14 Août 2021 Il y a 4 ans
Ma3an is a five-year (2018-2023) USAID-funded project with the goal to increase youth participation in civic and political life, address youth grievances, and prevent radicalization in Tunisian communities vulnerable to violent extremism. Ma3an’s objectives include: Youth are equipped with skills and engaged in civic actions with local actors to address their communities’ needs and grievances (Positive Youth Development – PYD), and Tunisian capabilities to prevent and counter violent extremism are enhanced (Preventing Violent Extremism- PVE). At the community level, Ma3an uses a community-driven PYD/PVE model to inform and support sustainable interventions through ongoing collaboration between community actors that are inclusive, participatory, and solutions-focused. These include working with and through local CSO partners to understand local dynamics in each community; and implement community-driven PYD/PVE programming involving youth, local NGOs, local government, and other community leaders through community-specific grants.
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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 26 juillet 2021
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