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Health Promoter Supervisor-Médecins Sans Frontières Retour vers les opportunités

Médecins Sans Frontières Tunisie

Lance   Appel à candidatures


07 Octobre 2021 Il y a 3 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Santé

Médecins Sans Frontières is hiring Health Promoter Supervisor for overseas assignments:


Médecins Sans Frontières is an international, medical humanitarian organization working in more than 71 countries around the world. Our medical teams act fast to save people’s lives in conflict zones, natural disasters, and epidemics. We go where we are needed most.

Providing MSF with an understanding of local, socio-cultural determinants. Supporting beneficiaries with basic information regarding access to medical treatment, transportation, and other actors (legal, social, etc) following MSF’s protocols, standards and procedures, in order to create links with the communities and contribute to the visibility an acceptance of MSF.


In close collaboration with the HP IEC Activities Manager, implementing and supervising educational campaigns according to MSF values, standards and procedures in order to increase awareness of the targeted population and to promote prevention and treatment of diseases in the project area.


  • In close collaboration with the HP manager, participating in the definition and update of the HP/IEC strategy and identifying indicators to monitor HP activities, results, and achievements. Supporting the HP manager in organizing and carrying out assessments and research on the impact of HP activities and identifying and reporting the constraints, difficulties, or strength points of the HP strategy inside and outside the medical structures in order to reinforce the link between the communities and the project
  • Providing support in selecting and developing quality pedagogical communication strategies towards the community. Planning information campaigns, including targets, objectives, methods, and goals in order to increase awareness among the targeted population.
  • Informing, according to protocols, community members and identified risk groups (prisons, army, sexual workers, etc.) about health-related issues
  • Organizing health awareness sessions for MSF‘s medical and non-medical staff
  • Identifying key actors (local authorities, local NGOs, traditional healers, formal or informal authorities) and being the focal point for the networking to support the dissemination of health information of the target population and be the point of reference for the relation and networking with these subjects.
  • Organizing, training, and supervising the HP team in terms of planning and organizing their work, supporting, evaluating, and coaching of personnel, collecting reports and reporting the activities of each health worker and regularly visiting communities that are under his/her responsibility
  • Supervising, in close collaboration with the HR department, the HR associated processes (recruitment, training/induction, evaluation, potential detection, development and communication) of the staff under his/her responsibility to ensure both the sizing and the amount of knowledge required
  • Ensuring cleanliness of IEC (information, education, and communication) areas
  • Collecting and reporting to the medical team any information linked to the health situation of the population and the patient


Essential diploma in social sciences or education/pedagogy / or social work


2 Years’ working Experience in health promotion activities, or training-education activities 



French: C2

Other linguistic skills will a plus…


Desirable basic computer skills


  • Results and Quality Orientation
  • Teamwork and Cooperation
  • Behavioural Flexibility
  • Commitment to MSF Principles
  • Stress Management

Deadline: one month 



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