19 Avril 2024 Il y a 11 mois
Facilitation of ACT’s Vulnerability Reduction Workshop for CTVR II
ACT (Association Cooperation in Tunisia) is an international Christian development organization, based out of Sweden, which has had operations in North Africa for over 35 years. ACT believes in a transformational approach to development and aims for a process of positive change in values, attitudes, and relationships and hopes to see people, communities, and societies move towards fullness of life with dignity, justice, peace, and hope, reflected in the social, physical, and spiritual aspects of life. Together with our local partners we aim for community development, to build the capacity of civil society, to promote employability and to advocate for social justice.
Project context
The Counter Trafficking and Vulnerability Reduction (CTVR) Project was piloted in 2020 and aims to protect women and children from violence and exploitation. Focused now on the Northwest region of Tunisia, ACT has just completed a series of interviews to gather information regarding the relationship between vulnerability and sexual education with youth. The next step is to gather those who were interviewed for an in-person working session. The learnings from this workshop will inform and finalize our project proposal for CTVR Phase II.
The purpose of the Workshop
In early May 2024, ACT will invite experts and civil society partners to a full day workshop to discuss contextual research findings and engage in project planning. ACT hopes to facilitate an inclusive discussion around age-appropriate sexual education and the vulnerability reduction among youth in Tunisia. The goal of this workshop is to determine our scope of work, outline project partners, and begin the creative process for project design. The list of attendees includes medical professionals, sociologists, teachers, parents, and civil society professionals. We expect a wide variety of opinion and contribution that will inform the next phase of CTVR.
Duration and Timeline:
2 weeks of prep time with CTVR II project manager, full-day facilitation of ACT’s workshop, 2 week follow up and reporting back with CTVR II project manager. It can look as such:
Please include your rates in your application.
Elegibility Criteria
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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 8 avril 2024
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