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International Institute of Debate

Lance   Offre de formation, Offre de stage


31 Décembre 2019 Il y a 5 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

An iiDebate fellowship Program allows students, postgraduates or early career individuals from Tunisia or residents in Tunisia an opportunity to improve their skills, enhance their experience and learn about iiDebate work and its activities.

fellows will work at the iiDebate office in Lafayette Rue du Senegal 1002 Tunis.

Objectives: The individual will gain experience and knowledge in operations  while the iiDebate Secretariat will benefit through the presence of an additional professional and his/her capacity and knowledge.

Nature of the Fellowship: Under the supervision of the Executive iiDebate team, fellows will work on project(s) at the Secretariat relevant to their professional interests, scholarship programs and development needs.

Period of the fellowship: For a period of a minimum 3 (three) months.Qualifications of candidates Applicants must be a student in Tunisia who have a pfe in: Communication, Project management, admin/finance, reporting & research, Media, translation, … The candidates should have good speaken and written command of the English & Arabic language, strong computer knowledge, and demonstrated personal initiative.

Tasks :

Community Management
– Set and implement social media and communication campaigns to align with marketing strategies.
– Provide engaging text, image and video content for social media accounts with our graphic designer.
– Respond to comments and customer queries in a timely manner
– Organize and participate in events to build community and boost brand awareness
– Coordinate with our innovation & research centers to ensure brand consistency through global campaigns
-Stay up-to-date with trend

Project coordination:

  • Develop training session for our beneficiaries
  • Follow-up with our work with iiDebate chapters
  • Writing reports about our activities
  • Execute a monitoring & evaluation system

Administrative & Finance:

  • In collaboration with our administrative personnel work on arranging invoices
  • Contact suppliers and collect invoices
  • Prepare payments of supplies
  • Inventory of our materials in/out of the office

Reporting & research assistant:

  • Work on research proposals or information related to our projects
  • Write minutes, reports or articles depending on the need
  • Be part of events, activities or opportunities that iiDebate organize and assist in the reporting in English and Arabic
  • Collaborate with our outreach officer in developing content for the trainings

Media & Communication:

  • Work on the website content: Articles, videos, …
  • Video interviews in the streets
  • Content translation
  • Work with media on the promotion of our events in collaboration with the digital team

Graphic Designer:

  • Work on the design/strategy of communication for our programs/ projects
  • Develop innovative approach to teach people about debating with creative designs …

The fellows will get at the end of their fellowship 300 TND for the 3 months fellowship and they have to work on base 30 hours / week and they will get a certificate at the end of their fellowship

Time :
This is an open application for any period of time, we start to recruit from November 01st, 2019

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Offre de formation Offre de stage Publié sur Jamaity le 13 December 2019

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