01 Septembre 2016 Il y a 9 ans
The World Economic Forum established Global Shapers as a special community of extraordinary young people in their 20s. The community provides young leaders with a global platform to shape the future — integrating the personal, community and global dimensions of leadership.
Through the unparalleled convening power of the World Economic Forum, the Global Shapers Community is diverse in demographics, geographical areas and sectors.
However, it is united by a common desire to channel members’ tremendous energy and enthusiasm into building a more peaceful and inclusive world.
Tunis is one of the most established and diverse hubs in the network and organizes a range of local events and opportunities for Shapers, as well as running projects to tackle issues that impact on Tunis. Shapers also benefit from opportunities to connect with the worldwide community of Global Shapers, to network with other World Economic Forum communities, and to represent the voice of youth at World Economic Forum events.
The Tunis Hub is looking for motivated individuals who have great potential for future leadership roles in society. Shapers are selected on the basis of leadership potential and commitment to making a difference.
Shapers come from all walks of life but share a spirit of entrepreneurship in the public interest.
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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 25 août 2016
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