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Front Line Defenders is currently accepting nominations for 2019 Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk. Retour vers les opportunités


05 Janvier 2019 Il y a 6 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Droits de l’Homme
Front Line Defenders is currently accepting nominations for 2019 Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk.
As 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the seminal Stonewall uprising which led to the global movement of LGBT+ Pride marches the 2019 Front Line Defenders Award will prioritise honouring the work of human rights defenders (HRDs) at risk working to defend and advance the rights of the LGBT+ community.
The annual Front Line Defenders Award was established in 2005 to honour the work of HRDs who are courageously making outstanding contributions to the promotion and protection of the human rights of others, often at great personal risk to themselves. The Award focuses international attention on the HRDs work, providing them with a greater national and international platform to speak about and advocate for their work.
From an open nomination process, 5 HRDs will be identified as regional award winners for Africa, the Americas, Asia, ECA and the MENA and from these 5 regional winners, an overall global Award laureate will be identified by a jury of Irish and European parliamentarians.

Selection Criteria

  • the nature of human rights defender’s work
  • the impact of human rights defender’s work in advancing the rights of others
  • the level of risk or negative consequences associated with human rights defender’s work
  • the continued commitment to advancing human rights, despite high level risks
  • the potential impact of receiving the Award on the human rights defender and their work

Nomination Guidelines

  • Incomplete nominations will not be considered.
  • Nominations can be submitted by organisations or individuals.
  • Individual nominees may not play a prominent role in a political party.
  • Individual nominees must be currently active in human rights work (the Front Line Defenders Award is not intended to recognise a historical or posthumous contribution).
  • Individual nominees should not have previously been the recipient of high-profile international recognition.
  • Nominees should be active human rights defenders and must not be living in exile.
  • Self-nomination is not permitted.
  • All nominations must be accompanied by the names and contact details of 2 referees.


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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 19 December 2018

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