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HR Coordinator Assistant – Medecins Sans Frontieres Retour vers les opportunités

Médecins Sans Frontières Tunisie

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15 Juin 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF – Doctors Without Borders) is an international, independent, medical  humanitarian organization that provides medical aid to populations in distress, victims of natural and manmade  disasters and victims of armed conflict, regardless of race, religion and political beliefs.  For more information, visit our website http://www.msf-me.org/ar.  


Implement general administrative procedures in order to ensure documentary traceability as well as compliance  with local labour and fiscal regulations, under the HR Coordinator’s supervision.  


  • Following the HR Co’s instructions, supervise that the internal regulations are followed in the mission in order to  ensure both tax and labour regulation compliance  
  • Execute recruitment activities ensuring transparency and equity and issuing job offers conveniently in order to meet  HR needs.  
  • Inform all the new staff on Staff Regulations, HR policies and regulations and/or living conditions in order to  facilitate staff integration and their security.  
  • Execute, under the HR Coordinator supervision, employee contract related activities in order to ensure legal  compliance.  
  • Present and explain contract terms and the content of Internal regulation to newly recruited personnel in order to  ensure legal compliance and local integration.  
  • Collect the variable pay slip elements on Homere in order to ensure accurate and on time payroll payment  • Supervise the payroll process, checking the list of employees and amounts payable in order to ensure accuracy and  on time payroll payment.  
  • Register applicants to training activities and help the HR Coordinator to evaluate the results in order to improve  return on training expenditures.  
  • Support the HR Coordinator to draw up annual holiday planning in order to schedule staff shifts and cover  operational needs.  
  • Organizes travel and files of all Staff arriving/departing the Mission, including International Staff documentation  (visas, MSF card, Mission Orders, etc.), booking and purchasing plane tickets, keeping / renewing passports and  organizing briefings / induction.  
  • Ensure that all staff have valid work, stay, travel permits  
  • Responsible for the preparation, application and follow-up for visas for all staff and to keep track of visa  expiry dates  
  • Ensures staff travelling through the capital is picked up, has appropriate papers and a place to stay  • Provide advice on the visa process for Libya, Tunisia and Schengen when needed  


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