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IMPACT recrut an expert Retour vers les opportunités


26 Août 2017 Il y a 8 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Gafsa
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social


The Organization

Founded in February 2015, Impact Foundation for Research and Development (IMPACT) is a youth-led nongovernmental organization that aims to use Research to influence social and economic policies, specifically in Education, Employment and Health sectors.  IMPACT believes in the untapped potential of youth, and seeks to provide mentorship and motivation to mobilize youth to confront local and national challenges. Impact aims to:

  • Initiate and support projects of economic, social and cultural development in Tunisia, especially in underprivileged regions.
  • Organize and coordinate the efforts of various Research centers, universities and Think Tanks in Tunisia.
  • Develop, reinforce and improve the skills and capacities of Research centers and young Researchers in Tunisia.
  • Draw attention to the importance of linking Research to development on the economic, social, cultural and environmental levels.
  • Draft and develop proposals for laws and policies that promote Research.
  • Rationalize public policies through the involvement of Research in State reforms.

The project

“Un Environnement Sain pour les Jeunes du Bassin Minier à Gafsa” is a nine-month project funded by Heinrich Böll Stiftung (April – December 2017). This project aims at promoting the environmental rights of citizens in Gafsa and mobilizing the youth to defend their rights through dialogue and communication. Impact Foundation will conduct a study based on a representative survey and four focus groups gathering different stakeholders. A final report will be written with specific recommendations and an advocacy program will be implemented in partnership with local SCOs and the University of Gafsa.

This project combines research with action. Impact conducted a representative survey that investigated the environmental situation in the 4 delegations of the mining basin in Gafsa (Redeyef, Moulares, Mdhilla, and Metlaoui). Impact will organize four focus groups in the four delegations to discuss the results of the survey and to try to structure reform proposals and recommendation through an inclusive and participatory approach. These focus groups will be an opportunity to involve all stakeholders in the region: local authorities, civil society organizations, professionals and academics.

A report will be written jointly by members of the project team and expert in the field of environment protection and renewable energies.


The intended assignment aims to produce a scientific study that analyzes the perceptions of citizens in the mining basin regarding the environmental situation in their regions. The study should design and structure recommendations for decision makers at national and local level to draw attention to the importance of the implementation of clean energy development policies.

NB : The duration of the contract will be a total period of 21 working days starting from September 15th.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Proficiency in Arabic, French. English desired
  • Significant experience in fields Environment, Ecology and Renewable Energies and related fields.
  • Prior experience in conducting Research projects.
  • Expertise in collecting data through focus groups and conducting interviews.

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 28 juillet 2017

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