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External Evaluator-Hivos Retour vers les opportunités


15 Janvier 2023 Il y a 2 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Hivos is looking for an expert M&E consultant to conduct a mid-term project evaluation of a project valued at 1 million USD, implemented with 1 local partner in Tunisia.  Deadline: 15 January 2023


Hivos is an international organization that seeks new solutions to persistent global issues. With smart projects in the right places, we oppose discrimination, inequality, abuse of power and the unsustainable use of our planet’s resources. Counterbalance alone, however, is not enough. Our primary focus is achieving structural change. This is why we cooperate with innovative businesses, citizens and their organizations. We share a dream with them of sustainable economies and inclusive societies.

Hivos is implementing a 36-month project aiming to promote Freedom of Expression and Information in Tunisia of 1M USD, which ends in December 2023. This project supports the ability of journalists and media actors to effectively exercise their rights to Freedom of Expression; to promote a participatory and inclusive approach to the development and implementation of a strong and coherent legal framework that protects freedoms of expression (FoE) and access to information (AtI); and to promote public understanding and support for FoE & AtI.  

The project is being implemented with one lead local partner in Tunisia. Partner organization is leading on advocacy and implementation of the activities.


The mid-term evaluation will cover the first two years of the project (September 2020-September 2022). 


  1. Technical proposal to include:

A technical proposal with a profile background, a clear methodology, a table with the list of activities, the number of required days for each activity, a list of the deliverables and/or outcomes against a clear timeline. Also required is a description of previous evaluation experience of similar projects.


  1. Financial proposal detailing the following:

Professional daily rate of consultant reflecting on total number of days. No other expenses will be covered by Hivos. 

Evaluation aims to determine the following:

  1. Effectiveness: methods into measurement of planned objectives and outputs in accordance with the design and time plan.
  2. Efficiency:  measuring the optimization of the project outcome
  3. Sustainability: measuring the sustainability ensured through project outcomes and results, how this sustainability will be conserved in the long run.
  4. Impact: identifying potential opportunities that can be used to capitalize on and briefly reflecting on its impact on the movement and creating better conditions for the targeted group.  Also providing clear recommendations on how to achieve greater impact and scale up during the remaining life of the project. 


  1. Inception report:
    Detailing the initial findings, a proposed detailed action plan, tool/s that will be used for the evaluation, and the potential challenges and limitations with a proposed intervention plan. The inception report should also provide a proposed outline and structure of the final report the evaluator intends to follow. 
  2. Tools and relevant materials:
    All materials, questionnaires, surveys, FGD materials, or any other, to be used throughout the evaluation phase shall be shared with the focal point at Hivos.
  3. Draft evaluation report:
    Draft report shall be submitted to the focal point at Hivos to allow for 5 working days of review and feedback. 
  4. Final evaluation report, factoring feedback and comments from Hivos. 


Deadline for delivery of final report is 1 March 2023.

Consultant Profile

  • At least 3-5 years of relevant experience in project M&E, project management, project planning and designing
  • In-depth understanding of the issues related to FoE and media sector in Tunisia.
  • Basic knowledge of the trends related to Media Literacy and dis/misinformation. 
  • Track record in working on advocacy projects is a plus. 

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 3 January 2023

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