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Final Evaluation Consultant – ICCG Retour vers les opportunités


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17 Novembre 2023 Il y a 8 months

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Project Title: Fa-y-ke wa Nfeyyak: Wake up, Connect, Engage 

Implementing Organization: Ifrikya Center for Common Ground (ICCG) 

Project Duration: 11 months 


Ifrikya Center for Common Ground in Tunisia: 


 Ifrikya Center for Common Ground (ICCG) is a Tunisian peacebuilding NGO that aims to promote sustainable social cohesion in North African societies through conflict transformation. ICCG’s strategy for Tunisia includes promoting a culture of dialogue and diversity by involving all parts of society while building their capacities. ICCG works in Tunisia to help members of Tunisian society address conflicts and differences constructively through cooperation and dialogue. ICCG works across multiple channels, mainly with youth, CSOs, media actors, and local authorities to build the capacity of individuals and institutions to address challenges including differences, and act on common points. ICCG’s main strategic objectives include: (i) promoting peace education; (ii) fostering non-violent social dialogue; (iii) enhancing participatory and inclusive governance; and (iv) transforming violent extremism.

About the project: 


The “Fa-y-ke wa Nfeyyak: Wake up, Connect, Engageproject is funded by Porticus and implemented by Ifikya Center for Common Ground, Tunis over a period of 11 months with an ultimate goal to transform public opinion and attitudes towards the democratic process in Tunisia and encourage social participation. 


The primary objective of the project is to :


  • Empower young Tunisians to identify and analyze online trends in misinformation and build their capacity to address the impact of negative misinformation through training sessions and coaching. 
  • Create a safe digital space in which young people can address those issues in a constructive manner and contribute to more positive online and offline engagement within their communities. 


The project consists mainly of the following activities : 


  1. Selecting 15 young people from 3 different regions; Tunis, Nfidha, and Sidi Bouzid. The selection of the participants will be based on very defined criteria namely their education, motivation and experience, and level of involvement with civil society in their region. 
  2. Organizing a series of training sessions in which participants will acquire new skills as regards the identification of specific trends of misinformation online, fact-checking and digital content creation promoting positive discourse and the exchange of good practices between young participants. 
  3. launching an online and offline campaign that promotes and disseminates reliable content and raises awareness on various topics including the youth’s effective participation in local affairs. 

Purpose of the evaluation : 

ICCG is committed to closely monitoring and evaluating the projects that it has been working on to maximize the effectiveness of the programs and ensure continuous learning across the organization. Through this end-line evaluation, ICCG aims to determine : 


  • To what extent the needs of the target groups were met? and to what extent the project objectives were met during the period of implementation? 
  • What impact has the project had on the target group and the community? 
  • How can we benefit from the project’s best practices and lessons learned in future projects?

In addition to those lines of inquiry, the evaluation is expected to provide information on the key indicators listed in the project log frame. 

Scope of Work for the Endline Evaluation:  


The consultant is expected to:


  • Design an end-line evaluation framework outlining key indicators, methodologies, and data collection tools. 
  • Ensure alignment with project objectives and incorporate a gender-sensitive approach.
  • Conduct surveys and discussions to gather qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Assess the effectiveness of the training sessions and coaching in building the capacity of the youth champions
  • Assess the impact of the online and offline campaigns conducted by the youth champions on the target audience 
  • Evaluate the target audience’s ability to address misinformation.
  • Assess the effectiveness of the roles played by the local partners in increasing civic engagement

It is also required for the hired consultant to: 

  • prepare a comprehensive end-line evaluation report with clear findings, conclusions, and recommendations. 
  • Provide insights into the project’s overall success and areas for improvement.


Expected Deliverables: 


The expected deliverables are as follows : 

  • An Inception report in which the hired consultant would outline the main objectives of the evaluation, scope of work and timeline. 
  • A draft report: in which the hired consultant would present their findings to gather feedback and refine it accordingly. 
  • A final report which includes the entire evaluation of the project including its objectives, methodology, findings, analysis, conclusions and recommendations taking into account the feedback and the adjustments made. 




Critères d'éligibilité

  • Proficiency in Arabic and English (or, French and English).
  •   Familiarity with digital spaces, online engagement, and the challenges associated with misinformation. 
  • Strong analytical and reporting skills, with the ability to provide practical and actionable recommendations. 
  • More than 5 years of experience in project evaluation or the equivalent in DM&E expertise, including collecting and analyzing data from interviews, surveys, FGDs, etc.
  • Strong English language writing skills. 
  • Proven experience in evaluating peacebuilding or social cohesion projects.
  • Expertise in assessing the impact of capacity-building initiatives, especially with youth.

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