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(Offre en anglais) The Global Water Partnership-Mediterranean recrute un(e) “Senior Programme Officer” Retour vers les opportunités


18 Octobre 2019 Il y a 5 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

Job title: Senior Programme Officer
Reports to: Executive Secretary/Regional Coordinator
Duty station: Tunis, Tunisia, with international travel
Contract duration: One year, with potential renewal
Application by: 18 October 2019

Scope of the position:

The Global Water Partnership-Mediterranean (GWP-Med) is seeking to recruit a Senior Programme Officer (SPO) to:

  • head the GWP-Med Office in Tunis, managing the work agenda delegated to that within the organisation, based on GWP-Med thematic priorities and projects’ needs. The GWP-Med Office in Tunis is primarily delegated with work-lines in North Africa countries including as part of the wider Africa agendas.
  • particularly assist development and implementation of the GWP-Med Climate Resilience agenda, in the range of GWP-Med focus countries.

On-going GWP-Med thematic agendas include, but are not limited to: water governance, water financing, transboundary water resources management, source-to-sea, climate resilience, waterenergy-food-ecosystem nexus, non-conventional water resources management, water-employmentmigration as well as cross-cutting issues like water & gender, water & youth, water & private sector, etc.

On-going GWP-Med activity lines serviced by its Tunis Office, in which the lead or engagement of the SPO is required, include but are not limited to:

  • climate resilience / climate change adaptation (e.g. through implementation of the GWP Water and Climate for Development Programme, development of project proposals to the
    Green Climate Fund for Mauritania and Libya, etc.)
  • water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus in the North-Western Sahara Aquifer System (e.g. within the Sida-supported ‘Making Water Cooperation Happen in the Mediterranean’ project, through elaboration of cross-sectoral nexus assessments, elaboration of institutional setting options for the Aquifer System, organisation and facilitation of multi stakeholder dialogues, etc.)
  • local interventions for sustainable water management (e.g. for the MAVA-supported GEMWET Project in Ghar El Melh in Tunisia, etc).

The SPO:

  • reports to the Executive Secretary/Regional Coordinator.
  • is part of the GWP-Med Operations Department, and collaborates closely with GWP-Med Theme Leaders and Project Managers, including receiving related guidance on contents/implementation/deliverables, as pertinent to the work agendas.
  • collaborates closely with the GWP-Med Finance & Administration and Communications Departments on respective matters.
  • enables work conditions and monitors performance of staff members of the GWP-Med Tunis Office, in cooperation with Finance & Administration and staff’s line managers, respectively.
  • possibly manages directly staff members, according to work agenda.

The position requires multi-tasking abilities, delivery capacity, diplomatic skills, and attention to detail and timelines. Functions to be serviced require ability to analyse, design, implement, monitor, report and follow-up multi-level political and technical processes and activities, in a proactive manner; and, ability to prioritize and work under pressure.

The ideal candidate would be someone who enjoys shaping, managing and delivering, taking on accountability and pro-actively moving agendas. We are looking for a professional who is active, passionate and innovative, bringing in the organisation demonstrated experience in promoting integrated water resources management (IWRM) agendas including in climate resilience / climate change adaptation policy and action fields. Knowledge of Euro-Mediterranean, Middle East & North Africa (MENA) and pan-Africa agendas on water and climate are important. Duties include international travel.

Duties and responsibilities

The Senior Programme Officer (SPO) shall be responsible for:

  • the day to day management of the Tunis Office portfolio and delivery of its contributions and outputs, assisted by other staff members as relevant, and managing consultants and
    sub-contractors. Her/His work will ensure that action lines produce aimed results, to the required standard of quality, within the specified timeframe and budget.
  • substantially assist developing and delivering of the GWP-Med Climate Resilience agenda.

More specifically, duties and responsibilities include:

Tunis Office Management, in cooperation with Finance & Administration and the Executive Secretary/Regional Coordinator, as relevant:

  • Guides and ensures Office operations.
  • Monitors Administration matters for the staff stationed at the Office.
  • Represents GWP-Med in the Office location (Tunis) as well as delegated.

