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Green Forward Programme -SPARK Retour vers les opportunités


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06 Octobre 2024 Il y a 5 mois

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Bassline Measurement 

Green Forward Programme 

Programme basic information 

Title: Strengthening the Southern Neighborhood green business  ecosystem by leveraging network effect and peer learning for  sustainable green growth
Region(s) : Middle East and North Africa
Country(ies) : Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, and  Lebanon. 
Theme(s) : Skill Up
Target group(s): Business Support Organizations (BSOs), Policy and decision makers (public & private stakeholders), Citizens and economic  players in awareness raising campaign outreach, and MSMEs. 
Duration : January 2024 – December 2026
Donor(s)  European Union
Budget : 4.000.000 EUR
Lead implementer : SPARK


Co-applicants: Tunis International Center for Environmental  Technologies (CITET) in Tunisia, the Jordan Chamber of Industry  (JCI), and the Misr Elkheir Foundation – GESR Innovation Hub in  Egypt 

Partners: 4 additional partners from the other implementing  countries (TBD as soon as possible).


Programme objective 

The overall objective of the proposed action (i.e. expected impact) is to strengthen  business support organizations’ (BSOs) capacity to act as ecosystem enablers,  therefore bridging the gap between policy (macro) and SME (micro) levels in the  Southern Neighborhood in the transition to an inclusive green economy. 

The expected outcomes are: 

  1. Outcome 1 – Strengthened local and regional networks of actors  involved in the promotion of an inclusive green economy;

Haarlemmer Houttuinen 15H | 1013 GL Amsterdam www.spark.ngo 

  1. Outcome 2 – Increased stakeholders’ and BSOs’ capacity to promote  green and circular economy practices in the region, at micro, meso and  macro levels 

Objective of the baseline measurement 

The objective of this baseline measurement is to identify the pre-programme  intervention status for the Impact, Outcome, and select Output indicators outlined in  the programme’s logical framework. This baseline will serve as a reference for both the  mid-term and end-term/impact evaluations, ensuring a consistent measure of the  programme’s progress and success. In addition to this, the baseline will include a  comprehensive mapping of the ecosystem in each target country. This will involve an  assessment of the capacities of current and potential partners, enabling us to identify  strengths, gaps, and opportunities for collaboration that will drive effective  programme implementation. Furthermore, the consultant will focus on assessing joint  collaboration status and partnerships between the target countries, identifying  potential synergies that could enhance cross-country cooperation. The consultant will  also work on developing additional indicators where relevant and refining the existing  logframe, ensuring that it aligns with the programme’s objectives and the realities on  the ground. 

The consultant’s work will be supported by the Green Expert and the SPARK team, who  will contribute to the comprehensive analysis of the target countries as a whole,  focusing on the green economy aspects. 

Baseline measurement framework 

The following table provides the framework for this baseline measurement:

Results Chain  Indicator  Baseline Measurement 


Data collection 


Data collection tool  Data collection sample
The overall objective of the proposed action is to  

strengthen business support  organisations’ capacity to  act as ecosystem enablers,  therefore bridging the gap  between policy (macro) and  SME (micro) levels in the  Southern Neighborhood in  the transition to an inclusive  green economy.

Policies or regulations 

proposed in the target  countries and the region  towards a greener  

economy in the Southern  Neighborhood (macro  level)

What are the policies and regulations in the target  

countries and the region  

towards a greener economy in  the Southern Neighborhood  (insights disaggregated by  country)

Interviews / focus group discussions  with local policy  


Interviews / focus group discussions guide or  

questionnaire to be  


To be 


% of stakeholders indicate sustainable and scalable  green business  

development support  continues after the  

programme activities end

Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable
Outcome 1 – Strengthened local and regional networks  of actors involved in the  promotion of an inclusive  green economy 1.1 Number and type of partnerships and  

connections built by BSOs  at local and regional level

What is the number and type of partnerships/connections that  the to be supported BSO have  at the baseline stage? Interviews  Count of 

partnerships/connections  and identification of their  types

All BSO to be 

supported by  

the programme

1.2 Number of the 

members of network  

established as a result of  the action

Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable
Outcome 2 – Increased 

stakeholders’ and BSOs’  capacity to promote green  and circular economy  

practices in the region, at micro, meso and macro  levels

2.1 Number of trained BSOs that will offer  

improved business  

support services around  green and circular  


Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable
2.2. % of the quality 

and/or outreach  

capacity improvement  on their services

What is the percentage of MSMEs that are supported by  the BSOs at the baseline phase  and are satisfied with this  

support received so far?

Interviews  Likert Scale satisfaction 

questionnaire to be  


Individual MSMEs  

satisfaction levels will be  determined in a scale from  1 to 5 and those MSMEs that  indicate an average 

75% of MSMEs 

that are  

supported by  

BSO at the  

baseline phase


satisfaction of 4 and above will be considered as those  that are satisfied with the  support received
How many MSMEs are 

supported by the BSOs at the  baseline phase?

