27 ديسمبر 2015 Il y a 9 ans
Today, the root causes of the Tunisian revolution (Employment, socioeconomic fairness and prosperity) are still relevant, in fact regional differences and unemployment especially among the youth have worsened. Economic reforms are badly needed, however there is a huge vacuum. This think tank will play an instrumental role by contributing to unlocking Tunisia’s economic growth potential, and strengthening its democratic institutions in the public and private sectors and civil society. It aims to foster fair and sustainable economic and social development.
The MEF project #jobsfortunisia – Putting economy in the center of national dialogue to serve democracy will tackle this gap by putting – as its names suggest – economy in the center of a large public debate. The project is dedicated to the renewal of Tunisian socio-economical politics, prosperity, and dialog – in a Digital Age adapted manner. The success of this initiative will depend on attracting high profile candidates and building a team driven by a passion for Tunisia, aspiring for excellence and motivated by social responsibility to make a difference.
We are seeking to hire a Director of Research who will implement the organisation’s research strategy. The DoR should expect to be main author of most of MEF’s research outputs during the first year and he or she will have to take a hands-on approach. As the centre begins to deliver he or she should review the strategy to make the necessary corrections. The DoR must work closely with the Director of Communications and Policy Outreach to ensure that the right balance between rigour and clarity is met in the choice and use of tools and channels..
Key Responsibilities
Location : Tunis
Start Date : Immediate
More about MEF and its #jobsfortunisia project:
We carry out our mission as a non-profit civic enterprise: think tank, new social media laboratory, public forum, and media platform. Our hallmarks are big ideas, impartial analysis, pragmatic policy solutions, technological innovation, next generation politics, and creative engagement with broad audiences.
MEF’s staff, fellows and board believe in the possibility of transformative change. For thousands of years Tunisia has repeatedly managed to reinvent its society, economy, and political system in the face of sweeping changes at home and abroad, while still holding to the promise of a an open, modern society. We believe that through the power of people, ideas, technology, and participatory democracy, we can and must renew ourselves again.
We aim to nurture a new generation of public intellectuals – scholars, policy experts, and journalists who could address major social, economic, and political challenges in ways that would engage the public at large — and to provide a set of blueprints for Tunisian renewal in an era of globalization and digitization. The initial challenge, which continues today, is to find the minds and foster the debates needed to guide Tunisia into this new era of profound, exhilarating, but often threatening change.
MEF’s #jobfortunisia project will provide a platform that enables individuals and groups working on solutions to drive different stages of change, from inspiration to implementation. The project will concentrate on the following categories:
للأسف هذه الفرصة لم تعد موجودة على جمعيتي . زوروا بانتظام قسم الفرص لتجنب افلات الفرص اللاحقة
عرض شغل منشور على "جمعيتي" في 17 décembre 2015
إكتشف المزيد من الفرص على "جمعيتي" عبر النّقر على هذا الرّابط.