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Expert in Employability – Expertise France Retour vers les opportunités

Expertise France

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10 Janvier 2024 Il y a 1 an

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

EU4SKILLS (project in development)
 Support skills reinforcement and implementation of employability mechanisms in Libya

Additional thematic: Education, Green & blue economy, digitalization, economic development, gender, banking and finance sector


Background and objective of the project in Development : 

The Expertise France Libya team is working on a Description of Action to support skills reinforcement and the implementation of employability mechanisms in Libya. This DoA responds to the annual EU financing Decision, constituting the annual work program for the implementation of the special measure of Libya for 2021. The intervention is part of EU for Economic Recovery in Libya program. The objective of this new project is to contribute to the sustainable economic recovery of Libya, while respecting the criteria and axes of intervention presented by the EU commission.

The current description of action is for a duration of 42 months (including 6 months of inception phase) and for a total amount of 7 M€.

The impact of the action is to contribute to the revitalization of a sustainable digital economy for Libya’s main public and private economic institutions.


To contribute to this objective, 4 axes have been developed in this intervention:

  • Outcome 1 (O1): Employability governance and mechanisms are approved and enforced within the Libyan educational system.
  • Outcome 2 (O2): Employability and business opportunities are supported through the reinforcement of the digital transformation.
  • Outcome 3 (O3): Skills and employability on green and blue economies are reinforced for both public and private sectors.
  • Outcome 4 (O4): Skills and capacities of financial sector actors are reinforced to improve SME financial inclusion and employability at institutional level.


The action is conceived as a serie of result-oriented activities, operated in collaboration with numerous Libyan institutional assessment of skills needs (gap analysis) and stakeholders of high influence or strong leverage on prevailing conditions for business. To this end, the project has already identified operational partners and established networks that are mobilized and active, thereby avoiding the danger of long “ramping” up periods that consume a large part of available calendar budget in the project duration.


Missions and tasks :

Main tasks


The expert will be involved in the project development phase. His role is to support the EF Libya team. Specifically, the expert will have to:

  • Familiarize himself/herself with the formats and reference documents related to the EU, as well as the internal documents already developed.
  • Familiarize himself/herself with documents relating to the Libyan context concerning the following themes: employability, education, economic development, blue and green economy, banking sector, etc.
  • Participate in the mission briefing with the whole team.
  • Conduct more specific interviews, if necessary, with the EF team in Libya.
  • Review the draft DoA, i.e. the intervention logic, the expected results, the activities implemented, ensuring in particular that synergies are created between the components and checking the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the proposal. Proposal of amendments should be formulated in order to maximize the technical coherence of the narrative proposal.
  • Verify the consistency of the draft budget with the amended DoA and propose the requested amendments.
  • Integration of a gender approach in the description of the action: list of recommendations, what are the factors promoting the employability of women and young people? What are the limiting factors?


Expected output and deliverables :

  • Revised DoA
  • Revised budget
  • A list of recommendation for the implementation period (typologies of expertise to mobilize, project references, gender approach, etc)


Location and duration : 

Duration: Up to a maximum of 20 days

Period:  December 2023  – mid-January 2024

Location: Home based


Confidentiality : 

The consultant(s) hereby undertakes to maintain confidentiality and not to disclose any information during and after the completion of the assignment with respect to all business matters of which he learns during his time with the program and the outputs that are developed.

Permission must be obtained from the program before any publication.


Critères d'éligibilité

  • Master’s degree in economics, Digital, Public administrations, or other related fields.
  • Relevant work experience with international cooperation agencies
  • Minimum of 10 years of experience in designing/supporting implementation of employability projects
  • Good understanding of social, economic, and political situation in Libya is an asset.
  • Excellent analytical and writing skills
  • Fluent in English
  • Fully-computer literate

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