Quantitative  Count of MSMEs 

(disaggregated by BSO)

All BSOs to be 

supported by  

the programme

2.3 Number and type of policy recommendations  around the green  

economy developed in  the target countries

Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable
Output 1 – Strengthened capacity of existing business  support organizations to join  forces and act as a network  towards the green economy  transition 1.1.3 Number of BSO who improved their capacity  to become active  

ecosystem players and  enable innovation

What is the baseline

status of the capacity of 

the to be supported 


Quantitative and 


5 Core Capabilities 

Assessment Template 

Or another 

framework/methodology if the above is not 


Quantitative and


5 Core Capabilities

Assessment Template 

Or another 

framework/methodology if the above is not 




to be 

supported by 




Note: Additional indicators will be developed in partnership with our M&E Manager and the consultant(s).

Baseline measurement planning and resources 

This baseline measurement is planned to take place from October 21st until November  30th. The maximum duration of LOEs is 30 days (or more depending on methodology).  The following table provides all tasks that have to be conducted for this mission, the  responsibilities for conducting these tasks and the deadlines for these. It has to be  highlighted that these deadlines are indicative and they will be confirmed in SPARK’s  approval of the baseline plan mentioned below. 

Task  Responsibility  Deadline
Kick off meeting with consultant(s)  SPARK  Oct 21ST
Sharing of existing programme documentation  SPARK  Oct 21ST
Development of plan and submission to SPARK  Consultant(s)  Oct 28TH
Field data collection  Consultant(s)  Nov 10TH
Analysis of collected data  Consultant(s)  Nov 15TH
Presentation of preliminary findings to SPARK  Consultant(s)  Nov 20TH
Development of draft report and submission to SPARK  Consultant(s)  Nov 22ND
Review of draft version(s) of the report  SPARK  Nov 22ND
Finalization of report and submission to SPARK  Consultant(s)  Nov 25TH
Approval of final report  SPARK  Nov 25th
Presentation of key findings to SPARK, local partners focal points and  donor focal points  Consultant(s)  Nov 30th


Note: Additional tasks may be added based on our discussions with the consultant(s).

Expertise required: 

The consultant(s) who will conduct this assessment should be an (a team of)  experienced and independent consultant(s), freelance or from a consultancy  organization, with at least the following expertise: 

  • Advanced university degree in International Development, Social Sciences,  Business Administration or any other related field; 
  • A minimum of 7 years of professional experience in leading and conducting  institutional capacity assessments; 
  • Experience within Green economy, entrepreneurship, employability and  capacity assessment will be considered an advantage; 
  • Experience with programmatic/organizational learning will be considered an  advantage 
  • Demonstrated experience in MENA region 
  • Fluent in English (both reading and writing); 
  • Advanced research, analytical and reporting; 
  • Advanced (intercultural) communication skills;
  • Fluency in Arabic will be considered an advantage. 

Budget for the mission  

The maximum budget available for the consultant(s)-costs is 10000 €. This amount  refers to costs related to the consultant(s) fees.  

Payment Scheme for the baseline measurement  

The payments for this baseline measurement will be processed through the receipt of  invoices and upon submission of deliverables and report, according to the following  scheme: 

Deliverable  Payment
Methodology Plan approved by SPARK  40% of total  

contracting sum

Draft Report submitted to SPARK  30% of total  

contracting sum

Final Report delivery and presentation of key findings to SPARK  30% of total  

contracting sum



Application process: 

The deadline for submission of applications is 06/10/2024.  

All applications should include the following:  

  • Cover letter (maximum 1 page), confirming the candidate(s) availability  during the duration of this baseline measurement, as mentioned above; 
  •  Proof of registration 
  • CV’s of all team members.  
  • Technical proposal, which should clarify explicitly the following: 
  • Candidate(s) understanding of the ToR  
  • Preliminary methodology / work plan  
  • Financial Proposal, which should include consultancy fees that include VAT  with a breakdown of days*fees per deliverable.  

Interested consultants or firms should submit their applications to SPARK through  a.souissi@spark-online.org and a.ajengui@spark-online.org 

Further information may be requested and questions may also be discussed through  email.  

Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.

Due to the large volume of applications we receive, we cannot respond to every  applicant individually. There may be a delay between the application deadline and  the moment we contact selected applicants.  

If you have not received a reply, we regret to inform you that we have continued with  other candidates. 

About SPARK 

At SPARK we create pathways. Pathways that give youth the tools they need to  succeed in regions affected by conflict, climate crisis, and displacement. New ways  to empower students and entrepreneurs to study, work and grow their own businesses.  We do so through our four pillars. We are a dynamic and growing, international not 

for-profit development organization with 120+ staff members, in more than 14 offices  around the world. Our five values are the heart of everything we do. They inspire us to  be the best we can be for ourselves and everyone we work with: 

Trust us to be reliable, fair and have integrity 

A can do attitude is how we achieve our best results 

We care for what we do and who we work with 

We are courageous in who we are, what we do and who we support Ignite innovative responses to the ever-changing needs of the countries we work in

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