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[Offre en anglais] “Great Silk Way” International Youth Union lance un appel à participation le Camp international de la jeunesse à Azerbaïdjan Retour vers les opportunités


31 Juillet 2016 Il y a 9 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Deadline : July 31, 2016

Venue : August 26-30, 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan

Open to :  Young people from the entire world

Organizer : “Great Silk Way” International Youth Union with the support of the Council of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Description :

In the time of conflicts that appear, wars that are going on, the value of intercultural dialogue and non-formal learning and communication between countries, nations, various cultures and religions gets its significance. In the recent years many projects aimed to rising cross-cultural ties between countries were implemented. As one of the Great Silk Way International Youth Union’s objectives is to organize various international training courses and seminars, round-table meetings, exhibitions, conferences, charity marathons, forums and other events aimed at multi-cultural learning, the Union considers that it is important to implement this project in the country where living together among people with different cultures and religions is not a form of behavior, but a way of living.

The “International Youth Camp” is a platform designed to bring together youth from different parts of the world in order to discuss and share their ideas and concerns about issues related to intercultural dialog and multiculturalism. Participants are expected to be encouraged to discuss and thus increase the awareness of the issue. It also aims at exploring ways in which these active and emerging youth can act together as advocates for multiculturalism and tolerance at the local, regional and global level. That is why they will be trained on project management in order to improve their own projects. The Camp provides local and international youth the opportunity to learn intercultural experience, integrated understanding on tolerance, multiculturalism and living together in peace, through a valuable and meaningful 5 days program in a beautiful countryside.


  1. To initiate an intercultural dialogue between youth workers;
  2. To create sustainable motivation and encourage youth for promotion of values and development of actions in the sphere of multicultural dialogue on their local level;
  3. To create common understanding of intercultural dialogue among participants and to develop participants skills in this field;
  4. To encourage future network among participants and support potential peer-leaders and multipliers for Intercultural Dialogue working on local level after the participants are back to their countries of residence;
  5. To explore existing concepts, practices and approaches in intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, project management;
  6. To ascertain the obligations of community to respect, protect and fulfill the right to equal education among the people representing different cultures, nations and religious.

Working style:

The project will use a variety of methods to achieve its aims. The program will include grоuр discussiоns, tеаmbuilding ехеrcises, energizers, simulatiоn gаmes and role-plays, individual and group reflection sessions, individual and group presentations, guest sреаkers, thеоretical input and field trips. The program will be guided by the trainers with international experience in youth events in related topic and facilitated by the staff of the Great Silk Way IYU. The participants that will participate in full duration of the camp will be awarded with certificates.


The Camp is entirely free. Living arrangements, food, internal transportation and activities are provided for in full, however, international participants have just to pay the travel expenses.


Critères d'éligibilité

  • The participants must be aged 18 and 30
  • The participants must be able to work in English
  • The participants must be youth workers involved in youth or community projects in their countries and be willing to realize youth initiatives for intercultural dialogue following the residential meeting
  • The participants must possess a sense of responsibility for one’s own actions and a commitment to personal and community development
  • The participants must be curious, open-minded, appreciate diversity and learn about each other’s realities
  • The participants must be interested in creation of network that will collaborate after the project is over
  • The participants must demonstrate willingness to work
  • The participants must participate at the full duration of the project

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