Senior-level contribution to the development and implementation of GWP-Med agenda for water security, in cooperation with Theme Leaders, Project Managers, Finance & Administration and Communications, as delegated:

  • Provides technical input upon professional experience, including drafting, editing and proof reading of policy and technical material in pertinent fields.
  • Prepares delegated work plans & budgets and manages related activities in accordance to GWP-Med work agenda and projects’ needs.
  • Monitors progress towards achievement of set objectives and results in line with work plans and budget, proposes adaptive actions and applies related decisions.
  • Prepares narrative and financial reports for projects and as contributions to the organisation’s annual reporting, as needed.
  • Contributes in meeting financial targets set out in work plans and project plans, and assists in the reporting on funds and related record keeping.
  • Identifies, liaises with and engages with donors and international financial institutions contributing to GWP-Med fundraising.
  • Liaises with and ensures strategic and operational partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including by representing the organisation, as delegated.
  • Coordinates/contributes in the timely recruitment, procurement and delivery of quality services and equipment, including by preparing ToR and supervising consultants and
    subcontractors, for implementating activities in accord with GWP-Med rules.
  • Leads and/or supports the organisation, including logistics, of workshops and events. Provides technical support for their preparation, including the agenda, supporting
    background documents, and the subsequent reports. Facilitates discussions during consultation meetings and events.
  • Contributes to GWP-Med knowledge management objectives and outputs.
  • Assists GWP-Med communications and outreach objectives and outputs.
  • Makes local and international travels as per the agenda needs.

Climate Resilience agenda support, in cooperation with the Executive Secretary/Regional Coordinator, Deputy Regional Coordinators and other Theme Leaders, as relevant:

  • Contributes to the development, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the GWPMed Climate Resilience agenda, in synergy with GWP, other GWP Regions and partners, including as part of WACDEP.
  • Assures quality of required services and outputs.
  • Supports fundraising for the GWP-Med Climate Resilience agenda.
  • Liaises and ensures strategic and operational partnerships with relevant stakeholders.
  • Leads inputs on Climate Resilience to the GWP-Med Knowledge Management agenda.
  • Represents the organisation, as delegated.

Furthermore, the SPO:

  • possibly manages directly staff members, according to work agenda.
  • undertakes any other action delegated by the Executive Secretary/Regional Coordinator for effective delivery of GWP-Med objectives and within GWP-Med rules and procedures.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Able to coordinate well with diverse individuals and teams and to negotiate effectively with colleagues and stakeholders to achieve results.
  • Applies principles of ethics, integrity, transparency and non-discrimination and follows the organisation’s ethos.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism.
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.
  • Strong technical and managerial skills for substantive project implementation.
  • Strong analytical, writing, reporting and presenting abilities.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, communication skills, ability to manage staff.
  • Demonstrated diplomatic and negotiating skills.
  • Openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback.
  • Ability to work under pressure and stressful situations.
  • University and Post-graduate degree (Masters or equivalent) in natural resources management, climate change, international cooperation or a directly related field.
  • As least 10 years of proven professional experience, including at least 8 years of work experience in fields related to the assignment, including water resources management; stakeholders’ consultation, dialogues and engagement and; institutional capacity building
  • At least 3 years at a Senior post / management level.
  • Solid work experience in the climate resilience / climate change adaptation agenda.
  • At least 5 years of work experience with international and/or regional organisations.
  • Good understanding of the Euro-Mediterranean, MENA and pan-Africa socio-economic and political background
  • Working experience with international and national institutions and stakeholders, including with IFIs and development partners.
  • Working experience in a transboundary context.
  • Working experience in the field of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus approach OR on integrated planning of water with other sectors including energy, food or environment
  • Understanding of the financial needs and aspects for implementing international processes, notwithstanding SDGs and Paris Agreement, would be an asset.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills both in English and French, are required.
  • Command of Arabic is an asset.

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