the Middle East by providing them with scholarships in  universities and higher education institutions in the region. SPARK also supports young  entrepreneurs in fragile states to start or grow their own businesses. 


SPARK, with the support of the European Commission, is looking for partners who can  support providing existing and emerging innovation support organisations (tech hubs,  accelerators, incubators, university hubs, etc.) with capacity building to enhance and  diversify start-up services provided. The programme aims to work with organizations  working on green entrepreneurship, tech and digitalization and social  entrepreneurship. Furthermore, we encourage organizations aimed at women’s  entrepreneurship and empowerment to apply. Interested organizations can apply to  support one or more sectors or outcomes.  

The overall objective of this programme is to strengthen the local start-up ecosystems  and their actors in Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Tunisia to support innovation,  employment and economic growth. 

Scope of the Work 

Who can apply? 

Organizations focusing on supporting SMEs and startups based in Jordan, Lebanon,  Palestine, and Tunisia, including incubators, co-working spaces, accelerator  programs, tech-hubs, university programs, techno-parkers, etc.



Implement the activities under outcome 1 and/or outcome 2 

Outcome 1: Provide capacity building and support the innovation support  organisations to advance and diversify services delivered to their users  

  • Cooperating with SPARK and its existing partners to design training modules  and materials to enhance existing services and tailor services to new emerging  markets and trends; 
  • Provide tailored capacity development programme in digitalisation to local  innovation support organisations to enhance existing services and tailor  services to new emerging markets and trends; (training and coaching) 
  • Strengthening management capacity for partner institutions and organisations  to improve their capacity to better support entrepreneurs and SMEs 

Outcome 2: Increase the competitiveness, internationalisation and financial resilience  of start-ups, scale-ups and innovative SMEs 

  • Support local innovation support organisations in identifying new beneficiaries  and expanding their database of high potential start-ups and SMEs;
  •  Develop and launch open calls for grants made to innovative initiatives
  •  Design of internationalisation for SMEs curricula 
  • Delivery of ToT, Coaching/mentoring to innovative initiatives/SMEs
  •  Training to entrepreneurs in business planning and management skills
  •  Support SPARK and the stakeholders during the Matchmaking events by  connecting investors to promising SMEs 


12-month (the partnership may be renewed for new components or activities based  on performance)  

Expected starting date: September 2022 

Selection and Evaluation Criteria: 

The tender evaluation committee will evaluate and award the contract based on the  following selection criteria: 

  • Technical Offer spark-online.org
  • Financial Offer 
  1. Selection method (selection criteria evaluation):  

 Evaluation method (selection criteria evaluation):  

  • Financial Offer (Budget) 

o Criteria weight is 50% 

o Formula: (Best Tenderer Price/Evaluated Tenderer Price) * Criterion  Weight 

o Price shall be quoted in EURO 

  • Technical Offer 

o Criteria weight is 50% 

Point evaluation (weighted points):  

Criterion will obtain between 0 and 5-point, 5 points being the maximum, 0  points the minimum and the points obtained will be multiplied by criterion  weight. An analysis will include assessing the proposals’ methodology, expertise  (CVs of Expertise-Previous Similar Project etc), background, etc. 

SPARK expert evaluation committee will assign up to 5 points for the best quality  of the sample, based on the following evaluation grid:  

Score  Benchmark for Services/Works
5 Excellent response with no weaknesses shown and exceeds the  requirement – also provides comprehensive, detailed, and convincing  assurances that the services will be delivered to an excellent standard
4 A response that demonstrates real understanding and fully meets the  requirements – offers assurances that the service delivered will be of a high  standard
3 A satisfactory response which demonstrates a reasonable understanding  of the requirements and gives reasonable assurance of delivery of services  to an adequate standard, but does not provide sufficiently convincing  assurance to be able to award them a higher mark
2 A response where reservations exist – lacks full credibility/convincing detail,  and there is a significant risk that the response will not deliver/be successful
1 A response where serious reservations exist, for example, insufficient detail  is provided and the response has fundamental flaws, or seriously lacks  credibility with a high risk of non-delivery
Response completely fails to address the criterion under consideration


Those bidders who get less than 3 for the capacity of the bidder shall not be accepted  or considered and their offer will be rejected. 


For each bid, points from all evaluation criteria will be added up and the winning bid  will be the bid with the highest number of points. In case of equal number of points,  the winning bid will be the one with the lowest price. However, SPARK retains the right  to select any bidder who they deem as most suitable to produce the highest quality  deliverables within a reasonable budget. 


The proposal (in English) must detail the following: 

  1. Objectives, results/outcomes & indicators/outputs,
  2. Proposed dates / duration for implementing the program,
  3. Detailed project activities,
  4. Monitoring and evaluation plan and description of the monitoring system, 5. Project team structure, roles and responsibilities,
  5. Communication plan and activities
  6. Details why the applicant agency is a suitable partner for this project 8. Estimated efficient budget (including human resources, other admin costs, direct project cost as well as general overhead up to max %7). 

Annexes: Activity plan and budget breakdown. 

 The proposal must be maximum 10 pages in addition to the annexes. 

Target Group

  • Innovation support organisations (tech hubs, accelerators, incubators,  university hubs, etc.), operating in Tunisia. 


  1. The partner must meet the following criteria:  
  2. Have actual operations in Tunisia; 
  3. Have experience supporting businesses in one or more of the following  sectors (digital, tech, green or social entrepreneurship); 

iii. Be responsible for the preparation/ management/ implementation of  the project in collaboration with related local partners and institutions, 

  1. Be experienced in delivery of innovative business support services, v. Deliver tangible and efficient results, 
  2. Be able to efficiently budget and contribute to the success of the  activities. 


  1. The partner will comply with any legal obligations it is bound by under  national law;
  1. The partner shall share the registration documents 
  2. The partner will adhere to SPARK’s General Terms and Conditions for  partnership agreements.  


ENI_partnership_ToR -Revised (5) Tunisia

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