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Expert on ENICBC MED programme and projects; socio economic development, sustainable tourism &networking-WWF Retour vers les opportunités

WWF Afrique du Nord

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23 Décembre 2021 Il y a 3 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

RESTART MED! is a project aligned with ENICBCMED's response strategy to COVID-19: strengthening
resilience in the Mediterranean to bounce back from the global pandemic. The project generally aims to revitalize the tourism economy after the COVID-19 pandemic, building on and learning from previous ecotourism experiences and practices, using this moment for a restart and boosting the sustainability of actions at the same time. time for economic recovery in the Mediterranean countries. RESTART MED will support tourism service providers to work alongside public actors and civil society to not only recover, but also recover better and more resilient, by creating more sustainable policies and products, and increasing tourist access to these products. The project proposes to do so by promoting a participatory (public, private, civil society) and global (through tourist niches and pillars of sustainability: environmental, socio-economic, cultural) approach. The project also aims to create a positive change through a reset of the basic principles of alternative and sustainable tourism, at the level of suppliers, decision-makers and consumers, in revitalized local economies in tourist destinations, where the diversified supply and sustainability and a common (re) brand image will attract tourists.


Part A (ToRs) _networking strategy


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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 14 December 2021

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